his family's safety, and felt the new government was too fragile and new to trust. There were still powerful factions among the rich minority that wanted it to fail, and she suspected that the Absolutes had not disbanded, as had been promised, but were still working in an underground capacity. Qui-Gon had agreed that some of this might be true, but it was not the Jedi's job to remain as an occupation force.

They had argued over whether to remain or go. Privately Qui-Gon had felt that Tahl's connection to Eritha and Alani was influencing her feeling. The motherless girls had come to depend on her. But in the end, Qui-Gon prevailed, and they left the planet.

Was this the source of Tahl's coolness to him now? He could feel it like a presence in the room. Did she remember their quarrel? Did she feel justified now? The girls were in danger. Perhaps if the Jedi had remained to clear out the last nest of Absolutes, Ewane would not have been murdered.

Perhaps. There was no way to know. And lately there had been tension between Tahl and Qui-Gon that did not have to do with missions. It was a tension he did not completely understand. Tahl had taken the Jedi student named Bant as her Padawan, but had not entirely accepted her as a partner, often leaving to go on missions alone. She knew that Qui-Gon disapproved of this. He knew how capable she was and was astonished at how she compensated for her blindness. Still he feared that a situation could arise in which she would overestimate her abilities. Her need to go on missions alone distressed him.

No matter how he chided himself, he could not stop feeling protective toward Tahl. It was not because of her blindness. It was because of her need to prove her blindness did not matter.

'We will arrange for a transport and pilot to be ready,' Mace Windu told Tahl. 'We request that you keep in touch with us frequently, since you are going alone.'

'I am willing to go with Tahl on this mission,' Qui-Gon said quickly.

'Since I, too, know the situation well, I can be of help.'

'There is no need for Qui-Gon to accompany me,' Tahl said. 'I have a contact on New Apsolon. I should be able to collect the girls and return in a matter of days.'

Qui-Gon nodded in Tahl's direction. 'Respectfully, I must point out that the Jedi made enemies on Apsolon. There were some on both sides who did not welcome us. The Civilized blamed us for the election of a Worker.

The Workers blamed us for supporting neutral trials for war criminals. Tahl could be in danger.'

'I do not think that this warrants another Jedi presence — ' Tahl began, but Yoda interrupted her.

'Made his point, Qui-Gon has,' he said. 'A good one, it is. Yet wish you do not a companion on this journey, and true it is that it will be a short one. Suggest I do that you conceal your identity upon your arrival.'

Tahl looked relieved. 'I can do that.'

Qui-Gon opened his mouth to speak, but Yoda gave him a piercing glance.

'Settled it is, then,' Yoda said.

Qui-Gon could do nothing more than follow Tahl from the room. He could not share his disturbing vision with the Council. He would not share it with Tahl. Jedi did not feel that visions should necessarily govern behavior. They were easily misinterpreted and were sometimes grounded in inner fears that one did not fully understand. It would be of no use for Qui-Gon to explain his anxiety.

As soon as they exited the chamber, Tahl turned to him. 'I don't know why you insisted on interfering like that, Qui-Gon' she said. 'But I do not like it.'

'I was on the original mission,' Qui-Gon replied. 'I thought I could be of help.'

She turned to him. Her unusual striped green-gold eyes were just as piercing as they'd ever been. One arched eyebrow lifted.

'Tell me. Did you know that New Apsolon was the subject of that meeting when you arrived?'

Qui-Gon could not lie to Tahl. 'No. I did not.'

Her face tightened. 'Then it is as I thought. You will not allow me to act as a full Jedi Knight. Because I am blind, you think I need a caretaker.'

'No — '

In a rare show of anger, she stamped her foot. Her caramel skin flushed with pink. 'Then what? Why do you keep insisting on interfering?'


One corner of her full mouth lifted. 'Then in the name of friendship, dear Qui-Gon, leave me be.'

She turned abruptly toward the turbolift. He felt the drift of her soft robe against his hand as she moved, and then she was gone.

Chapter 3

Matters that took place in the Jedi Council were private, but it was not difficult for Obi-Wan to discover what had happened in the Council Room. Tahl had briefed Bant, her Padawan, and a disturbed Bant had confided in Obi-Wan. He heard that Qui-Gon had barged in without an invitation and had asked to accompany Tahl on her mission. He knew that the Council and Tahl had refused.

Bant was upset that once again Tahl had left her behind. True, the mission was a short one, but Bant struggled not to feel that Tahl did not trust her fully.

'I must learn to accept the way she is and believe that she knows best,' Bant told Obi-Wan as they walked around the lake early one morning.

The illumination banks overhead simulated a soft dawn. 'But it's so hard. I thought that at last we were beginning to become full partners. She seemed to rely on me more. She went on fewer missions alone. I think

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