bouncing around under the other woman's oral attentions, it was little wonder he couldn't keep track of what he was doing. She licked from his halls all the way up the underside of his cock until she came to the cleft head of his cock. Then she did a little tap-dancing number that made his hips rise off the floor. The light touches she gave his cock were entirely unpredictable. They went from one spot to another on his prick, flicking gently here, pressing rough and hard there. The feathery caress on the very tip of his cock almost made him come. To spurt out his sperm and semen so soon would have been a disaster, but the woman's mouth was good. Damned good. When she enmouthed the entire tip of his prick, he groaned harshly. The pressure inside his balls was almost more than he could take. Now the added sexual force of her sucking mouth and flicking tongue pushed him closer and closer to jetting out his jism. She used her teeth on him just enough to bring angry blood to his skin. Then she soothed and laved any hurt away with her tongue, but this caused more and more excited blood to pound into his cock. He thought he must be about a dozen feet long by now, so much blood having pumped into his prick. He couldn't hold down the rising tide of his jizm when she tried to stuff her tongue down his piss-slit. The attempt was destined for failure but the stab of delight blasting down into his balls triggered his come. He fountained out his pearly white jizz into her sucking mouth as he'd never gotten off before. When his depleted prick limply fell from the woman's mouth, he felt happier and more sated than he could remember having been in years-and he still had a face full of redolent pussy to be eaten! Gloria's mouth couldn't hold all the jism she'd teased from Don's prick. Her tongue tried vainly to capture all the come leaking from her lips. One spot had even landed on her cheek far beyond where she could possibly manage to reach with her tongue. But that didn't matter too much to her. Like Don, she had other things to keep her occupied. “Keep fucking, damn you, Fred. Don't stop! I want to feel that swollen prick of yours deep in my cunt! Make me come! Give me one hell of a fucking, son!” Fred didn't answer. He had wrapped his hands around his mother's waist to keep him on target and to pull her hips back into his prick as he drove forward with his own hips. This gave him about the deepest penetration possible.

Fucking her like the bitch she was gave him an added thrill. He could even reach around her waist and diddle her clit. But this wasn't what he wanted. There was another; even smaller and more stimulating hole he wanted to fuck the living hell out of. His prick wetly popped from her clutching cunt. His long fuck-stick was liberally greased with his mother's inner oils. For a moment, he held still, as if scouting the terrain, then he drove forward again. This time his target was a bit higher-her asshole. “Oh! Oh, Fred, it… it's no use! You're too big to fit in there! You'll tear me apart all the way to the chin!” But the youth didn't hesitate. His well-greased prong pressed harder into the puckered ring of her anus. The muscles surrounding the very tip of his prick tried hard to keep him from her back door. The quivering little anal sphincter clamped tight and pulsed harshly against his glans. But the juices from her cunt made his cock too slippery to keep out. He slipped into the ring of her asshole and buried just the purple head of his cock firmly in her behind. He hesitated for a moment and allowed the heat to seep into his prick. Her cunt had been hot; her asshole was even hotter. It threatened to burn him down to a stub, but what a way to go! He shoved forward another half-inch. The woman groaned loudly, but she didn't try to pull away. “No, son, no!” she cried out. “You're going to tear me apart inside. That cock! Oh, oh! Fuck me! I want you to fuck meeeeee!” The sudden change in what she was saying took him a little by surprise. He knew from the way her body was responding to his backdoor techniques that she really wanted to be cornholed. But to hear it from her lips was a new sensation for him. He drove his cock into the seething depths of her rectum with all the fury locked in his body. They both gasped in unison as soon as his balls wetly slapped against the gaping lips of her cunt. His prick was in her ass to the hilt. The slightest movement on either of their parts made both of them totally aware of the power of that prick. He moved his hips in a small circular motion that caused his cock to stir around inside her like a spoon in a bowl. But no spoon had ever been so hard and warm and desirous of fucking. And no bowl had ever been so superheated and demanding of a cock. “Fuck me. I can't stand to have you simply sitting back there and doing nothing!” she complained.

