'Wealth is important to you,' Qui-Gon said neutrally.

'Yes.' Manex met his gaze serenely. 'I enjoy having it. There are those who say I amassed my wealth through corruption and contacts. I assume that is what you are referring to.'

Qui-Gon was impressed. He had a glimpse of the businessman now. Manex would speak plainly, or at least appear to.

'Contacts, yes. Why shouldn't I? My brother was highly placed in government. I took advantage of those trying to get on his good side. But that is different from corruption. I saw ways to improve business here. As a Civilized, I was allowed to trade off-planet. Workers were not. The law was unfair, but I would have been a fool not to profit by it. I was able to open up vast trade markets in the galaxy for the goods of New Apsolon. I had a network of info-tech contracts. So I was happy to see a Worker elected and the government stabilized.'

'You did not join your brother in calling for unity at the time,'

Obi-Wan pointed out.

'My brother is the hero. I am the businessman.'

Qui-Gon picked up a pastry. He did not want it. He took it because it had been offered, and Manex was obviously proud of what he had. Qui-Gon wanted to show respect and keep this meeting cordial. He popped the small, delicate sweet into his mouth. Instantly it melted into a silken explosion of taste — tart, sweet, complex.

Manex smiled, for Qui-Gon could not keep the surprise off his face.

'I did not exaggerate. The best.'


'I only call what I have the best if it is. I do not fool myself about anything. Take my brother.' Manex crashed back against the soft pillows. 'He is noble. Courageous. Dedicated to the common good. All the things I am not. I should despise him, for I'm told brothers become jealous when one is vastly superior to the other. Yet I don't despise Roan. I'm glad beings like him are on this world. They make it possible for me to live well.'

'Since your brother is now Supreme Governor, you stand to profit even more,' Qui-Gon pointed out. 'You would not gain anything by despising him.'

'I could despise him and still exploit him,' Manex shot back. 'Surely you have seen enough of the galaxy to know that, Jedi.'

'Yes,' Qui-Gon admitted.

'You are suggesting that I am behind the murder of Ewane,' Manex said shrewdly. 'I know others believe this. But why should I endanger my fortune in such a way?' Manex shook his head. 'I like my comfort too much to risk it.'

'Besides, it would be wrong,' Obi-Wan pointed out.

'That too.'

'Do you think your brother had anything to do with Ewane's murder?'

Qui-Gon asked. 'There are those who believe that, too.'

'Roan?' Manex shook his head. 'He loved Ewane like a brother. Look how he took in those girls.'

'That could be to get sympathy on his side,' Obi-Wan said.

Manex did not seem disturbed by this suggestion. He leaned forward.

'You must understand something. Duty is everything to my brother. He feels responsible for Alani and Eritha.'

'There are those who say the twins are in danger, living in the house of one who is a suspect in their father's killing,' Obi-Wan said.

'There are those on New Apsolon who will say anything right now to get what they want,' Manex said evenly. 'Those girls are free to go, and yet they stay. They know Roan better than they knew their own father. All this grief they are displaying — who is it for? They never knew their father. Ewane was in prison for all the years of their childhood. Then he was Supreme Governor and had his hands full. He never really knew his daughters.'

'One cannot fault a child's grief for a father, no matter how distant the relationship,' Qui-Gon said.

'Of course not. I am sure the twins are sincere.' Manex sat up and pushed the plate of pastries toward them. 'Such somber talk for such a beautiful morning. Please, eat. I'll send for some tea.'

Qui-Gon stood. 'We must be going. Thank you for your hospitality.'

'I am delighted to receive the Jedi. You may return anytime.' Manex stood to bid them good-bye.

The same protocol droid led them to the door. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan paused on the steps. Qui-Gon took a deep breath of morning. It was encouraging to feel the cool air and sunshine, but he felt no closer to helping Tahl.

'What do you think?' he asked Obi-Wan as they returned to the street.

'I found him unpleasant,' Obi-Wan said. 'He could have the cunning to engineer an overthrow of the government. But I can't see him having the energy to do so. He would have to get off his sleep-couch.'

'You are allowing dislike to color your perceptions, Padawan,' Qui- Gon said disapprovingly. 'Remember it takes energy to amass wealth. Manex had it easier than most, but he did build an impressive financial empire.'

'Which he uses for his own pleasure,' Obi-Wan said disgustedly.

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