No, actually, thought Anna-Maria, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. She isn’t shutting out the outside world. She’s shutting herself in.

“We appreciate the fact that you were able to come straightaway,” said Olof Strandgard. “We heard just a little while ago that you’d taken Sanna in for questioning. You must realize it’s a mistake. My wife and I are extremely concerned.”

“I understand,” said Sven-Erik. “But perhaps we could take one thing at a time. If we ask some questions regarding Viktor first, we can talk about your daughter afterward.”

“Of course,” said Olof Strandgard with a smile.

Well done, Sven-Erik, thought Anna-Maria. Take command now, otherwise the visit will be over before we’ve got an answer to anything.

“Could you tell us about Viktor,” said Sven-Erik. “What kind of person was he?”

“In what way is this information likely to be of assistance in your investigation?” asked Olof Strandgard.

“It’s a question we always ask,” said Sven-Erik, not allowing himself to be provoked. “We have to try and build a picture of him, since we didn’t know him when he was alive.”

“He was gifted,” said his father seriously. “Extremely gifted. I suppose that’s what any parent would say about their child, but if you ask his teachers they’ll confirm what I say. He got top grades in every subject, and he was highly musical. He had the ability to focus. On his schoolwork. On guitar lessons. And after the accident he focused one hundred percent on God.”

He leaned back on the sofa and pulled his right trouser leg up a fraction before crossing his right leg over the left.

“It was no easy calling God laid upon the boy,” he went on. “He put everything else to one side. Left school, and gave up his music. He preached and prayed. And he had a burning conviction that the revival would come to Kiruna, but he was also convinced that this could only happen if the free churches joined together. United we stand, divided we fall, as they say. At that time there was no sense of community between the Pentecostal church, the Mission church and the Baptist church, but he was determined. Only seventeen when he got the call. He more or less forced the pastors to start meeting and praying together: Thomas Soderberg from the Mission church, Vesa Larsson from the Pentecostal church and Gunnar Isaksson from the Baptist church.”

Anna-Maria squirmed in the armchair. She was uncomfortable, and the baby was boxing with her bladder.

“He got his calling in connection with his accident?” she asked.

“Yes. The boy was riding his bike in the middle of winter, and he was hit by a car. Well, you’re from Kiruna, you know the rest. The church just kept on growing, and we were able to build the Crystal Church. It’s just as well known as the lad himself. We had some really famous singers at the Christmas concert there in December.”

“How was your relationship with him?” asked Sven-Erik. “Were you close?”

Anna-Maria could see how Sven-Erik was making a real effort to draw Kristina Strandgard in with his questions, but she was staring blankly at the pattern on the wallpaper.

“Our family is very close,” said Olof Strandgard.

“Was he going out with anybody? Did he have other interests outside the church?”

“No, as I said, he decided to put everything else in life to one side for the time being, and to work only for God.”

“But didn’t that worry you? Not having anything to do with girls, or any hobbies?”

“No, not at all.” Viktor’s father laughed, as if he found what Sven-Erik had just said utterly ridiculous.

“Who were his closest friends?”

Sven-Erik looked at the photographs on the walls. Above the television hung a large photograph of Sanna and Viktor. Two children with long, silvery blond hair. Sanna’s in ringlets. Viktor’s straight as a waterfall. Sanna must have been in her early teens. It was quite clear that she was refusing to smile for the photographer. There was something defiant in the turned-down corners of her mouth. Viktor’s expression was also serious, but natural. As if he was sitting and thinking about something else altogether, and had forgotten where he was.

“Sanna was thirteen and the boy was ten,” said Olof, who had noticed Sven-Erik looking at the photograph. “It’s obvious how much he looked up to his sister. Wanted to have long hair just like hers from when he was little, and screamed like a stuck pig if his mother ever came near him with the scissors. At first he got teased in school, but he wanted it long.”

“His friends?” prompted Anna-Maria.

“I’d like to think the family were his closest friends. He and Sanna were very close. And he idolized the girls.”

“Sanna’s daughters?”


'Kristina,' said Sven-Erik.

Kristina Strandgard jumped.

“Is there anything you’d like to add? About Viktor,” he explained when she looked at him questioningly.

“What can I say,” she said uncertainly, glancing at her husband. “I haven’t really got anything to add. I think Olof described him perfectly.”

“Have you got an album of clippings about Viktor?” asked Anna-Maria. “I mean, he was in the papers quite a bit.”

“There,” said Kristina Strandgard, pointing. “That big brown album on the bottom shelf.”

“May I borrow it?” asked Anna-Maria, getting up and taking it off the shelf. “You’ll have it back as soon as possible.”

She held on to the album for a moment before putting it on the table in front of her. She was desperate to get another image of Viktor into her head, instead of the white lacerated body with its eyes gouged out.

“It would be very helpful if you could write down the names of people who knew him,” said Sven-Erik. “We’d like to talk to them.”

'It’ll be a very long list,' said Olof Strandgard. 'The entire population of Sweden knew him. And more.'

'I mean those who knew him personally,' said Sven-Erik patiently. 'We’ll send somebody to pick up the list this evening. When was the last time you saw your son alive?'

“On Sunday evening, at the Songs of Praise Service in the church.”

“That would be the Sunday evening preceding the murder, then. Did you speak to him?”

Olof Strandgard shook his head sorrowfully.

“No, he was part of the intercession group, so he was busy all the time.”

“When was the last time you met and had time to talk?”

“On Friday afternoon, just about two days before-” Viktor’s father broke off and looked at his wife.

“-You’d cooked some food for him, Kristina; it was Friday, wasn’t it?”

“Definitely,” she replied. “The Miracle Conference was just starting. And I know he forgets to eat, always puts others before himself. So we went round to his house and filled up the freezer. He thought I was being a mother hen.”

“Did he seem worried about anything?” asked Sven-Erik. “Was anything bothering him?”

“No,” answered Olof.

“He obviously hadn’t eaten for some considerable time when he died,” said Anna-Maria. “Do you have any idea why that might be? Could it have been because he’d just forgotten to eat?”

“Presumably he was fasting,” replied his father.

I’ll need to find the bathroom in a minute, thought Anna-Maria.

“Fasting?” she asked, concentrating on not wanting to go. “Why?”

“Well,” said Olof Strandgard, “it says in the Bible that Jesus fasted for forty days in the desert and was tempted by the devil before He appeared in Galilee and chose the first disciples. And it says that the apostles prayed and fasted when they were choosing the elders for the first churches and handing them over to God. In the Old Testament, Moses and Elijah fasted before they received God’s revelations. Presumably Viktor felt that he had an important role during the Miracle Conference, and wanted to sharpen his concentration beforehand through fasting and prayer.”

“What is this Miracle Conference?” asked Sven-Erik.

“It started on Friday evening and finishes next Sunday evening. Seminars during the day, and services in the

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