“Dammit, I'm still horny,” Gloria declared. “I am, too,” replied Denise, turning and looking al the older woman.

“Don's jaws hurt from eating me out. Hut he didn't finish me off. If anything, he only added to the problem.” She rubbed her snatch and smiled at him, then Hushed a big smile at Fred. A moment's instant communication went between them, all silent but nonetheless complete, and then she knew what the solution was to their mutual problems.

Don and Fred were worn out. It would be a while before their pricks were workable fucking tools again. But she and Gloria still had a mighty big sexual itch that needed to be scratched. Why should she have to rely on either Don or Fred when Gloria was perfectly able to satisfy her needs? They both needed one another. And some lezzie action would be an entirely new and exciting trip. “Gloria,”

Denise started slowly, “have you ever made love to another woman before?” “No, never. The thought never-what do you mean 'before'?

You make it sound like we're going to do that now…” Her voice trailed off as she caught the gleam in the girl's eye. “Not before now!” Don spoke up. “What do you two mean? That you're going to get it on with each other?” “I knew there was some reason I married you, Don,” said Gloria. “Your wit and logic at times is blindly brilliant.” She lightly flicked his dead cock with the tip of her finger. “Though this doesn't look like a brilliant performance type tool to me right now.” Smiling, she turned to Denise and said, “Dear, help me get out of these clothes. They're actually starting to cut off my circulation.” “Sure, be glad to-if you'll help me with mine!” The two of them stripped the remnants of their clothing off until they were bare-assed naked. Sitting in front of the fire, their bodies became seductively beautiful with shadows of the leaping flames licking across tits and plunging toward their furry pussy mounds. The deeper shadows of their snatches provided a tantalizing meal of unlimited potential for both of them. But they really didn't know where to start. This was brand-new for both of them. Don sensed their hesitation and immediately guessed at its cause. He said, “Look, I'm no expert on this, but I know what gets me all hot to trot. I go to some of the porno movies and my favorites are the ones with lesbian action.” Both women turned and looked at him. Gloria started to say something but a quick hand by Denise which covered her left tit silenced her words. The younger girl was interested in hearing what was possible and what would be the best ways for them to go about this. “Scissor your legs together,” Don ordered. He rocked back against the sofa and watched. “Now you put your pussies as tightly together as possible. Good.” The way his words came out told all of them that he was getting horny just watching the two women get ready to work on each other. And if he'd been asked, Fred would have had to admit to the same feelings. Seeing Denise and his mother twined together like a pair of pretzels, their cunts lewdly dragging across each other, sent twinges into his flaccid prick. If he hadn't just gotten off butt-fucking his mother, he knew he would have one hell of a raging hard-on now. The feelings were still in his body, but the reaction would have to come along later. But not much later, he hoped. He wanted to join into this sexy little circle! “Now take each other's foot between your tits and pull as hard as you can. Do whatever seems right from now on,” Don finished. He began squeezing down on his prick as if it were a small animal wanting to be petted. Nothing much happened but the action on the floor in front of the fireplace got hot and heavy very quickly. Denise was surprised at the sensations ripping into her cunt. This was so totally unlike anything she'd ever felt before, she almost wanted to deny it was happening. The pressure of Gloria's cunt against hers sent tremors earthquaking through her body until her tits bounced around. And with the other woman's leg securely held between her boobs, even this stimulated her. The sight of the foot just inches away from her mouth made Denise remember how her own toes always curled up whenever Fred fucked her. There had to be some erotic connection between the toes and cunt. On a sudden impulse, she pulled a bit more until Gloria's foot was within lip distance and then she began sucking on the woman's toes. The effect was remarkable. Gloria let out a low, heartfelt moan that seemed to say, “This is living! I want more!”

Denise licked and sucked on the woman's toes and noted instantly the effect it had on the pussy lips pressed so hard against her own. Those other blue-tinged cunt lips began to flutter and grow even moister from lust. They seemed to lick and caress and even lass her own. She wondered if Gloria could control them or if this was simply a result of the toe-sucking. Concentrating, she tried to make her own sex lips ripple and act like leaves in the wind. She didn't know if she succeeded or not because Gloria came-hard. Denise pulled the leg into her own tits as hard as she could to keep the other woman from snaking away from her. The passionate tide of orgasm blasted through the older woman and held her captive for long minutes. When it would seem she had to die from lack of air, she let out a long, ragged sigh and said, “That's the most potent come I've had in years. Do it again to me, Denise. Please!” Denise rolled over and, with their bodies scissored together as they were, she pulled Gloria around with her.

