The plant was gated and heavily guarded. No doubt the security had been increased because of the bacterial invasion. The Jedi hovered in a heavily forested area on the fenced perimeter. Qui-Gon swept the area with macrobinoculars.

'There are none of the usual ways to breach security,' he noted.

'Anyone entering must go through a retinal scan. There are guard droids posted at every entrance. Even after we took care of the guards, we would have to break in with our lightsabers. And that would most likely trigger a full-scale security alert.'

'We want to get in and out without being seen,' Adi said.

'Not to mention without any loss of life,' Qui-Gon added. He stared at the plant, thinking. Then, suddenly, he saw a way. 'Of course,' he said.

'We can't walk in. But we can swim.'

The Great Sea narrowed to a fast-moving river downstream from the plant. The water foamed around boulders and formed mini-falls in the center of the river.

'The current is very strong.' Adi glanced at Qui-Gon. He saw the concern on her face. 'Maybe it would be better if only one team goes in.'

'We have a better chance if we all do.' Qui-Gon took out his breathing tube and was the first to wade into the shockingly cold water.

'When we get to the in-draw pipes, there will most likely be a filter covering the opening,' Qui-Gon said. 'We can't use our lightsabers, so we'll have to use vibrocutters. Stay close to us, Padawans. Do not be afraid to ask for our help if you tire.'

And you, Qui-Gon? Will you ask for help if you need it?

Adi's dark gaze asked the question. He ignored it.

The Jedi slipped underwater. Qui-Gon felt the current pull him along.

It was carrying him in the right direction, but he had to take care not to bump against the boulders or get caught in the swirling eddys. It took all of his strength.

The current swept them toward the pipes. As they got closer, they felt themselves being sucked along even faster. Now the danger would lie in being slammed up against the filters.

As they approached the pipes, Adi motioned to them to fight the current. Waving their arms to slow their pace, they managed to gently bump against the giant filter. Already Qui-Gon had reached for his vibrocutter.

He and Adi went to work as their Padawans hung on to the grates.

Quickly, they sliced a hole in the filters and motioned their Padawans through first. Immediately after entering the pipe, they were sucked along by the action of the water, bumping on the sides of the pipe, turning and tumbling until Qui-Gon did not know which way was up. His shoulder wound cried out at the twisting motion. By the time he spilled out into a giant tank, he was overcome with dizziness.

He felt Obi-Wan touch his shoulder. His Padawan had noticed his distress. Qui-Gon nodded to let Obi-Wan know he was all right even as he fought his queasiness.

They quickly swam to the side of the tank and swung themselves up and over the side. They were in a large viaduct made of stone. Banks of equipment surrounded the tank. Further on the water was treated, but here, machines took random samplings of its quality.

Adi pointed to a tech console nearby. While Adi, Obi-Wan, and Siri kept watch, Qui-Gon pressed buttons and levers until a long panel slid open. A storage unit held vials of water samples, labeled by date.

'We'll never get out the same way,' Qui-Gon said to Adi as he tucked the samples into his tunic. 'We'll have to find some tech jackets and pose as workers.'

She nodded. 'There's got to be a supply closet.'

Suddenly, a red light on the console pulsed. A few seconds later, they heard the sound of approaching droids. 'I think it's time to leave,'

Qui-Gon said, reaching for his lightsaber. 'Let's do this quickly, before the Belascan guards arrive.'

The guard droids wheeled around the corner, blasters held high. The Jedi charged as one spinning block, lightsabers in constant motion. Qui-Gon took out two droids with one stroke. Adi flipped over the group and attacked from behind. Siri went down on one knee and came up with a mighty swing that knocked one droid over and cut the other in two. Obi-Wan went for the droids on Qui-Gon's left side, slicing the top off of one droid and burying his lightsaber in the control panel of the other.

In just seconds, it was over.

'Belascan guards will be here soon,' Qui-Gon said, breathing heavily.

'Never mind getting out quietly. Let's just get out.'

Together, he and Adi cut a hole in the durasteel exit door with their lightsabers. A siren began to clang. With the noise ringing in their ears, the Jedi leaped through the hole in the door and raced for the high fence.

Qui-Gon reached out for the Force. He needed it desperately if he were to make it over that fence. He heard blaster fire ping near his ear.

Obi-Wan and Siri sailed over the fence, clearing it by several centimeters.

He saw that Adi had slowed her pace to make sure that he would be able to clear it.

With a mighty effort, Qui-Gon forced his tired muscles to cooperate.

His feeling of the Force surged, helping his leap. Still, he slammed against the top of the fence and had to haul himself over by hand. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Adi sail over.

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