'I have seen men and women of vast wealth who did not enjoy their own comforts,' Qui-Gon remarked. 'At least Manex enjoys what he has built. His choices are not our choices. Do not let his enjoyment of pleasure blind you to his merits.'

'You see merits there?' Obi-Wan asked incredulously. 'I see corruption.'

'I see a man who lives the way he wants to live and makes no apologies. The question is, how desperate is he to maintain his life of wealth and comfort?' Qui-Gon wondered. 'If Manex seems weak, I suspect he is not. Despite his denials, he could secretly hate his brother. But we still should not discount his perspective, Padawan.'

Qui-Gon reached inside the pocket of his robe. 'And he reminded me of something important.' 'A clue?'

He handed Obi-Wan a pastry he had plucked from Manex's tray on the way out. 'Even in the middle of a mission, don't neglect to taste the pastries.'

Chapter 13

'Let's head to Roan's,' Qui-Gon suggested next. 'It's time we met the Supreme Governor.'

The official residence was close by. Qui-Gon thought over the conversation with Manex. He wished he had learned more. He had hoped to take some information to Tahl. Instead, he had only vague feelings.

'Qui-Gon,' Obi-Wan said softly, 'look ahead. Ten meters to the right, near that monument.'

Qui-Gon glanced over. His Padawan's keen gaze had picked out a small tracking droid. It hovered in the grassy square across from the residence of the Supreme Governor. He had not noted it. He sternly told himself to focus on each moment. He could not let his worry distract him this way.

'Do you think it's looking for us?' Obi-Wan asked.

'No. It is watching the residence. It's not a probe droid. It could be used just for security.' Qui-Gon searched the area carefully, dividing it into quadrants and examining every meter. 'There. By the trees in front.


'Roan has stepped up his surveillance.'

'Or someone has stepped up surveillance on Roan. I don't like what we're seeing. I'm feeling a disturbance in the Force. Come, Padawan.'

Qui-Gon strode toward the residence. When they stepped up to the door and pressed the security button, a guard did not materialize onscreen. The blank screen merely shone blue.

Qui-Gon's foreboding changed to alarm. He pushed against the door, but it would not open.

'We could try the gardens,' Obi-Wan suggested.

A high wall separated the front of the residence from the gardens behind. The top was ringed with electro-wire. It was not a challenge for the Jedi. Summoning the Force, the two leaped high and cleared the wall easily. They landed softly on the grass.

They ran alongside the great mansion toward the back, where the gardens were. As they ran Qui-Gon searched for access to the house but there were no windows on this side. Perhaps the residence was built with exits only in the front and back. It made it easier to defend.

They burst into the gardens. At first Qui-Gon could only pick out a riot of color from the masses of flowering bushes surrounding them. Paths ran through the bushes, narrow and twisting. It was impossible to get a view of any kind.

'See if you can glimpse the back wall,' Qui-Gon directed Obi-Wan.

'Look for signs of entry.'

Qui-Gon scanned the back of the house. Everything looked quiet and serene. Not a curtain stirred. At first glance, there was no sign of distress or danger. Then Qui-Gon noticed that a door was slightly ajar.


Qui-Gon turned and raced down the path. He caught up to Obi-Wan as his Padawan raced through the twisting paths. 'I saw something ahead — movement. And I think..'

They turned a corner. Ahead they could see a team of intruders hauling something over the wall. It was about the size of a person, black and shiny. There was a slit in the top.

Qui-Gon recognized the sensory deprivation container from the Museum of the Absolute. But why were the intruders dragging it over the wall?

Then he saw, through the slit at the top, a strand of golden hair waving.

'They have the twins,' he said.

They activated their lightsabers and charged.

The intruders were masked and dressed in dark clothing. They saw the Jedi approaching. One of them reached for a transmitter.

'Overhead, Obi-Wan!' Qui-Gon shouted.

Probe droids suddenly buzzed above them. Blaster fire rained down.

Lightsabers swinging, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan deflected fire while they raced to the wall.

Other probe droids approached, high enough to avoid retaliation and peppering the Jedi with fire. The intruders had the advantage. They dropped over the wall and disappeared.

It would be difficult to leap over the wall and deflect fire at the same time. Qui-Gon knew that. He had no

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