her shoulders, her small breasts standing erect, her rather well-fleshed thighs flexing nervously as she fidgeted about.

      Var felt an acute pang. Soli now looked very much indeed like her natural mother Sola. Once her hips and breasts filled out completely-But what would never happen unless he saved her from the sacrifice.

      Var lurked in the trees as the priests departed. He waited half an hour, making sure they would not return and that no other parties were watching. The canyon face was shielded from the direct view of the temple, probably intentionally and mercifully for the remaining maidens. Var now knew how most of them came here: they volunteered in order to spare their families hunger, for there were many poor people on the island. They-who-won't-work-won't-eat philosophy was a thin cover for subjugation of the unfortunate. The wage that had been adequate for Var was not enough for a family, so there was continual and large-scale distress. The way of the crazies and the nomads was better, for no one hungered in America.

      Assured that he was unobserved, Var let fly his random philosophies, emerged from hiding, and entered the canyon. Soli heard him and looked up with a poignant little cry of dismay, thinking the god had come already. Then she gasped. 'Var'

      He approached and put his hand to one manacle. 'i never forgot you,' he said. 'Did you think I would let you be eaten?'

      But the bond was tight, and he had no leverage to pry it loose.

      'I-' she started, her eyes suddenly streaming. . 'I thank you, Var. But I can't go with you. I made a vow.'

      'You fulfilled it' He cast about for some way to get the metal out of the stone. Why hadn't he anticipated this detail?

      'No. Not until-the sacrifice,' she said.

      Var yanked at the other manacle. There seemed to be some give in it.

      'I can't let you do this,' she said through her tears.

      Var ignored her and continued to work on the metal. His sticks would not pry it, being too thick to squeeze in beside her wrist, and the outside offered no purchase. He might hammer the metal with a stone-but the sound would bring the priests-or Minos himself.

      Then he was thrown back.

      Soli had raised her bare foot and shoved him hard in the chest. Now he understood: she meant it. She would resist him physically not permitting him to labor on the bonds.

      That meant he could not free her unless he knocked her out. And what kind of cooperation would she give him thereafter, if he violated her oath by such force?

      In any event, he could not bring himself to strike her. Anyone else, yes; Soli, no.

      He stood up and faced her. 'Then I'll go slay Minos,' he said.

      'No!' she screamed in horror. 'He's a beast! No one can hurt him!'

      'I have sworn to kill the man who harms Sola's child,' Var said. 'I swore it long before  you made your oath. Would you have me wait until after the-after the creature comes?'

      'But Minos is a god, not a man! You can't kill him!'

      'He devours maidens-but he's not a beast?' Then he was ashamed of his irony with her. 'Whatever he is, I must meet him-unless you come with me now.'

      'I can't.'

      Var saw that further argument was useless. He marched down the canyon into the labyrinth, heedless of her low cries.

      There was a large, open cave where the walls merged. From its rear several smaller passages opened. Van held his sticks up and went cautiously into one.

      It led to a medium chamber lined with bones. Van did not investigate them closely; be knew their source. If he did not succeed in his mission, Soli's bones would be added to the collection. He went on.

      The next chamber had several dry skulls. The third was mixed. There was no present sign of Minos.

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