Qui-Gon stared into his teacup. 'I wasn't. But there is something…

something still troubling me.'

They heard a loud voice outside the door and the sound of a scuffle.

'Take your hands off me, you slimy space lizard! Let me see them!

Bring them my name! They will see me!'

Qui-Gon strode to the door and opened it. Irini stood, her arm in the grip of a security guard.

'Tell them to let me go!' she said furiously. 'I have come for talk, not conflict.'

Qui-Gon nodded at the guard. Irini gave him a baleful look as she brushed past him and walked into the room.

'What right do they have to abuse me?' she complained to the Jedi, straightening her tunic. 'I am not a criminal. I am a citizen. And what do you need security for? You're Jedi. A neutral party, isn't that right?'

'Maybe we need security because people send probe droids after us and shoot at us in alleyways,' Qui-Gon pointed out.

Irini looked blank. 'Are you saying I did this?'

'We found your insignia on the ammunition,' Obi-Wan said. He pointed to her necklace, which was swinging outside her tunic.

'This is the insignia of the Workers,' Irini said. 'It is not mine alone. I didn't shoot at you, Jedi. I admit, I wasn't happy to learn you were on our planet, but violence is not my path. Neither is it the path of the Workers. I do not think it was any of us who tried to harm you. Perhaps it was someone who wanted you to think so.'

'Perhaps,' Obi-Wan said. He did not know what to believe.

Qui-Gon gestured at her to sit down. 'What brings you here, Irini?'

'I am concerned about the unrest on New Apsolon,' Irini said. 'We wanted change, but not like this. Not with another assassination and the kidnapping of children. I have some information that might be useful to you — if you really are here to guard the peace. Since we do not know who in the government to trust, we took a vote and decided to trust the Jedi.' She frowned at them. 'I hope you will prove worthy of our confidence.'

'If you do not trust us, you will not be convinced by our assurance,'

Qui-Gon said. 'It is up to you to make that choice.'

She gave both of them a hard stare. 'That choice has already been made by committee. I am the emissary. I must tell you that the Workers have been blamed by the Civilized for both the murder of Roan and the kidnapping of the twins. I am here to tell you that the Workers were not involved in either.'

'You can speak for the Workers as a whole?' Qui-Gon asked.

'Yes,' she said. 'We are highly organized and speak as one bloc. If there were violent factions, we would know it.'

'And would you admit it?' Obi-Wan asked.

Irini sighed. 'It has come to this. We know we are on the brink of civil war again. No one wants this. So, yes, we would be frank if we thought there were outlaw Workers who were willing to kidnap young girls and murder a governor to get what they wanted. But we do not believe this.'

'You said you had information,' Qui-Gon said.

She leaned forward. 'We know that someone in Roan's inner circle was behind both the kidnapping and his death. Someone important. Someone who wants more power.'

'Who?' Obi-Wan asked.

'This we do not know.'

'How can you be so certain that this information is correct?' Qui-Gon asked.

Irini hesitated. 'Because we have a spy in this house. Someone to watch the twins, to protect them.'

'They did not do such a good job,' Obi-Wan pointed out.

'No,' Irini admitted. 'That is because the security procedures were violated at the highest level. As you know, this place uses top security.

It could only be infiltrated by someone who knew it intimately. Someone who had the key to the code. Someone who knew exactly how to overpower the guards, and exactly how long it would take the second force to arrive.'

'Who is your spy?' Qui-Gon asked.

'One of the security guards. That is why we know so much about Roan's security.'

'If the Workers know the security, they could have kidnapped the twins,' Obi-Wan pointed out.

'No. We know the procedures, but not the code,' Irini explained.

'Only a handful of people have that information.'


She shook her head, frustrated. 'We don't know that for sure. We just know they are close to Roan.'

Obi-Wan turned to Qui-Con. 'That first day, when we saw the twins…'

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