The Giant King produced a pipe from a pocket inside his fur. He looked into its chamber, seemed satisfied with what he saw, and then lit it with a flaming twig from the fire. The chamber glowed as he puffed, and a billowy cloud escaped his mouth as he continued.
“Four, or maybe five, centuries ago, I forget exactly, but it’s not important. Way back then, a foolishly curious human wizard called forth a demon. This demon came to the earth unbound, and it quickly consumed that wizard’s soul. I forget the wizard’s name, but what’s important is that he was the High King’s Wizard.
“After tapping all of the wizard’s knowledge, the demon consumed the High King. His name I remember. King Steven he was called. He started war upon war, and by the blood of the dead, called forth more of his demon kind until he had an entire army of dark beings to command.
“It is also said that those human warriors, whose hearts and battlefield deeds were cruel enough, were sometimes granted a dark gift as well. When they were mortally wounded, they didn’t die. As undead, they fought on, and the Demon King’s army grew stronger and stronger, attacking us, the elves, and even the dwarves, when they could root them out of their holes.
“The Demon King was an abomination to all that is natural, and eventually even the dragons, who rarely meddled in human affairs, took offense at the dark power he had amassed. The elves lent their unique might, as did the dwarves, and of course the humans. Together, they battled the dark hordes, for what seemed like an age. Back and forth the battles turned, back and forth, until it began to seem like a hopeless fight.
“The demons were winning, even when they were being beaten on the fields. The very act of fighting them, of defending oneself, gave those dark things a feast of hatred and fear to feed upon.”
Hyden, excited and into the story, almost blurted out, “What happened then?” but he caught himself, remembering who it was that was speaking.
“Then one day,” the Giant King continued, “a human man came forth, a brave swordsman who was willing to give his life to right the wrong the human wizard had committed. He really just wanted vengeance for the death of his lover, but the bards, I think, like to leave that part out of it. He wasn’t afraid to die trying to exact his revenge though, so that gave him a sort of power over the demons.”
“Pavreal,” Hyden said aloud. He flushed darkly at the stern glances King Aldar, Mikahl, and Borg gave him for his interruption.
“Yes, Hyden Hawk, Pavreal,” King Aldar finally nodded.
Hyden blushed even harder hearing the King of Giants use his nickname. He glared daggers at Vaegon, who had a slight grin on his feral looking face.
“He was also known as a Marked One. ‘The Marked One’ really. As a child, he’d been a pit slave in one of the Demon King’s forge furnaces, and the soot and ash that that settled in the whiplashes that crossed his back healed, leaving him marked with stripes like some wild beast.”
Mikahl thought of Loudin and his tattoo striped-body. He didn’t think the Seawardsman had ever been a slave. Maybe it was a religious thing, or a rite of passage. He remembered something from his lessons about why those southern men marked themselves, though he couldn’t recall what it was at the moment; something to do with the sea, maybe? He chided himself for not paying better attention to his lesson master. Then, he chided himself for not paying better attention to King Aldar. He didn’t want to miss any of what the King was saying, so he shoved the abstract thoughts out of his mind for now, and listened.
“…such was Pavreal’s hatred of the Demon King.”
King Aldar paused, and puffed deeply on his pipe. He exhaled a fat, swirling ring of smoke, watched it waver and rise for a moment, and then blew it into a misshapen cloud. His eyes fell to rest on Ironspike.
The small section of exposed blade was glowing softly, bathing Mikahl’s side and upper thigh in pale, blue light. King Aldar’s brows narrowed, then he brought his gaze up and gave Mikahl a look that conveyed the importance of what he was about to say.
“A great gathering of the leaders of all the races was held, and a decision was made. A plan was formed. We giants supplied the purest of ores that these mountains hold: iron, titanium, and silver, among others. The dwarves forged the metal under dragon’s fire, and the elves weaved spell after spell into the weapons that were made that day. Then once the items had been dipped in the magical waters of Whitten Loch, the great human wizard, Killton Alx, put enchantments on them as well.
They were still far too hot for a man to handle though. They were placed on a block of Wardstone, in a secret cavern in the eastern range of mountains beyond Xwarda. After almost a year, they finally cooled, and then the War Hammer of Doon, the Arrows of Tayllah, and the Sword Errion Spightre were ready. The name Ironspike grew out of the old language’s strange pronunciation of ‘Errion Spightre,’ which means Demon Fighter, in the old tongue of lore.”
Hyden wanted badly to ask where the Hammer of Doon and the arrows were now, but was afraid to draw the wrath of the Giant King.
Mikahl looked down at the blade glowing at his hip, trying to imagine dragon’s fire bathing it while dwarves hammered it into shape. He couldn’t quite fathom such a thing.
“To get to the point of the matter,” King Aldar continued through another cloud of pipe smoke. “Pavreal somehow used the sword to draw the demon’s essence out of King Steven. Then he, and the wizard, Killton Alx, went to the place in the southern marshes we giants call the Black Tooth, and made a passageway back into the world of darkness. They put a lock on this passage that they called the Seal. The demon was banished from the blade through this Seal, back into the hellish Nethers where it came from.
Pavreal hunted demons with the sword his whole life. Each time he took one, he brought it to the Seal, and banished it back to the darkness. Pavreal had become the unquestioned leader of the campaign against the demon hordes, and soon all the humans eventually called him King. For an age, hope prevailed, while things were rebuilt and restored. Slowly, the dark things that lingered, were hunted down, and sent back into the hell from which they had come.
“Generations passed, and it was learned that the demon, while in King Steven’s body, had spawned several children. They had children, and the demon seed was passed on. Most of those demon-kin were only mildly evil in nature. They lived as slavers, tyrant lords, or dabblers in the dark arts. Nothing seriously dangerous to the world, but then came Shokin. Birthed from a half penny whore, and more demon than man, Shokin was obsessed with reopening the seal. Eventually, he found a way to do it. That was just two and a half centuries ago.
“Shokin was no fool. He bound the power of the greater demons to himself as he released them, and used their power as his own. Once he had gathered enough power, he stole their essences, and killed them. The things he did, the horrors he committed, the evils, the torments, and all the sinister connivery he brought to the world, earned the respect of the Abbadon. The Hell-god himself granted Shokin eternal life, by making him a fully fledged demon.
“He was eventually pulled onto Ironspike’s magical blade by your ancestor King William, but not before he had destroyed much of the land, and divided the kingdom into all its warring factions.
For years to come, the seeds of his subtle lies and deceit would keep sprouting. This time, when the demon essence was banished into the seal, a wizard summoned a dragon, and with King William, they made a blood pact. The dragon, not wanting to be trapped by the pact forever, made stipulations. For some reason that only dragons know, dragons have a deep regard for the Monolith in the Leif Greyn Valley, and since that dragon knew that the humans gathered there every year, and knew that sooner or later there would be a bloody battle, it chose that as the focal point of its conditional binding to guard the seal.
As long as the humans continued to meet every year in peace, and shed no innocent blood in the earth of the Sacred Valley, the dragon would guard the Seal so that no other could come along and open it as Shokin had. Recently, the pact was broken.”
King Aldar nodded questioningly at Borg. The Southern Guardian gave a short grim nod of agreement in return.
“The dragon no longer guards the Seal,” the Giant King continued. “I fear it has been opened. I fear that Shokin may be loose again. We all know firsthand that some of the lesser devils and dark creatures are about.”
“These things, these hellcats, wyverns, and hell boars, are only minions. They’re being sent and commanded by some far greater evil.”
The Giant King shifted positions, and gazed at Mikahl square in the face.
“What your father intended for me to tell you is meaningless now. He wanted me to help you take Glendar