'I will order them to do nothing. I will contact the guards.' Aga Culpa's voice was toneless, but the mind suggestion had worked. On such a weak will as Culpa's, it had been easy.

'Do it now.'

They watched as Aga Culpa activated his comlink and spoke to the commanding officer. He overrode the officer's expression of disbelief with a firm repeat of the order.

'Do it or suffer the consequences,' Siri whispered. 'Do it or suffer the consequences,' Aga Culpa repeated. He shut off the communication.

'Thanks, Culpa. I appreciate your support.' Siri sprang off the chair athletically and strode toward the door.

As soon as she and Anakin were outside, she frowned. 'The Colicoids won't be so easy. Jedi mind tricks won't work. I'll have to go alone, Anakin.'

'I need to talk to the slaves, anyway.'

'I don't need to wish you luck,' Siri said. 'I know you can do it.'

'Luck always helps. I'll wait for your signal.' Anakin ran toward the turbolift. He had gained great confidence in Siri.

It took Anakin a few minutes of careful strategy to get around the patrolling guard droids in the factory. He stealthfully slipped next to Mazie on the assemblyline, hoping the guards would not do a sudden head count Quickly, he explained the situation and what he needed.

She gazed at him, amazed. 'You really do mean to break out, don't you.

' 'Not alone,' Anakin said. 'With all of us, together.'

'I can't do it, Anakin,' Mazie said in a low tone as her fingers continued to work. 'I can't ask them to risk so much.'

'All we have to worry about is the droids. The Nar Shaddaa guards will look the other way.'

'The droids are enough.'

'What if I created a diversion? An explosion? I know where the explosives are kept in the caverns.'

Mazie bit her lip. 'I don't know..' she murmured.

'It's the only way, Mazie. Do you want to end your life here, like this? Do you want Berri to live as a slave?'

'You're not fair.'

'But I'm right.'

'Perhaps… perhaps there is a core group who will revolt,' she said slowly.

'You will contact them?'

She nodded.

'Others will see us succeed and will join us,' Anakin said confidently.

'I hope you are right,' Mazie murmured. Her hands now trembled as she worked.

Anakin slipped away. The end of the shift was only minutes away.

Everything depended on Siri now.

Chapter 19

Unable to find Anakin or Siri, Obi-Wan had to report to the Colicoid delegation or risk blowing his cover. He was just beginning his report when Siri burst in.

Relief flooded Obi-Wan as he saw she was safe. He stepped back against the wall so that she would not be distracted if she recognized him. He saw determination on her face — Siri had a plan.

'You must excuse me for coming uninvited to this meeting,' she said, turning to Nor Fik. 'I come to you without Krayn's knowledge.'

Nor Fik looked surprised but immediately tried to hide it. 'Go on.'

'It is my belief that if you allow Krayn to keep control of the spice factories on Nar Shaddaa, you will lose them and we will all lose the enormous profits we gain from them,' Siri said.

'And why should we listen to you?' Nor Fik asked in a frosty tone.

'Because I know more about Krayn's operations than he does,' Siri said. 'The slaves are poised to revolt. He doesn't have enough security to handle it.'

Nor Fik turned to Obi-Wan. 'And what do you think, Bakleeda?'

'What I've seen supports what she says,' Obi-Wan said shortly. He knew that if he said too much it could backfire.

Siri looked at him curiously. She knew something was off, but she hadn't recognized him. Obi-Wan was tempted to reach out through the Force, but resisted. She didn't need to know who he was. He had guessed her plan and would follow her lead.

Siri's fingers hooked into her utility belt as she waited for Nor Fik to make a decision. Obi-Wan saw her finger tense, then relax. He glimpsed a signaling device tucked inside.

Вы читаете Jedi Quest 0: Path to Truth
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