desk, and a bare floor of gray stone. The window looked down on the streets. On their own, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan had seen the signs of protest beginning. As the word spread of the twins' fate, people were spilling out into the streets.

The Workers had organized quickly. Across the street in the square they had formed a solid cube of beings in the same shape as the many monuments in the city. More continued to arrive. The front line carried a banner: ARREST ROAN NOW Roan turned from the window as they entered. He was, in midlife, an imposing figure, with one silver streak on one side of his dark hair. He bowed in greeting.

'Welcome. If I had known you were here before this, I would have called for this meeting earlier.'

'We are not here officially, so did not want to trouble you,' Qui-Gon said.

'Consider yourselves official,' Roan said grimly. His dark eyes looked haunted. 'We need help to find the girls. I know that you want to find them, too. I am also aware that there are those who believe that I was behind the murder of their father and now their abduction. I have summoned you here to tell you this is not so.'

'Why do you think the rumor began?' Qui-Gon asked.

'Because since Ewane's murder the structure of the government has been in a precarious state. There are those who are calling for new elections. My enemies have encouraged the rumor that I killed Ewane.' Roan paced in front of the window. It was coated so that he could see out, Qui- Gon noted, but the people massing below could not see him.

He turned and faced the Jedi. He spread his hands. 'I do not know what to do. My planet has struggled for fairness and achieved freedom for all its people. Now it is in danger of losing that stability. I see visions of ruin whenever I close my eyes. Yet I know I can prevent this ruin. I just don't know how. Events seem to unfold before me and I am powerless over them.'

Qui-Gon felt a rush of sympathy for Roan. The man truly looked haunted. And Qui-Gon himself knew what it was like to be plagued by visions. He knew what it felt like to have events rush by as if he'd once seen them unfold in a dream and had only now remembered it.

'What would you like us to do?' Qui-Gon asked.

But just then Roan's internal communication unit signaled. With an impatient gesture, he went to answer it.

'I left instructions that I was not to be disturbed — '

'Yes, Governor. But we have received an external communication. They ask for you only. They say they are the kidnappers.'

Roan looked at the Jedi. 'I would like you to hear this.' He spoke into the comm unit. 'Please put them through.'

The voice that came through the comm unit was obviously electronically manipulated. It had an eerie, echoing quality, half machine, half living being.

'Good afternoon. Today the descendants of Ewane were taken in a raid.

We are holding them. We are willing to release them upon your meeting certain conditions.'

'Are they all right?' Roan asked. 'Let me speak to them.'

'They are safe and were not harmed. Do not speak. Listen.'

'I will pay for their release — '

'Do not speak! We do not want money. We want you to resign your position as Supreme Governor. You will say you are bowing to the will of the people. You will call for new elections. You will never reveal that you have resigned in order to free the twins.'

Roan met Qui-Gon's eyes. Qui-Gon saw that he would agree. He had no choice.

'Oh, yes. If you say you will do this, and you go back on your word, both you and the twins will be killed. Make no mistake that we are capable of getting to you anywhere. Even with Jedi protection.'

'All right,' Roan said, leaning toward the comm unit. 'I agree to your terms. But I must see the twins and escort them to safety. I don't want them frightened again.'

'That would be acceptable. We will contact you with details.'

'When?' Roan asked urgently, but the communication was cut off.

Roan sat down heavily. 'They are alive, at least. If we can believe them.'

'You must not go to this meeting alone,' Qui-Gon said. 'When they contact you again, you must ask for a Jedi escort. You must ensure that both you and the twins come back from this meeting alive.'

Roan nodded. 'I will. I know you will protect them. I am all they have. I must do as the abductors ask. But I will be grateful for your assistance. Our first concern is the lives of those girls.'

Chapter 15

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan left Roan, who promised he would call the Jedi as soon as the kidnappers contacted him again. They had only gone a few steps from the government building when Qui-Gon's comlink signaled.

'Qui-Gon, I need you.'

It was Tahl. Qui-Gon felt his worry collect into one burning mass in his chest. She sounded breathless, in trouble. Not to mention that she was asking for his help.

'Tell me.'

'I don't know how, but they discovered that I am a Jedi. They are afraid of how much I know. I escaped from the headquarters, but they've sent probe droids after me. Qui-Gon, I… I can't see the droids — '

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