He placed the tray back on the shelf. Minutes later, the slit opened.

The tray was grabbed from outside.

'This could be a trick,' Siri said worriedly.

'If it is, we're no worse off,' Anakin pointed out. 'And it's not a trick. Mazie is loyal.'

After a moment, Siri nodded. 'I trust who you trust.' They sat down to wait. The minutes ticked by, then an hour.

'I was never good at the patience exercises at the Temple,' Siri groaned.

'Me, neither,' Anakin admitted.

Siri blew out a breath. 'Obi-Wan always was.'

At last the panel slid open, and two lightsabers tumbled to the floor, followed by two comlinks.

'Thank you, Berri,' Anakin whispered through the opening. He could not see Mazie's daughter. 'Now get back to your post.'

They waited until they were sure that Berri was clear. Then they activated their lightsabers. Anakin felt a surge of confidence as he saw the blue glow. He didn't feel like a slave anymore. He was a Jedi again.

Together they cut through the thick door. The durasteel peeled back, and Siri stepped through the opening, followed by Anakin.

There were no guards in the corridor.

'Krayn always trusts high-tech security too much,' Siri muttered.

'Let's head for Aga Culpa.' There were only three droid guards stationed in the entrance to the basement prison. Siri and Anakin paused after peeking around the corner to glimpse them.

'We don't have time for complicated strategy,' Siri said. 'Let's just charge them.'

They activated their lightsabers again and were on the droids before they could respond to the attack. They both leaped high in the air and then came down, slicing their lightsabers through the droids and splitting them in half. As the third droid kept up blaster fire, it retreated to the console desk, no doubt to raise an alarm. Anakin cut down the droid while Siri whirled and buried her shaft in the console communication panel. It sizzled and smoked.

'We'd better hurry now,' Siri said.

She led the way to an exit following a little-used passageway. 'This is Krayn's private escape route,' she told Anakin. 'It leads to his landing platform, and it's only a short distance from there to Aga Culpa. Krayn insisted that Culpa enjoy the comfort of the complex, but actually he just wanted to keep an eye on him.'

Anakin followed Siri to Krayn's landing platform and then to another walkway that led to another quadrant of the complex. Siri accessed the door and walked in.

They found Aga Culpa sitting in front of a holographic game.

'Busy as usual, I see,' Siri said, striding in and shutting off the game.

Aga Culpa looked up. The expression on his face was such an odd mixture of outrage, embarrassment, and apprehension that Anakin was almost tempted to laugh. Culpa was a thin humanoid male with a slack-muscled body that he clothed in skintight tech fabric. He wore a tiny matching cap on his bald head.

'How dare you burst into my private quarters!' he blustered. Then he looked nervous. 'Does Krayn want to see me?'

'No. I do.' Siri sat astride a chair. 'This is my slave, Anakin. We may speak freely in front of him.'

Anakin bristled inside at being called a slave, but he understood the necessity for it.

'I've come to give you a message from the Colicoids,' Siri said. 'They are going to take over the factories of Nar Shaddaa. Naturally Krayn is not aware of this.'

The apprehension on Aga Culpa's face changed to fear. 'Take over?' he whispered.

'They have the power,' Siri said. 'And a close associate of Krayn's has agreed to help them. That's me. I always liked you, Culpa, so I'm giving you the opportunity to join us.'

'Against Krayn?' Aga Culpa gripped the arms of his chair.

'It would be a smart move. And easy. All you have to do is nothing.

Tell the guards of the Nar Shaddaa factories not to interfere with the slaves.'

'I can't do that,' Aga Culpa said. 'Krayn would kill me.'

'Are you so sure that you're safe from the Colicoids if you do not?'

Siri asked pleasantly.

Aga Culpa's look of fearful unease intensified. He shook his head. 'N- no. I can't go against Krayn.'

Siri gave a quick look of exasperation at Anakin. Obviously Aga Culpa was too weak and paralyzed with terror to take a risk. She shrugged. Anakin knew what was in her mind.

He felt the Force gather in the room. It was powerful, and he admired Siri's grasp of it. She turned her attention back to Aga Culpa and passed a hand in front of his face.

'Contact the Nar Shaddaa slave guards. if there is a revolt, order them to do nothing.'

Вы читаете Jedi Quest 0: Path to Truth
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