tongue shot out and into Gloria's navel. The woman sighed and simply lay back. It was a silent command: “Take me, I'm yours!” Denise used her rough, pink tongue to outline the woman's pussy mound, then slowly went upwards toward the deep depression in the plain of her belly. Her tongue drilled downward and impacted a mere half-inch below the surface of the skin. But it was enough to get the other woman off. She yelled and thrashed around and even locked her legs around Denise's waist until the finest portion of the come had died down. Denise decided to move upwards. She had no idea at all what she was doing, but it was fun and obviously Gloria was enjoying it, too. If Don wanted to make any suggestions, he could-and she'd do them after she'd finished discovering this new facet of her own sexuality. The tits seemed to loom upwards like Kilimanjaro rising above the lush plains of Africa. She used her tongue to circle around the left tit, savoring the sally flavor on sweat and relishing the smooth, silky feel of the skin flowing under her oral attentions. “Ummm, you do that so wellll, Denise,” sighed Gloria. “Suck on my poor little titties for me. Make them feel goooood!” Denise slowly spiralled up the slopes of the cone of titflesh. The woman's breathing became harsher as she mounted the ruddy crest. There stood a tiny pillar of red nipple, visibly throbbing and quivering with anticipation. The girl felt her mouth begin to water at the sight. It was like a cherry waiting for her gourmet pleasures. She carefully put her lips around the throbbing button of nipple and felt the rough, bumpy areola press hard into her. Then she started to suck. She found the woman underneath her responding wonderfully fast. She even lifted Gloria up and off the floor with the simple act of sucking hard on the quivering mushroom of flesh. “That feels divine, dear,” cooed Gloria. The girl didn't want to answer. That would mean taking her mouth away from the nipple. She wanted to get them both as hot as possible before going over and letting the two men fuck them again. Her tongue swirled around the nipple teasing it into even harder erection. She then pressed down until the nipple disappeared into the softness of the titflesh underneath. Gloria reached out and pulled Denise's face down even harder into her tit. This caused the girl to open her lips slightly in surprise. She found her mouth suddenly full of silky smooth tit. Inspired, she slowly gobbled her way down the slopes until she got about three-quarters of the way down. She found that she couldn't take in any more of the ample jug. Her mouth simply couldn't get any more stuffed in. Using her teeth left red marks down the creamy white curves but this only spurred the woman on to demand more of her mouth. Denise heard Don's voice, “Why not use some other lips of yours on that tit? Makes for a lot of excitement all around.”

She didn't understand fully what he meant at first, then she remembered her comes and the way Gloria's pussy lips had fluttered against hers. This was what the man meant! She didn't waste any time getting away from the scrumptious mound of tit. Her mouth still watered for that tasty morsel but her cunt was watering even more as she thought of pressing her pussy lips against the crest of that lovely tit. “Wh-what are you doing?” demanded Gloria. “I don't want you to leave me like that. I… aaaieeeeee!” She came.

Denise was hard pressed to keep the woman from wiggling away from under her. But she kept her legs straddling the woman's chest and when the tempest had died a little, she pushed her snatch down to the woman's knockers again. She gripped the base of one of the tits and squeezed hard. The nipple popped up like a red, pointing finger. It was aimed directly up into the girl's pussy. Denise lowered her hips and then applied all the skill she could to making her own cunt lips flutter and obscenely kiss that tit. She succeeded. The pink scalloped inner pussy lips pressed outward and began to flutter like a flag in the wind. They stroked and caressed and made the tit damp with the copious flow of pussy liquids. The woman on her back shoved her chest upward in an attempt to make her tit fuck the girl's pussy.

