'A vision?' Yoda asked. 'Know you do that visions can lead us astray as well as guide us.'

'This one must guide me,' Qui-Gon said.

'You know that secrecy is crucial to Tahl's mission,' Mace Windu said. 'She could have already started her journey. She could have the twins with her. We will wait for her next communication.'

'I will not,' Qui-Gon said.

Yoda exchanged a glance with Mace Windu. It was clear they were surprised and displeased.

'Noted we have your concern for Tahl over the years since she was blinded,' Yoda said. 'Natural, it is. But good for her, it is not. Find her own way, she must.'

'I am going,' Qui-Gon insisted.

'Qui-Gon,' Mace Windu warned, 'you are not listening to our counsel.

It is clear that you made a decision and will not be swayed. It is not like you to close your mind, nor is it like a Jedi.'

Qui-Gon said nothing. He would not argue with Mace Windu. But he would not abandon his plan.

'You must open your mind to other opinions. We sit here on the Council because our vision is a wider one than that of any individual Jedi.

' Qui-Gon stirred impatiently. 'I am wasting time,' he said.

Obi-Wan looked at him, startled. Qui-Gon knew he had been rude, but he was on fire to leave the Temple. No matter what the Council said, he was going.

Mace Windu looked thunderous. 'Counsel with us is wasting your time?'

He pointed his finger at Qui-Gon. 'Know this, Qui-Gon Jinn. If you leave to find Tahl, you do it against our wishes and direction.'

It was the strongest condemnation Mace Windu could give, short of forbidding it. Qui-Gon nodded curtly. He turned and left the chamber, feeling Obi-Wan at his heels.

He did not stop but stepped immediately on the turbolift. Obi-Wan had to jump to accompany him.

'I have never seen you act so impolite,' Obi-Wan said, running both hands through his hair. 'You defied Mace Windu!'

The turbolift opened. Qui-Gon strode out.

'Qui-Gon, wait. Can't you talk to me?'

He stopped and turned. His Padawan's face was full of worry. He could see how torn he was. Obi-Wan did not understand how a vision could touch you so deeply that it was as though the real world dropped away and you were living in another reality. Qui-Gon had to get to Tahl. He had to see her, grasp her hands, look into her face. He had to know she was alive.

'You are going to New Apsolon today?' Obi-Wan asked.

'As soon as I can arrange transport.'

'Then I will get my survival pack and meet you at the landing platform.'

Qui-Gon took a breath to compose himself. 'No, Padawan,' he said as gently as he could. 'You must remain behind. I cannot ask you to defy the Council on my behalf.'

'You are not asking me,' Obi-Wan said. 'There are reasons to stay. I will not be gone long.'

'That is what Tahl said.'

Qui-Gon sighed. 'Unlike Tahl, I will remain in touch with you. I will call for you if I need you.' He held Obi- Wan's gaze. 'You know that I will.

' Obi-Wan's gaze did not falter. Qui-Gon could see that his Padawan did not understand. Yet he would not back down.

'My place is by your side,' Obi-Wan said. Qui-Gon took a deep breath.

'Then let us depart.'

Chapter 4

Before landing on New Apsolon, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan changed from their Jedi tunics into the common street wear of travelers, hooded short robes of dark cloth with leather trousers tucked into boots. Qui-Gon would be careful to wear his hood while on the planet. He did not think many would remember him, but he would take no chances.

They set down their craft at a landing pad on the outskirts of the capital city, also called New Apsolon. The city was a large one, spread out over many kilometers. The rest of the small planet was devoted to its second- largest industry, harvesting the gray stone that was used in most of the buildings. There were a few small cities and villages, but the majority of the population lived in the teeming capital city.

They paid the owner to hold the transport, then took a turbolift to the surface of the planet.

They arrived in the Worker Sector of the city. The buildings were no taller than six stories, many built cheaply of durasteel. Others were built of native gray stone with small windows and rounded roofs. Qui-Gon recognized the style as one for those which sometimes lacked heat in winter. Ahead they could see the tall elegant buildings of the Civilized Sector. Although the Worker Sector was cleaner and better maintained than Qui-Gon remembered, its poverty was in marked contrast to the gleaming city they could glimpse ahead.

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