Valorum could not recall an instance where they had refused to serve, in any case. On occasion, though, dealing with them had made Valorum feel as if he were contracting with a power even greater than that enjoyed by the various trade consortiums or the Republic.

Ten thousand strong, their collective strength was such that they could rule the Republic if they so wished-if their dedication to peace was any less demonstrably earnest. Although the Republic government funded the order, at times there seemed to exist an added price for their support-a sense that they might one day come to Valorum and demand that the favors they had rendered be returned tenfold. Although Valorum couldn't imagine what they might ask for that either he or the Republic could provide. While the Jedi operated in the world, they were at once outside it, living within the Force, as if it were a separate reality.

It sometimes seemed to Valorum that the Jedi behaved as if the Force ruled the ordinary world, and that the role of the Jedi was to behave in such a way that a balance between good and evil, light and dark, was forever preserved-lest the scales tip one way or the other, opening a portal for the dark to come streaming in, or for allowing the light to blind everyone to some greater truth.

Two thousand years earlier, the Jedi had faced a menacing threat to continuing peace, in the form of the Sith Lords and their armies of dark-side apprentices.

Founded by a fallen Jedi, the Sith believed that power disavowed was power squandered. In place of justice for all, they sought single-minded authority. Agitation and conflict were thought to be more crucial to transformation than was gradual understanding.

Fortunately, dark power was not easily harnessed, and over the course of a thousand years, the Sith had ultimately destroyed themselves.

Valorum heard the guards snap to attention as the greeting room opened and Sei Taria entered, followed by the two Jedi Masters.

Dignified in his hooded robe, linen-white tunic, and knee-high brown boots, Mace Windu seemed to fill the room. But it was the slight and enigmatic Yoda, in well-seasoned and less-tailored robes, who took up the most space.

'Masters Windu and Yoda,' Valorum said warmly. 'Thank you for coming.'

Yoda regarded him for a moment, then smiled lightly. 'Restored, you are.'

Valorum touched his right forearm beneath the cloak.

'Nearly. If the assassin had been a better shot…' Windu and Yoda traded meaningful looks.

'How may the Jedi be of service, Supreme Chancellor?' Windu asked.

Valorum motioned to chairs in the sitting area.

'Won't you be seated?' Windu sat tall and straight, with his feet flat on the floor. Yoda considered sitting, then paced to the center of the room, tapping the floor with his cane.

'Think better in motion, I do.' Valorum dismissed Sei Taria and the two guards and sat down opposite Windu, where he could watch Yoda, as well.

'I trust you've heard that the assassins have been identified as members of the Nebula Front.' Valorum waited for Windu's nod before continuing.

'The few that managed to escape were traced to Asmeru, a world on the edge of the Senex sector.' Leaning toward the table that separated him from Windu, Valorum activated a holoprojector. In a cone of translucent blue light, a star map took shape. Valorum indicated a cluster of star systems.

'The Senex is an autonomous sector, ruled by a line of fiercely self- reliant royal houses. The Republic respects the independence of the Senex worlds, and has no interest in meddling in the affairs of those worlds- given especially my recent request that worlds along the nearby Rimma Trade Route unite to curtail terrorism in their sector of space. However, when affairs there reach across the stars to affect Coruscant, we cannot stand idly by.'

Valorum switched off the holoprojector.

'I have communicated with the rulers of Houses Vandron and Elegin, who hold sway over Asmeru and other systems in that part of the Senex sector.

They deny granting the Nebula Front safe haven. Rather, they contend that the terrorists seized Asmeru from a scant indigenous population, and have been using the planet as a base of operations for raids against ships plying the Rimma Trade Route and Corellian Trade Spine. Wishing to avoid becoming targets of the Nebula Front, Houses Vandron and Elegin have essentially ignored activities on Asmeru.' 'Until now,' Windu interjected.

Valorum nodded. 'They have agreed to help us in our effort to contain the Nebula Front on Asmeru until the Eriadu trade summit concludes.' Yoda frowned.

'Breeders of slaves, they are.

No better than those who make up the Nebula Front.' Valorum acknowledged it with a fatigued sigh.

'It's true. Slavery is what has prevented the Senex sector from trading openly with the Republic.

The possibility of trade is what prompts their willingness to help us.'

Windu's eyebrows beetled. 'What help are the Senex Houses offering?'

'Logistical support. Owing to a nearby gravitic sink, as well as to space mines sown by the Nebula Front, Asmeru is not easily approached. House Vandron has offered to guide us in.' Windu considered it. 'You wish us to accompany the Judicial Department cruisers.' 'Yes,' Valorum said flatly. 'Should you consent, I will petition the senate for authorization. But allow me to explain. This operation is not designed to be a show of force, nor an attempt at retaliation for what happened here. I propose to dispatch two cruisers, carrying thirty judicials, along with as many Jedi as you see fit to include.

'For all we know, those responsible for the attempt on my life could be members of a radical faction.

The rest may know nothing of the assassination plot.

Nevertheless, I don't want them disrupting the Eriadu summit. I also wish to learn what they hoped to

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