'He's brought something else out of the building,' Sostratos said. 'Looks like another cage.' When they got a little closer, Menedemos asked, 'Is that another peacock in there?' 'Not a peacock.' Sostratos replied. 'See how much plainer it is?' The peacock had seen the same thing as Sostratos, and more quickly, too. It skidded to a stop, sand and gravel flying up from between its toes. All at once, it might have forgotten the mob of men pursuing it. Noting as much, Menedemos slowed down, too, and waved his comrades to a halt with him. 'What's it doing?' somebody asked. 'Showing off for the peahen,' Sostratos answered. And then everyone, even Himilkon, said, 'Ahhh!' as the peacock raised its long tail and spread it wide. The blue spots on the green and yellow plumes caught and held the light. The peacock slowly backed toward the caged peahen, then turned to give her the full magnificent display. 'Argos' eyes,' Sostratos said softly. 'There's no myth about Argos and the peacock,' Menedemos said. 'Of course not,' Sostratos said. 'Back in the days when the myths were made, who'd ever seen a peacock? But if people had, that's the myth they would have made.' While they spoke, Himilkon, a practical man, tossed a net over the distracted peacock. It let out a horrified squawk and tried to get away again, but couldn't. Despite its struggles, Himilkon and Hyssaldomos wrestled it back into its cage without incurring more than minor flesh wounds. 'Please don't let it out again any time soon, boss,' the Karian slave pleaded, fastening the hooks and eyes that kept the peacock imprisoned. 'Oh, shut up.' The merchant drew back his foot as if to kick Hyssaldomos, but relented. 'If I have a customer, I'll put the bird through his paces.' 'And me through mine, by Zeus Labraundeus,' Hyssaldomos grumbled. He scowled at Menedemos and Sostratos. 'Besides, who says they're customers? Just a couple of gawkers, if you ask me.' 'Oh, we might be interested . . . if the price is right,' Menedemos allowed. In the fight with Himilkon and Hyssaldomos, the peacock had shed one of those astonishing tail feathers. Menedemos plucked it off the ground and admired it. 'Three oboloi if you want to keep it,' Himilkon said briskly.
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