'I can get above them on that ledge,' Obi-Wan said. 'Can you cover Tahl while I do?'

'Yes,' Qui-Gon said. It was their only hope. He was glad his Padawan's sharp eyes had seen the building ahead.

Obi-Wan shot out his liquid cable launcher and within seconds had gained the ledge high above. Even as the launcher propelled him through the air, he slashed at a probe droid that was zeroing in on Tahl. He cleaved it in two and it sputtered as it spiraled below to the ground.

One of the two remaining droids zoomed up to focus on Obi-Wan while the other continued to fire at Tahl. Obi-Wan hung from his launcher and pushed off against the building with his feet. He swung out toward the droid and attacked, missing it by centimeters. He used his feet to kick off the building again, propelling himself higher and farther. Unused to this unorthodox action from a being it was tailing, the probe droid circled, beeping. Obi- Wan slashed at it, destroying some of its circuits. It began to act erratically, circling and diving. On his next swing, Obi-Wan cut it apart.

Qui-Gon saw Obi-Wan demolish the droid, but he was busy with the remaining one. 'There are some durasteel garbage bins ahead,' he told Tahl.

'I'm going to push you behind them and go after the droid.'

In a few steps, he pushed Tahl down behind the bins, then leaped up on top of them. Obi-Wan saw his action and quickly ran closer on the ledge, still attached to his cable launcher. As Qui-Gon leaped high, Obi-Wan released the cable to fly down. They caught the probe droid between them and each struck a strong blow. Tumbling, on fire, the probe droid smashed into the pavement below.

Obi-Wan leaped lightly to the ground as Qui-Gon landed and reached for Tahl. The three now began to run. They did not tire and did not stop until they passed into the Civilized Sector, where the population now thronged the streets. They would be safe among them.

'I can honestly say I couldn't have done it without you,' Tahl said, panting.

They pushed on to the Institute of Government Service. They hurried inside toward Roan's office. They burst in, but it was empty. His assistant came running in after them.

'You can't — oh, please excuse me. I didn't realize you were the Jedi.'

'Where is Roan?' Qui-Gon asked.

'He has gone to a meeting.'

'What meeting?'

The assistant hesitated.

'We are in Roan's confidence, as you know,' Qui-Gon said. 'Has he gone to meet the kidnappers?'

The assistant nodded.

Qui-Gon strode to the window, exhaling his irritation against the glass. This was unfortunate.

He did not trust the kidnappers. Roan could have been the real target all along.

Tahl questioned the assistant sharply, but it was clear he did not know where Roan had gone or any details of the meeting.

'What can we do?' Obi-Wan asked.

Tahl and Qui-Gon spoke together. 'Wait.'

They stayed for hours in Roan's office. At last Balog came to them.

'I have arranged accommodations in the Governor's residence,' he told them. 'You will be more comfortable there, and after all, that is where Roan will go when he returns with the twins.' He hesitated. 'I wish he had confided in me, too. I will wait with you.'

Qui-Gon nodded. 'Thank you.'

Balog escorted them the short distance to the residence. Dusk had fallen, and the crowds protesting in the square had dwindled.

'Apparently the lure of the evening meal has caused some to lose their dedication,' Balog observed.

As they neared the residence, Qui-Gon noticed a large package on the walkway leading up to the house. It was outside the security field.

'Balog, there is something — '

'I see it.' Balog spoke quickly into his corn-link, calling for security, even as he ran alongside Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan.

There was a deep unease in Qui-Gon that only grew as he ran. As he drew closer, what he feared took shape before him.

It was not a package. It was Roan, wrapped in dark fabric and tied with wire.

Qui-Gon knelt by his side. Roan's sightless eyes stared up at the gathering night. The Supreme Governor was dead.

Chapter 16

Gently, Qui-Gon placed his hand over Roan's eyes, closing them. Balog and Obi-Wan came forward. Balog sank to his knees.

'You can rest now, my friend,' he murmured brokenly.

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