wavered in and out of focus and then, with a jerk, a commercial for Mc Donald's came on the screen.
'Whooo-hoo,' someone shouted appreciatively.
There was scattered clapping.
'Did you hear that?' said Charles, after a pause.
I had forgotten all about him. His voice was slurred and his hair fell sweaty across his forehead. 'Be careful,' 1 said to him in Greek, and nodded towards the barmaid. 'She can hear you.'
He mumbled something, wobbling on his bar stool, all padded glitter-vinyl and chrome.
'Let's go. It's late,' I said, fumbling in my pocket for money.
Unsteadily, his gaze locked on mine, he leaned over and caught hold of my wrist. The light from the jukebox caught and glinted in his eyes, making them strange, crazed, the luminous killer eyes that sometimes glow unexpectedly from a friend's face in a snapshot.
'Shut up, old man,' he said. 'Listen.'
I pulled my hand away and swung round on the stool but just as I did it I heard a long, dry rumble. Thunder.
We looked at each other.
'It's raining,' he whispered.
All that night it fell, warm rain, dripping from the eaves and pattering at my window, while I lay flat on my back with my eyes wide open, listening.
All that night it rained and all the next morning: warm, gray, coming down soft and steady as a dream.
When I woke up I knew they were going to find him that day, knew it in my stomach from the moment I looked out my window at the snow, rotten and pocky, patches of slimy grass and everywhere drip drip drip.
It was one of those mysterious, oppressive days we sometimes had at Hampden, where the mountains that lowered at the horizon were swallowed up in fog and the world seemed light and empty, dangerous somehow. Walking around campus, the wet grass squishing beneath your feet, you felt as if you were in Olympus, Valhalla, some old abandoned land above the clouds; the landmarks that you knew – clocktower, houses – floating up 4i3 like memories from a former life, isolated and disconnected in the mist.
Drizzle and damp. Commons smelled like wet clothes, everything dark and subdued. I found Henry and Camilla upstairs at a table by the window, a full ashtray between them, Camilla with her chin propped in her hand and a cigarette burning low between her ink-stained fingers.
The main dining room was on the second floor, in a modern addition that jutted over a loading dock in the back. Huge, rain-splashed panes of glass – tinted gray, so they made the day seem drearier than it was – walled us in on three sides and we had a prime view of the loading dock itself, where the butter and egg trucks pulled up early in the morning, and of the slick black road that wound through the trees and disappeared in the mist in the direction of North Hampden.
There was tomato soup for lunch, coffee with skim milk because they were out of plain. Rain pittered against the plate glass windows. Henry was distracted. The FBI had paid him another visit the night before – what they wanted he didn't say – and he was talking on and on in a low voice about Schliemann's Ilios, the fingertips of his big square hands poised on the table's edge as if it were a Ouija board. When I'd lived with him over the winter, he would sometimes go on for hours in these didactic monologues, reeling off a pedantic and astonishingly accurate torrent of knowledge with the slow, transfixed calm of a subject under hypnosis. He was talking about the excavation of Hissarlik: 'a terrible place, a cursed place,' he said dreamily – cities and cities buried beneath each other, cities torn down, cities burnt and their bricks melted to glass… a terrible place, he said absently, a cursed place, nests of tiny brown adders of the sort that the Greeks call antelion and thousands and thousands of little owl-headed death gods (goddesses, really, some hideous prototype of Athena) staring fanatical and rigid from the engraved illustrations.
1 didn't know where Francis was, but there was no need to ask about Charles. The night before I'd had to bring him home in a taxi, help him upstairs and into bed, where, judging from the condition in which I'd left him, he still was now. Two cream cheese and marmalade sandwiches lay wrapped in napkins by Camilla's plate. She hadn't been there when I brought Charles home, and she looked like she'd just got out of bed herself: tousle- haired, no lipstick, wearing a gray wool sweater that came down past her wrists. Smoke drifted from her cigarette in wisps that were the color of the sky outside. A tiny white speck of a car came singing down the wet road from town, far away, twisting with the black curves and growing larger by the moment.
It was late. Lunch was over, people were leaving. A misshapen old janitor trudged in with mop and pail and began, with weary grunting noises, to slop water on the floor by the beverage center.
Camilla was staring out the window. Suddenly, her eyes got wide. Slowly, incredulously, she raised her head; and then she was scrambling out of her chair, craning to see.
I saw, too, and jumped forward. An ambulance was parked directly beneath us. Two attendants, pursued by a pack of photographers, hurried past with their heads bent against the rain and a stretcher between them. The form upon it was covered with a sheet but, just before they shoved it through the double doors (long, easy motion, like bread sliding into the oven) and slammed them shut, I saw, hanging down from the edge, five or six inches of yellow rain slicker.
Shouts, far away, downstairs in Commons; doors slamming, a growing confusion, voices shouting down voices and then one hoarse voice, rising above the others: 'Is he living?'
Henry took a deep breath. Then he closed his eyes; and exhaling sharply, a hand to his chest, he fell back in his chair as if he'd been shot.
This is what happened.
At about one-thirty on Tuesday afternoon, Holly Goldsmith, an eighteen-year-old freshman from Taos, New Mexico, decided to take her golden retriever, Milo, for a walk.
Holly, who studied modern dance, knew of the search for Bunny but like most students of her year had not participated in it, taking advantage of the unexpected recess to catch up on sleep and study for midterms. Quite understandably, she did not wish to run into a search party while on her outing. Therefore she decided to take Milo out behind the tennis courts to the ravine, since it had been canvassed days before and was, besides, a spot of which the dog was especially fond.
This is what Holly said: 'When we were out of sight of campus, I unhooked Milo's leash so he could run around by himself. He likes to do that…
'So I was just standing there [at the edge of the ravine] waiting for him. He'd scrambled over the embankment and was running around and barking, usual stuff. I'd forgot his tennis ball that day.
I thought it was in my pocket but it wasn't, so I went off and found a few sticks to throw to him. When I came back to the edge of the embankment, I saw he had something in his teeth, shaking it from side to side. He wouldn't come when I called him. I thought he had a rabbit or something…
'I guess Milo had dug him up, his head and his, um, chest, I guess – I couldn't see very well. It was the glasses I noticed… slipped off one [ear] and kind of flopping back and forth like… yes, please… licking his face… I thought for a moment he was…' [unintelligible].
The three of us went rapidly downstairs (gaping janitor, cooks peeping from the kitchen, the cafeteria ladies in their nurse cardigans leaning over the balustrade) past the snack bar, past the post office where for once the red-wigged lady at the switchboard had put aside her afghan and her bag of variegated yarns and was standing in the doorway, crumpled Kleenex in hand, following us curiously with her eyes as we rushed through the hall and into the main room of Commons, where stood a cluster of grim-looking policemen, the sheriff, the game warden, security guards, a strange girl crying and someone taking pictures and everybody talking at once until someone looked up at us and shouted: 'Hey! You! Didn't you know the boy?'
Flashbulbs went off everywhere and there was a riot of microphones and camcorders in our faces.
'How long had you known him?'
'… drug-related incident?'
'… traveled across Europe, is that right?'
Henry passed a hand over his face; I'll never forget the way he looked, white as talc, beads of sweat on his upper lip and the light bouncing off his glasses… 'Leave me alone,' he muttered, seizing Camilla by the wrist and trying to push through to the door.
They crowded forward to block his path.
'… care to comment…?'