Qui-Gon landed heavily and a little off balance. He raced for the treeline. He ignored the blaster fire behind him, counting on Adi to expertly divert any fire that came too close.

He reached the safety of the trees and glanced back. 'They are not following. They don't have to. They know who we are.'

Adi tucked her lightsaber back into her belt. 'It won't take long before Min K'atel orders us off the planet. I think we just wore out our welcome.'

Chapter 18

Qui-Gon leaned against the trunk of a tree, his eyes closed, as Adi ran the samples through an analyzer and then sent the data to Tahl.

Obi-Wan approached him and sat down gingerly. He knew that Qui-Gon did not want him to speak. But he was worried.

'You have not regained your strength, Master,' he said quietly. 'Are you sure that — ' He stopped. Qui-Gon had opened one eye. That was enough to stop his voice in his throat.

'Winna Di Uni told me it would take time,' Qui-Gon said. 'It is doing so.' He closed his eyes. 'Do not worry, Padawan. This will be over soon.

Then I will rest.'

Obi-Wan nodded, even though Qui-Gon did not see him. He had observed his Master tired and in pain before, but never so diminished. It was a strange feeling. If Qui-Gon could weaken, any Jedi was vulnerable.

Adi's comlink signaled, and she quickly pressed the holo function.

Tahl appeared.

'The bacteria have been bioengineered,' she said without any preliminaries. 'It has been cleverly done. The measures taken to restrain it actually caused it to grow.'

Qui-Gon sat up, alert. 'Can you tell the scientists here how to control it?'

'They already know,' Tahl said. 'A scientific research company on Belasco announced a discovery just a few hours ago. They now know how to neutralize the bacteria. They also have found a way to treat those who are already sick. They will make a fortune.'

'A fortune,' Obi-Wan repeated softly. 'And a piece of a fortune was offered to Ona Nobis if she came back.'

Adi leaned toward Tahl. 'Can you trace the company back to — '

'Zan Arbor Industries? I already have,' Tahl said.

Siri slapped a hand on her leg. 'We've got her.' 'Now we have to find her,' Adi said.

'I'll be standing by,' Tahl said, and her image faded.

Qui-Gon stood. 'Let's head back to the royal grounds. I'm certain the answer is there.'

The sun was lowering as the Jedi hurried through back streets toward the palace gates.

Streams of Belascan citizens were heading there as well. They realized quickly that news had spread about the discovery. The people were gathering to celebrate. They would have plenty of cover.

And so would Ona Nobis.

They moved through the crowd on the palace lawns, searching for Astri.

'I don't see her anywhere,' Qui-Gon said. 'She's supposed to be keeping an eye on Uta S'orn.'

'There she is,' Obi-Wan said, pointing. 'She's wearing a medic aide coverall.'

Dressed in white, Astri wheeled a young boy through the garden. She bent down to pull a blanket over his lap.

'It's good cover,' Qui-Gon said. 'But what about Cholly, Weez, and Tup?'

Tup burst out of one of the Med Wards at the head of a group of children, juggling three bright laserballs. Weez followed.

'At least they are staying out of trouble,' Qui-Gon said.

Astri caught sight of them and hurried over, her face alight.

'Have you heard the news? A cure has been found!'

'We've heard,' Adi said. 'But we still have a problem.'

'I've been keeping track of Uta S'orn,' Astri said. 'I haven't seen anything suspicious. She's out in the open all the time. She's devoting herself to the children. She does everything, even helps with food service.

' Qui-Gon tensed. 'Do you have access to the palace kitchens?' he asked Astri.

Astri nodded. 'Food delivery is one place that they are shorthanded.

Everyone can pitch in and help.'

'Do you think it's possible to track the meals that leave the kitchens? Can you count the meal trays?'

'Yes,' Astri said. 'Cholly has been helping to prepare the trays.'

'How are the meals delivered?' Adi asked.

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