and Pael out of power, to help seat you on the throne of Westland, but the kingdom cannot be your concern anymore. The fate of all the kingdoms has been placed upon your shoulders.”

After another long pull on the pipe, followed by a heavy sigh, King Aldar finished what he was telling.

“In the place called Coldfrost, a few years back, your father used Ironspike’s power to create a boundary. This was done for the sake of my kingdom, as well as Westland, so I am indebted.

In the letter you carried to me, King Balton wrote that the act of creating that boundary drained the sword’s power almost completely. One of the things he wanted you to do, something that you still must do, now more than ever, is rejuvenate the blade.

You must take Ironspike to the secret chamber where its Wardstone cradle is hidden, and let it replenish its strength there. It will draw power from the cooling stone until it is saturated again. Only then, will you be able to use it to banish Shokin back into the Nethers.”

King Aldar turned to face Hyden. His expression was stern and grave. Hyden’s eyes were open wide and his jaw was slack. King Aldar had his full attention.

“As with any resident in my kingdom, Hyden Hawk of the Skyler Clan, you were born free, so I will not command you to do anything. But, I will ask that you accompany King Mikahl on his journey, and that you protect, and aide him as best as you can in my stead.”

“Yes, your majesty,” Hyden said.

He found he regretted ever teasing Mikahl about having courtly manners. He was glad at the moment that he had learned from Mikahl the simple response he had just given.

“How will I find the secret cavern?” asked Mikahl. “How will I fight a demon? Will you not help us?”

“I’m helping you now!” King Aldar snapped, a little more harshly than he intended.

He liked humans well enough, especially King Balton, Lord Gregory, and the great fat lord of the marshlands in the south, but for the most part, humans irritated him, badly.

Mikahl was special though, and for some reason, that irritated him even more. He softened his voice, and a smile that was only half forced, came to his lips.

“If the time comes when Errion Spightre cannot cleanse the land, then yes, we giants will go to war against demon kind. Until that time comes, I am bound by the ancient traditions of my people to stay out of human affairs. We gave the precious metals used to make the blade. That is all we could or can do, until we as a race are actually threatened by this dark force. I will repay our debt to your father, though, for his aid in imprisoning the foul Wedjakin Breed at Coldfrost.

“The cooling cavern is in the eastern range of mountains, in the Kingdom of Highwander. Its precise location is a secret, but the sword itself should lead you to the exact location. To even our debt with King Balton, I can help you get there in a handful of days, where it would take you more than a full cycle of the Moon or more, to get there on your own.”

“But what of Shokin?” Mikahl asked, with uncertainty and confusion showing plainly on his face. “How do we kill it, or trap it, or whatever?” He looked to Vaegon for help, but the elf only shrugged and nodded for Mikahl to pay attention.

“In the ancient city of Xwarda, the capital of Highwander, there’s a place called Whitten Loch.” said King Aldar. “It’s just a lake, but there’s a little known temple there as well. You might seek the wisdom of the White Goddess there. She will be able to tell you more. It is said that there is a prophecy pertaining to the breaking of the Dragon’s Pact. If there really is a prophecy, then she would know it.”

King Aldar’s expression showed that he wished he could help Mikahl further, but could not.

“I would advise you to seek her out,” he finally said, knowing that it was the best advice he could give.

“She said that the whole of prophecy has been fractured!” Hyden interrupted, with a voice full of concern. “The White Goddess said I was supposed to have the ring that my brother ran off with and -”

His voice trailed off as Gerard’s destination came to his recollection. The place King Aldar had called the Black Tooth had to be Dragon Tooth Spire. Hyden was suddenly overcome by dread.

“My brother went with a Dakaneese woman to the Dragon Spire to try and steal a dragon’s egg. She had to know that the pact you spoke of would soon be broken, because they left the day before the Highwander Blacksword soldiers started the blood flowing at the monolith.”

Borg, who had been sitting in the near darkness at the edge of the firelight, spoke for the first time since they had eaten.

“My spies tell me that a woman invaded Westland immediately after King Glendar rode his whole army across the Locar Bridge to attack Wildermont. They call her the Dragon Queen, because she rides on the back of a great red fire wyrm. Could this be the Dakaneese woman?”

Hyden tried to answer Borg at the same time that Mikahl tried to ask a question, but the Giant King’s deep voice cut over both of them.

“It’s clear then, that the White Goddess knows far more of this than I,” King Aldar huffed.

He tapped the dying embers out of his pipe on the rock at his feet, and put it back into his pocket, and then looked Hyden.

“If your little brother had any part in opening that Seal, then you will bring him before me for judgment when this is all done. Is that clear?”

Hyden felt like he was about to vomit and the harsh look on King Aldar’s face filled him with fear for his brother.

“I understand,” he said with a gulp, then quickly added “Your Majesty.”

“I am honor bound to accompany Hyden Hawk,” Vaegon said respectfully. “Since we must travel east anyway, would it be possible for us to stop in the Evermore? I would like to share with my people this dire news, and ask for their advice on these matters. It would only take a day, at the most, and I think what the slight delay will cost us in time, will be made up tenfold in the end of things.”

“It can be so,” the Giant King said, as he rose to his feet. “You must decide now, Mikahl.”

Looking down, he gave both Hyden and Mikahl, stern and imposing looks.

“Each moment it is loose, the demon grows stronger, and every time you’re forced to use that sword, the blade grows weaker. By my dragon-bone staff, you’ll leave with the speed of wolves on the morrow, if that is the path you choose. If you choose another way, then on the morrow we will bid you farewell.”

With that said, he found a relatively smooth stretch of earth under the trees, and lay down, leaving the companions alone in the fire’s light.

In the shadows, Borg rose, and took his leave as well. It was a long while before any of them dared to speak.

Hyden couldn’t stop worrying about Gerard. What had his little brother gotten himself into? The old soothsayer had said that he would find the power to lead legions in the depths of the Dragon Spire, but those depths were where all the demons and devils had been banished to. And the ring! How would he ever get it back from Gerard? The White Goddess said that it must be done. What if Gerard wouldn’t willingly give it to him?

It was too much to think about all at once. He knew he would do what must be done, but he chose not to think about how terrifying it might be, or how hard it would be to actually do it.

Oh Gerard, what have you done little brother? He asked the question in his head, over and over. He wondered if Shaella, the beautiful Dakaneese fighter that had recruited Gerard, was the dragon rider Borg had spoken of. He wondered if Gerard was alive, and at her side, or if he had chased his foolish dreams into the darkness of the Nethers.

He glanced at Mikahl across the fire. Had his own brother helped take Mikahl’s kingdom? He shook his head, hoping to clear some of the questions away. He knew what he had to do for now. The White Goddess had told him to follow his heart, so that’s what he was going to do. The choice was Mikahl’s to make.

“I’ll see it through with you, Mik,” he said softly. “To whatever end we come to.”

“And I as well,” Vaegon added.

“Then it’s decided.” Mikahl’s voice was firm. He had already sworn to avenge Loudin’s and Lord Gregory’s deaths, as well as King Balton’s. King Balton’s death, he figured, was on Glendar’s hands, but the others had been killed by demon kind. Still, he was certain that all three deaths were rooted in the same sort of evil. He hoped that the White Goddess would help them. He also hoped that the people of Westland were all right. It troubled him deeply, to think that King Balton’s good and loyal subjects were under the command of some dragon riding wench.

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