This crushed their cunts together in a new and surprising way. She felt her pussy lips lewdly suck and pull at the other woman's. Then their clits duelled. The tiny little pillars of ultrasensitive flesh almost sang a continuous song of joy when they were pushed together.

The teenaged girl shuddered and let the sweet lightning bolts of passion shoot into her belly. Rocking back and forth made the contact even more intense. She wanted nothing more than to let the delight building in her own belly wash over her. But something wasn't quite right. Then she noticed that Gloria wasn't sucking on her toes as she was on the older woman's. This decided her that the other woman had some hang-ups that wouldn't easily be overcome. So she would simply have to make the best of it. Pulling her leg down a little, she managed to get the nipple of Gloria's left tit between her toes. She began wiggling her toes back and forth, stimulating the rock- hard pebble of nipple and giving herself a new source of pleasure. She continued to fondle Gloria's tit until she got off. And when she did, the toe-curling reaction made her toes squeeze down iron-hard on the woman's nipples. She felt the flesh of her tit begin to flow as the pounding foot mashed down on the softness of the boob. The eraser-hard nipple protruded from between the toes and allowed her to roll it around a bit more. All the while, the glorious passions of orgasm hammered away at her body and brain. She was lost in the wonderland of sex and didn't want to return from it. Here, everything was perfect.

She had never felt more thrilled in all her life. Cunt lips pressed lustily into hers, soft womanly buttocks rocked against her own, her foot was pressing into the marshmallowy mounds of titflesh and playing with Gloria's nipples, and she had a dainty foot all to herself for her own sucking pleasure. Everything was too perfect to last.

Denise slowly came down from her sexual high and heard Fred muttering, “God, it's making me feel inadequate. I never gave her a climax like that!” “Guess well both have to work a little harder at it, but damn! They're so damned seductive. Just looking at 'em fucking like that's giving me my hard-on back. I haven't gotten a boner after getting sucked off in less than a half hour in more years than I care to remember.” “I'm still a young stud, but I know what you mean. There ought to be limits to what a man can do and look at me! Hard again!” Denise heard the men talking and silently reveled in the knowledge that she and Gloria could have all the hard, virile manmeat they wanted-as soon as they were finished with each other. This was simply too good to abandon now! Gloria rolled over, this time taking Denise with her. The pressure gave them both added contact at the crotch. Their snatches were eagerly licking and sucking, almost as if they had lives of their own now. The girl was fascinated with the effect this lesbian lovemaking was having on her. How had she missed it all these years? Gloria might have some hang-ups but she knew her own anatomy and what made her respond.

Figuring rightly that any other woman would have the same triggers to her lust, she used all her skill and knowledge of masturbating on the girl. It worked to perfection. Stretching the skin surrounding her clit as tightly as possible made the girl come repeatedly. Gloria knew this was a woman's most sensitive organ. Light touches worked best and a steady stream of fuck fluid had to be carried from the cunt to keep it from chafing and irritating. But she didn't have to worry about that since her own cunt was frothing over and making both their pussy mounds damp as a tropical jungle. Denise gasped and felt the sweat running down her body. As she rolled onto her back, some of it puddled in her navel. The sensation made her think how nice it was when Fred tongue-fucked her belly button. She wondered if Gloria would like that. She broke the cunt-to-cunt contact with a lewd smacking noise and rapidly snaked her way up the other woman's body.

She was amazed at how beautiful and trim Gloria was. If she hadn't known better, she would have thought she was maybe twenty-five or twenty-eight at the outside. The woman was taking good care of herself. And for that Denise was happy. It gave her something to aim for as she grew older. She didn't have to lose her beauty or trim figure. Not as long as she kept active. And she had the greatest idea in the world for staying busy. Sex! Her

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