Vincent. Rituals of Sacrifice. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2003; Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. “On the Loathly Bride.” Coomaraswamy 1, Selected Papers: Traditional Art and Symbolism, ed. by Roger Lipsey. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1977; Campbell, Joseph. The Hero with a Thousand Faces. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1949; Eliade, Mircea. Rites and Symbols of Initiation, trans. by Willard Trask. London: Harvill Press, 1958; Frazer, James. The Golden Bough. England, 1890; Henderson, Joseph L., and Maude Oakes. Wisdom of the Serpent: The Myths of Death, Rebirth, and Resurrection. New York: George Braziller, 1963; Kingsley, Peter. In the Dark Places of Wisdom. Inverness, CA: The Golden Sufi Center, 1999.

5 Lounsbury, Floyd. “The Base of the Venus Table in the Dresden Codex, and Its Significance for the Calendar-Correlation Problem.” Calendars of Mesoamerica and Peru: Native American Computations of Time, ed. by Anthony Aveni and Gordon Brotherston. Oxford: B.A.R. International, Series 174, 1983, pp. 1-26; Lounsbury, Floyd. “A Derivation of the Mayan-to-Julian Calendar Correlation from the Dresden Codex Venus Chronology.” The Sky in Mayan Literature, ed. by Anthony F. Aveni, New York: Oxford University Press, 1992, pp. 184-206.

6 Tedlock, Dennis. “Myth, Math, and the Problem of Correlation in Mayan Books.” The Sky in Mayan Literature, ed. by Anthony F. Aveni, New York: Oxford University Press, 1992, pp. 247- 273.

7 Tedlock, Barbara. Time and the Highland Maya. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1982 (revised 1992), p. 1.

8 Ethnohistorical evidence for the GMT-2 correlation followed among the Aztecs (1 Serpent = August 13, 1521, Julian) is in Edmonson, Munro. The Book of the Year. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1988, pp. 62-63.

9 As an example, see “the final days” (lowercase) thread on the University of Texas Mesoamerica discussion group on Google:

10 Jenkins, John Major. “Academic Confusion.” 1992.

11 Jenkins, John Major. “December 21, 2012: Some Rational Deductions.” The Institute of Maya Studies newsletter, ed. by James Reed. Miami: Institute of Maya Studies, March 2008. Also here: and

12 Looper, Matthew. Quirigua: A Guide to an Ancient Maya City. Antigua, Guatemala: Editorial Antigua, S.A., 2007, p. 183.

13 “One of the most ambitious monumental programs dedicated to the three-stone hearth occurs at the Late Pre-Classic site of Izapa.” Taube, Karl. “The Jade Hearth: Centrality, Rulership, and the Classic Maya Temple.” Function and Meaning in Classic Maya Architecture, ed. by Stephen Houston. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, 1998, p. 439.

14 Looper, Matthew. “Creation Mythology at Naranjo.” Texas Notes, No. 30, 1992.

15 Taube, Karl A. “The Birth Vase: Natal Imagery in Ancient Maya Myth and Ritual.” The Vase Book: A Corpus of Rollout Photographs of Maya Vases, vol. 4. New York: Kerr and Associates, 1994, pp. 652-685.

16 Hunt, Eva. Transformation of the Hummingbird: Cultural Roots of a Zinacantecan Mythical Poem. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1977.

17 Brotherston, Gordon. “Astronomical Norms in Mesoamerican Ritual and Time Reckoning.” Archaeoastronomy in the New World, ed. by Anthony Aveni. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1982, p. 129.

18 Nuttall, Zelia. “The Fundamental Principles of Old and New World Civilizations: A Comparative Research Based on a Study of the Ancient Mexican Religious, Sociological and Calendrical Systems.” Archaeological and Ethnological Papers of the Peabody Museum, vol. II. Harvard University. Salem, MA: Salem Press, 1901.

19 de Santillana, Giorgio. Reflections on Men and Ideas. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, 1968, p. xi.

20 de Santillana, Giorgio, and Hertha von Dechend. Hamlet’s Mill. Boston: Godine, 1969, p. 244.

21 Feuerstein, Georg, Subhash Kak, and David Frawley. In Search of the Cradle of Civilization. Wheaton, IL: Quest Books, 1995.

22 Tedlock, Barbara, and Dennis Tedlock. “Where You Want to Be.” Interview in Parabola: The Magazine of Myth and Tradition, XVIII(3), New York, 1993, pp. 43-53.

23 Newsome, Elizabeth. Trees of Paradise and Pillars of the World. Austin, Tex.: University of Texas Press, 2001, p. 177ff.

24 See Jenkins, Galactic Alignment, 2002, p. 249ff, for a detailed discussion. See also Patrick Wallace’s calculations at

25 Lavoie, Franklin. Personal communication, e-mails January 9-10, 2007.

26 Joscelyn Godwin, endorsement statement in Jenkins, Galactic Alignment, 2002.

27 Giamario, Daniel. “The May 1998 Galactic Alignment: A Shamanic Look at the Turning of the Ages.” The Mountain Astrologer 11(2). Cedar Ridge, CA. 1998, pp. 57-61.

28 Actually, the alignment zone is a bit longer, due to the 61° angle between the galactic equator and the ecliptic. I usually refer to the thirty-six-year zone 1980-2016 for the sake of simplicity. The point is that it is unrealistic to think the galactic alignment “happens” specifically and only on December 21, 2012.

29 Jenkins, John Major. The Center of Mayan Time. Boulder, CO: Four Ahau Press, 1995.

30 Schele, Linda, and David A. Freidel. “The Courts of Creation: Ballcourts, Ballgames, and Portals to the Maya Otherworld.” The Mesoamerican Ballgame, ed. by Vernon L. Scarborough and David R. Wilcox. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1991, p. 291.

31 Ibid., p. 309.

32 This is a generalized consensus agreed upon by most scholars, although it is not the only thing the ballgame is about. See, e.g., Fash, William L., and Jeff Karl Kowalski. “Symbolism of the Ball Game at Copan: Synthesis and New Aspects.” The Sixth Palenque Round Table, 1986, ed. by Merle Greene Robertson. Norman, Okla.: University of Oklahoma Press, 1991, pp. 59-67.

33 Hatch, Marion Popenoe. “An Hypothesis on Olmec Astronomy, with Special Reference to the La Venta Site.” Papers on Olmec and Maya Archaeology: Contributions of the University of California Archaeological Research Facility, No. 13. Berkeley: University of California, 1971, pp. 1-64. On Tak’alik Ab’aj’s precession-tracking astronomical observatory: Tarpy, Cliff. “Place of the Standing Stones.” National Geographic, May 2004. Alignments with a dark cloud constellation (the Fox) in a Peruvian temple: Benfer, Robert, and Larry R. Adkins. “The Americas’ Oldest Observatory.” Astronomy magazine, 35, 2008, pp. 40-43.

34 On the “materialization of time,” see Prudence Rice, Maya Calendar Origins. 2007.

35 Kelley, David. “Mesoamerican Astronomy and the Maya Calendar Correlation Problem.” Memorias del Segundo Coloquio Internacional de Mayistas 1. Mexico: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. 1989, pp. 65-95.

36 On human intersubjectivity, see Barbara Tedlock. Time and the Highland Maya. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1982, pp. 4-5.

37 See “Some Iconographic and Cosmological Observations on the Symbolism of the new Stela 48 from

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