waiting to hear whether it was possible to get the investigative files. But first he needed to collect his thoughts. All the details, all the puzzle pieces were whirling through his head. He knew that they fit together somehow. It was just a matter of working out how.

Erik felt strangely sad as he was preparing to leave. Of course it was hard to say goodbye to his two daughters. He gave them both a hug, pretending that he’d be back in a few days. But he was surprised to find that it was also difficult to say goodbye to the house and to Louise, who stood in the front hall, looking at him with an inscrutable expression.

His original plan had been to slip away, just leaving a note behind. But then he suddenly felt a need to say a proper farewell. In order not to provoke suspicion, he had already placed the big suitcase in the boot of the car. He wanted Louise to think that this was just another business trip, requiring only a small carry-on bag.

Even though it was unexpectedly hard to say goodbye, Erik knew that he would soon settle into his new life. All he had to do was think about that Swedish lawyer named Joachim Posener who had fled the country back in 1997, suspected of embezzlement. He’d managed to stay away without suffering any pangs of conscience at leaving a child behind. Besides, his own daughters were teenagers now. They didn’t really need him any more.

‘What kind of business trip is it?’ Louise asked him.

Something in her tone of voice caught Erik’s attention. She didn’t know, did she? He dismissed the thought. Even if she had her suspicions, there was nothing she could do about it.

‘Meeting with a new supplier,’ he said, fiddling with the car keys in his hand. He was actually being quite decent, now that he thought about it. He was planning to take the smaller car and leave the Mercedes for Louise. And the money that he’d left in the bank account was enough to pay expenses for his wife and children for at least a year, including the mortgage on the house. So she’d have plenty of time to work out the situation.

Erik stood up straighter. There was really no reason for him to feel like an arsehole. If anyone ended up suffering because of his actions, that wasn’t his problem. It was his life that was in danger, and he couldn’t just sit here waiting for the past to catch up with him.

‘I’ll be back the day after tomorrow,’ he said lightly, giving Louise a nod. It had been years since he’d given her a hug or a kiss when he left for a trip.

‘Come back whenever you want,’ she said with a shrug.

Again he thought he noticed something odd about her, but it was probably just his imagination. And in two days’ time, when she would be expecting him to return home, he’d already be in a safe place.

‘Bye,’ he said, turning his back to her.

‘Bye,’ said Louise.

He got into the car, and as he drove off, he took one last glance in the rear-view mirror. Then he switched on the radio and began humming along. He was on his way.

Erica looked at Patrik with concern when he came in the door. Maja had been in bed for quite a while, and she was sitting on the sofa, having a cup of tea.

‘Tough day?’ she asked cautiously, getting up to put her arms around him.

Patrik buried his face in her neck and for a moment he didn’t move.

‘I need a glass of wine,’ he said then.

He went into the kitchen while Erica went back to her place on the sofa. She could heard sounds of a glass clinking and a cork being removed from a bottle. She remembered how nice it was to have a glass of wine, but right now she had to make do with her tea. That was one of the big disadvantages of being pregnant and then nursing a baby – not being able to have a glass of red wine once in a while. Every now and then she would take a tiny sip from Patrik’s glass, and she had to be satisfied with that.

‘It feels great to be home,’ said Patrik with an audible sigh as he sat down next to Erica. He put his arm around her shoulders and propped his feet up on the coffee table.

‘And I’m so happy to have you home,’ said Erica, snuggling closer to him. For several minutes neither of them spoke as Patrik sipped his wine.

‘Christian has a sister,’ he said at last.

Erica gave a start. ‘A sister? I never heard that before. He always said that he didn’t have any family.’

‘That wasn’t really true. I know I’ll probably regret telling you about all this, but I’m just so bloody tired. Everything that I’ve heard today keeps buzzing around in my head, and I really need to talk to somebody. But this has to stay between the two of us. Okay?’ He gave her a stern look.

‘I promise. Go ahead and tell me.’

So Patrik told her about everything that he’d found out. They sat in the dark living room, the only light coming from the TV screen. Erica didn’t say a word, just listened carefully. Although she couldn’t help shuddering when Patrik told her how Alice had ended up brain-damaged and how Christian had lived with that secret all those years while Ragnar both protected him and kept an eye on him. Erica shook her head after Patrik finished telling her everything about Alice and about the emotionally callous childhood Christian had been forced to endure until he left the Lissander family.

‘Poor Christian.’

‘But that’s not the end of the story.’

‘What do you mean?’ asked Erica, and then gasped as one of the babies gave her a hard kick in the lungs. The twins were especially lively tonight.

‘Christian met a woman during the time he was studying in Goteborg. Her name was Maria. She had an infant son, almost a newborn when they met. She had no contact with the father. Maria and Christian soon moved in together, in a flat in Partille. The boy, Emil, became Christian’s own son. The three of them seemed to have been very happy.’

‘So what happened?’ Erica wasn’t sure that she really wanted to know. It might be easier to put her hands over her ears and shut out what she suspected was going to be a dreadful and difficult end to this story. But she couldn’t help asking Patrik what happened.

‘One Wednesday in April Christian came home from the university.’ Patrik kept his voice carefully neutral, and Erica took his hand. ‘The door was unlocked, which immediately made him uneasy. He called for Maria and Emil, but there was no answer. He walked through the flat, looking for them. Everything looked the same as always. Their coats were hanging up in the hall, so he didn’t think they’d gone out. And Emil’s pram was in the stairwell.’

‘I don’t know if I want to hear any more,’ whispered Erica, but Patrik was staring straight ahead and didn’t seem to hear her.

‘He found them at last. In the bathroom. Both of them had drowned.’

‘Dear God.’ Erica put her hand over her mouth.

‘The boy was lying on his back in the tub. His mother’s head was submerged in the water, but the rest of her body was outside the bathtub. The post-mortem found bruises left by fingertips on the back of her neck. Someone had forcibly held her head underwater.’


‘I don’t know. The police never managed to find the murderer. Strangely enough, Christian was never considered a suspect, even though he was the closest to the victims. That’s why we never found out about the case when we looked for his name in the police records.’

‘How is that possible?’

‘I’m not really sure. Everyone who knew them testified that they were an exceptionally happy couple. Even Maria’s mother defended Christian. And besides, a neighbour saw a woman enter the flat about the time the deaths occurred, as established by the medical examiner.’

‘A woman?’ said Erica. ‘The same one who…?’

‘I don’t really know what to think any more. This case is driving me mad. Somehow it all fits together – everything that has happened to Christian. Someone hated him so intensely that not even the passage of time was able to dull those emotions.’

‘And you have no idea who it might be?’ Erica could feel an idea taking shape in her mind, but she couldn’t really grasp what it was. The image was blurry. But there was one thing she knew for sure: Patrik was right. Somehow all of the events were connected.

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