We will never forget it.'

'I will never forget you,' Anakin said.

The three Jedi turned and headed for the Senate delegation. Chancellor Palpatine smiled and held out his hands.

'The Jedi have brought freedom to Nar Shaddaa at last,' he said. 'Now we can begin to clean up this world. The Colicoids need our help, and we need theirs.' He shrugged. 'It is the price we pay for the liberation of Nar Shaddaa and the end of Krayn. The Senate thanks you for your great service to the galaxy.'

The Jedi nodded respectfully.

'Now, come aboard. We have everything prepared for a comfortable journey back to Coruscant,' Palpatine said. Putting a hand on Anakin's shoulder, he led the way to the ship.

Obi-Wan hesitated, Siri by his side. He watched as Palpatine bent his head close to Anakin's to speak to him. What was making him uneasy?

Was it the memory of what he'd seen on Anakin's face in the battle with Krayn? His Padawan had been in the heat of battle and afraid for his life. He felt that Krayn was about to shoot. He had every reason to kill him. He had not killed him out of anger and revenge.

Yet when Anakin had turned to face him fully, his expression had been so empty. His gaze held neither triumph nor distress. Only blankness.

He had been numb from the experience of battle, Obi-Wan told himself.

He himself had felt the same at times.

I will not abandon him, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan privately vowed. I see what you see. I see how he struggles. I see his immense capacity for good.

Siri moved closer to him. 'It appears that your Padawan has impressed the Chancellor. He has great gifts.'

'Yes,' Obi-Wan agreed. 'Yet he has so much to learn.

The vision of Qui-Gon in the cave of Ilum rose in his mind. He didn't know what the vision was trying to tell him, except to go on. He would go on. He would guide his gifted Padawan as best he knew how. He would not fail.

Вы читаете Jedi Quest 0: Path to Truth
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