He wanted to deny that he wasn't doing anything. He was hanging on for dear life trying to keep from coming! The way her asshole worked at his prick, he thought she was a human guillotine trying to chop him off. And the walls of her rectum were tighter than any cunt he'd ever fucked. The smoothness and the flexibility pressed in on him from all sides. Together with the heat of her body, he was having one hell of a hard time trying to keep from coming. And she thought he wasn't doing anything! “Gotta rest for a second,” he muttered.

“Got to make sure you're ready for the real butt-fucking;” “I'm ready, damn your eyes, now fuck meeeeee!” She felt a surge of desire flash through her body. The galvanic jolt shook her teeth, it hit her so hard. For a second, she thought she'd gotten off. Then she realized it wasn't that. This was something preparing her body for the real come to follow. The woman couldn't believe that just having her son's cock driven into her asshole would be such a thrill, but it was.

And she was needing him to really get to fucking. The sexual tensions mounting in her belly threatened to rip her apart like a used piece of tissue paper. “Fuck meeeeee!” she cried again. Shoving her hips back into his groin told him of her desperate need. Never had she felt this horny. The simple act of him driving his prick into her bowels had turned her weak and watery inside. She knew that when he came he would be giving her the sexiest enema possible. His come would whitewash her rectum and make her even more liquid inside than she felt now. But he had to fuck her ass. He had to really get into Greeking her or she would be denied that pleasure. She knew she might pass out soon from the incredible tensions rampaging inside her. That had always been something out of the romances she read that she hadn't believed. A woman didn't pass out from a man fucking her. Gloria was finding out different while her son's prick sluggishly moved in and out of her ass. “More,” she begged. “Give it all to me!”

She felt his fingers begin to stoke lightly across the very tip of her clit. His strong arms encircled her and held her firmly against his groin. Everything he was doing turned her on more and more until she knew it wouldn't be possible to hold back any longer. She came. Fireworks and rockets and Fourth of July were all the romance story descriptions. She felt them and more. Her body tingled.

She felt the sweat pouring down her body, dribbling onto her tits and tickling as it dripped from the nipples and onto the rug. Her breath came in tortured pants and the room spun so fast she had to rest her head on her crossed arms. This thrust her ass even more firmly back into her son's crotch. His prick sank another half-inch into her asshole. She came again, harder, more demanding, more satisfying. And still she wanted more. “God, Mom,” he grunted. “Your asshole feels like a hangman's noose around my cock. The muscles are going to chop off my prick and leave it inside you!” “Good,” she moaned, “as long as it keeps fucking my poor little ass!” “Little is right. Feels like a surgeon's glove filled with lava. And the walls are so rubbery and tight!” He shoved his hips forward as hard as he could. The smooth, soft curves of her ass fit nicely against his upper thighs. The sight of her snowy buttocks pressing into his body the way they were made him even more aware of her body. The tightness.

The heat. The way she was moving. The supreme excitement he was generating in her loins. She came again and again as he fucked her ass. The feelings inside him mounted. His tired balls came alive again. He'd been sucked off a couple times that night and still he found his balls tightening into a hard little globe filled with steamy hot jism. When the rising tide of his passion burned along his prick, he held back. He didn't want to come yet. He wanted to butt-fuck his very own mother a few more times. His hips blurred, he was fucking her so fast. The friction along the entire length of his prick mounted to the point where he thought he must be shooting sparks. The heat seethed and boiled and crept down the youth's fleshy pillar of manhood. He knew he couldn't keep up this frantic ass-fucking much longer, but he was turning into a sex-hungry stud. He wanted all the satisfaction, all the sexual thrills he could get.

She was joining in and responding. Their bodies met in a hard impact that drove his cock even deeper into her back. The way her ass mashed and pressed into his body cradled him, made him aware of the heights of his passion. When he was no longer able to keep his come locked up tightly inside his balls, he exploded. His prick might have been a meaty stick of dynamite. His entire body shuddered as he sought even deeper corners of her ass to sink into. His cock shot out spurt after white-hot spurt of his jism until her asshole had sucked him dry. “Ummm,” she gasped, falling forward and away from his deflating prick. “That was nice, but…” Fred looked down at his mother and wondered. He'd gotten off on the butt-fucking in a big way but she obviously was unsatisfied. There was no way he could help her out of her sexy dilemma. His prick was gone for a while. And his father's was in the same condition due to her mouth working so feverishly on it. But… Another idea came to him. He wondered if the others would see it, too.

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