It occurred to Var that the beast-god could go out and attack Soli while he searched the empty caverns. Hastily he retreated toward the entrance, passing through the skull chamber and an empty one.

      And realized that he was lost in the labyrinth. He had missed a passage and now did not know where he was or in what direction lay the entrance. His wilderness exploring sense, normally an automatic guide to such things, had let him down in this moment of preoccupation.

      He could find his way out. He could sniff out his own spoor, or, failing that, make lines of bones to show his route, eliminating one false exit after another. But this would take time, and Soli might be in danger this moment. So he acted more directly.

      'Minos!' he bawled. 'Come fight me!'

      'Must I?' a gentle voice replied behind him.

      Var whirled. A man stood in one of the passages.

      No-not a man. The body was that of a giant warrior, but the head was woolly and horned. No mere beard accounted for the effect. The front of the face pushed out in a solid snout, and the horns sprouted from just above the ears. It was as though the head of a bull had been grafted on to the body of a man. And the feet were hoofs-not blunted toes, like Van's own, but solid round bovine hoofs. The teeth, however, were not herbivorous; they were pointed like those of a hound. This was Minos.      -

      Var had seen oddities before and had been expecting something of the sort. He made a motion with one stick, the excitement of battle growing within him. He supposed this was what some called fear.

      'What brings you here by day, Var the Stick?' the god inquired quietly. 'Always before you have come in darkness, and never to my domicile.'

      'I came to fight,' Var repeated. No one had told him the god could speak, or that he knew so much. How had Minos learned Var's name?

      'Of course. But why at this moment? I have a busy day ahead. Yesterday I could have entertained you at greater leisure.'

      'It is Soli out there. My friend. For the sacrifice. I have sworn to kill the man-or beast, or god-who harms her. But I would not wait to have her harmed,'

      Minos nodded, his woolly locks shaking. 'You have fidelity and courage. But do you really believe you can kill me?'

      'No. But I must try, for I have no life without Soli.'

      'Come. We can settle this without unpleasantness.' Minos turned his broad back and trod down the passage1 his horny feat clicking on the stone.

      Var, nonplussed, followed.      -

      They came to a larger chamber, in whose center was a boulder. 'I lift this for exercise,' Minos said. 'Like this.' He bent to grapple the stone, seemingly not concerned that an armed enemy stood behind him. Muscles bulged hugely all along his arms and sides and back. Var had not seen might like that since training with the Master.

      The stone came up. Minos lifted it to chest height, held it there a few seconds, then eased it down. 'Have to watch how you let go these monsters,' he panted. 'Most hernias come after the load, not during it.'

      Hestoodback. 'Now your turn. If you can hoist it, you may be a match for me.'

      Var hung his sticks at his belt and approached the rock. The god had trusted him and he was obligated to extend trust in return.

      He strained and hauled at no avaiL. He could not budge it. The thing would not even roll.

      He gave up. 'You're right. I am not as strong as you. But I might beat you in combat.'

      'Certainly,' Mlnos said genially. His face was strong when he spoke, because he stretch his mouth closed around the muzzle and form the words with part of it. Even so, his enunciation was odd. 'And we shall fight if you Insist. But let us converse a time first. I seldom have opportunity to chat with an honest man.'

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