The attempt made them both come. The feel of the smooth, huge cone of tit-flesh trying to dive all the way up her tunnel of love made Denise shudder through one come after another. And when Gloria used her nipple against the girl's clit, it heightened the sensations immensely. Together, they pushed themselves repeatedly over the glorious brink of orgasm. “Now that's what I call a real tit-fucking,” said Fred. “I used to get Denise down and hold her boobs together while I used my prick between them, but it didn't get her off anything like that.” “Yeah, I guess you just didn't have the right kind of equipment.” “Not like Mom!” Don laughed and settled back to watch. When the two women had finished and simply rolled apart, exhausted, he rose and went over to Gloria. Looking down at her he said, “Notice anything?” She smiled as soon as she saw his raging hard-on. The way it bucked and danced made it cast a shadow on the wall that was a dozen times larger than life. She pointed at the twelve-foot shadow and told him, “That's the size it feels like when it's inside me and fucking like hell. Make me think you've got a twelve-foot ' dong again. Fuck me!” Her legs drifted apart in wanton invitation to him. Fred chuckled when he saw Denise swing around and move her legs in such a way that he couldn't miss seeing her needy twat, too. And to think his parents had been complaining about being sexually bored! They were certainly engaging in a different type of boring tonight and loving every second of it. He didn't stop to ponder it. He dived down and pressed Denise firmly into the floor with the weight of his body. And then he was lost in a rapid fucking that carried both of them out of this world.


“Please, Don, stop. For just a minute!” begged Gloria. “But you don't want to waste this nice boner I've got, do you? Look at it! All aquiver and waiting to be sucked in deep into your greedy little cunt.” “Please, let me get my breath back. I'm panting so hard, I just can't take any more at this second.”

“Hell damn, she's exhausted. I never figured to see the day when my insatiable wife would be down for the count!” “Don't worry about it,” she assured him. “I'm going to be all right in a few minutes. Just want to make sure I'm ready for that thick pussy-pleaser of yours, that's all.” “Ummm, oh, Fred, let's wait, too,” said Denise, putting one elbow under her and rising up a bit. Fred rolled off, a grin on his face. “I never,” said Fred, “thought I'd see the day when my mother and father looked at each other like that. Why, they're like two teenagers in love! And here we thought they were too bored with fucking to ever want to do it with each other again. I guess the staid old stuff still has a bit of attraction for the older set, huh, Denise?” “Indeed it does. How about it, you two?

Decided that things are really better than you'd thought they were?”

“Thanks to you, Denise, Fred. But,” said Don, his eyes momentarily drifting in Gloria's direction, “I think we both know the real reason we're enjoying this so much. It's both of you. “You flatter us too much, well-hung sir. It's you and Gloria who've put it all together. You're the ones making your marriage work again. All it fakes is getting out of the rut.” “Yeah, and we think you and Fred contribute to helping us out of that sameness. And we can't help but notice that you two seem to be enjoying this a lot, too. Maybe the four of us could…” “Continue?” supplied Fred. He glanced at Denise, then ran his hand up and down the inside of her perfectly shaped thigh. The skin was warm and young and smooth and he wanted get back between her thighs so his prick could find the target it was demanding so eagerly now-her cunt. “Why not? The four of us.

We're a family. It's obvious that you and Denise are going to get married. And you could come live here and… “Whoa, there, Mom.

It's not obvious that Denise and I will get married. Maybe live together, but that's the way we have of keeping our own spontaneity.

If I knew all she had to do was leave-just walk out the door-if I stopped pleasing her, I'll keep trying to keep her happy. With a slip of paper and some mumbled words, we're married and it takes an act of God to get us pulled apart. I might start neglecting her if I thought she might not want to go through all that hassle.” “Right, Gloria,” said Denise. “And it works both ways. I have to keep him happy or it's splits-time. It's both harder and easier. That doesn't mean the emotional involvement isn't there, though. Really, I love Fred and he loves me.” Denise smiled as she felt his hand creeping toward her snatch. “But marriage isn't for us. Not now, at any rate.”

Gloria's face fell but Don quickly put in, “That doesn't mean we can't keep going like this, though, does it? Why do the kids have to be married, Gloria? Or does that make it a little kinkier for you knowing you're balling your own married son and having his wile suck your tits?” “Oh, Don,” she said, but there was no sting in the words. She soon brightened and said, “He's right! I knew I had a reason for marrying him so many years ago. Why can't we keep going like this? Whether you kids are married or not?” “No reason!” said Fred, rolling back between Denise's inviting legs. She rocked back a little and allowed his prick easy entry into her pussy. They both shuddered as his prick shot between her cunt lips and drove for the depths of her belly. “Hey, share the wealth, son!” said Don, pulling Fred up and away from the luscious pussy he was so avidly fucking. “Here, try this one!” Fred landed

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