caverns there, so he imports it from Kessel. It's a marriage made in paradise,' Gogol cackled.

Obi-Wan knew Nar Shaddaa. Often called 'smuggler's moon,' it was a haven for criminals of all sorts. It was also an important link in the illegal spice trade. He had not known that Krayn was involved, however.

'Aga Culpa is the ruler of Nar Shaddaa. Doesn't he control the factories?' he asked.

'He might rule it, but he doesn't control it. Everyone on Nar Shaddaa answers to Krayn. So Krayn promises not to attack the Colicoid ships, and they promise to buy his slaves for the spice mines and use his factories. A good deal, eh, chum?'

A very good deal, Obi-Wan thought heavily, if one overlooked the fact that it involved cruelty, greed, and the selling of living beings for profit.

He stood and quickly exited the Dor. He paused outside for a moment.

It had started to rain, and he welcomed the coolness on his cheeks.

The mention of the spice trade had immediately sparked a memory. He knew that Adi Gallia and Siri's last mission together had involved the smuggling activities on the Kessel Run. Spice was a legally controlled substance, but it also held enormous profits on the black market. The Jedi had been asked to try to break the back of the illegal trade once and for all. Adi Gallia and Siri had not been successful. Something had happened on the mission that had caused a deep rift between them.

Could this be connected to the Colicoids… and Krayn?

Obi-Wan began to walk in search of an air taxi. When he was unsure of which direction to go in next, his thoughts always returned to his Master.

He remembered Qui-Gon's counsel, counsel Obi-Wan had passed on to Anakin about trusting his instincts and not allowing anger to cloud judgment. He should have listened to his heart.

Now his heart told him a simple truth. Siri would never betray the Jedi.

Chapter 12

Once again, Obi-Wan stood before the Jedi Council. It was just about the last place he wanted to be. He had lost his Padawan, who had been captured by a slave trader. The Colicoids were furious at the Jedi and had already raised objections in the Senate. He did not imagine that the Jedi Council was pleased with the outcome of his mission.

He wasted no time in trying to explain what had gone wrong. Jedi always focused on solutions.

'I have discovered that it is likely that the Colicoids are secretly in league with Krayn,' Obi-Wan said immediately after greeting the Council members respectfully. 'They wish to take over the spice trade, and Krayn wishes to be the sole supplier of slaves for the spice mines, both in the Kessel system and at Nar Shaddaa.'

Some on the Council exchanged glances. If this were true, the illegal spice trade would thrive and grow.

'Bad news this is for the galaxy,' Yoda remarked.

'We have reason to investigate what is happening on Nar Shaddaa, both to expose the Colicoids and bring down Krayn,' Obi-Wan said. 'And most important, I believe Anakin is on Nar Shaddaa. My guess is that the Colicoids were heading there after dropping us off at the original location.'

'What is it you want of us, Obi-Wan?' Mace Windu asked, his dark eyes fixed on Obi-Wan's face.

'A very fast ship and permission to infiltrate Krayn's operation,'

Obi-Wan answered. 'That is first of all. But second, and most important, I wish to be let in on a secret.' He turned to Adi Gallia. 'I believe that Siri has not turned to the dark side. I believe she is working undercover.

If I infiltrate Krayn's operation, I need to know her mission.'

Adi Gallia's regal face was impassive. Then she flicked a quick glance at Yoda and Mace Windu.

Slowly, Yoda nodded. 'Correct you are, Obi-Wan.'

'Siri is gathering information only,' Adi Gallia said. 'We discovered that the layers of power and control between Krayn and various governments are deep. We needed a full picture. Siri infiltrated the pirates and worked her way up to a position of trust.

Krayn has no idea she is a Jedi. It is well known that he considers all Jedi his enemies and all his crew are ordered to execute any captured Jedi on the spot. It has taken Siri almost two years to gain this level of power in the Krayn organization. We cannot jeopardize her safety.'

'But Anakin is with her — '

'Then she will protect him,' Adi Gallia said firmly. 'I am not sure if sending another Jedi is wise. It could compromise her identity.'

'Perhaps,' Mace Windu said. 'But perhaps we have waited long enough.

If the Colicoids are involved, that intensifies the pressure to bring about the collapse of the spice trade.'

'I am worried about Anakin,' Obi-Wan said. 'There is only one way Siri can protect him. She must make him a slave. I do not know how he will react to that.'

'Assume we do that he will act like a Jedi,' Yoda said sharply, his gray-blue eyes blinking at Obi-Wan. 'Patience he will find.'

Obi-Wan could not argue without it reflecting badly on Anakin. But he knew that patience was not his Padawan's strong suit.

'Siri has sent us a coded message, Obi-Wan,' Mace Windu said. 'If you had not come to us, we would have sent for you. Anakin is safe. He is indeed a slave in a spice factory on Nar Shaddaa. She is keeping an eye on

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