far. (I am all heart, ha, ha.)
He was so uncomfortable through all these discussions and inquisitions (he didn't know what to do or where or how to look; no matter how much we joshed and chuckled to put him at ease, he was never at ease. His doubtful smile was always forced and wavering as he strained to joke back cordially with us and asked questions and gave answers to ours in a profound and abortive effort to understand just what in the world it was we had grown so determined to teach him, and why) I suppose he really wanted to give up and cry: when I look back now and recall his delicate, furrowed expression, his lowered, obliging voice, it seems evident (now) that he had come awfully close to tears, but he would not (because we did not want him to) let them flow: he masked it well (but I know him better now): he flashed his doubtful smile often at us instead, from one to the other of us, as we harangued and excoriated him affably and he groped undecidedly, with knitted brow, to catch on to and hold what we felt we had explained so fluently.
'Suppose you want the penny later, or tomorrow?' I would point out by way of benevolent illustration.
'Then I'll get another one,' he would answer.
'From who?'
'From you.'
'I won't give you one.'
He squinted. 'How come?' he asked in puzzlement.
'Because I won't,' I said, with a conclusive gloat
'How come?'
I shrugged.
'Then I'll get it from Mommy.'
'Will you?'
'I won't give you one either.'
'How come?' He draws back a bit and gazes at my wife.
'You just gave one away before, didn't you? That's how little you thought of it.'
He sees us watching him in silence, waiting for his next attempt.
'From the boy I gave it to,' he says. 'I'll get it from him.'
'He won't have it.'
'He won't give it to you.'
'He'll spend it by then. That's why he wanted it.'
'Do you think everyone's so generous?'
'Or he won't give it to you. Not everyone is as generous as you are.'
'Or as rich.'
'Or as well off. We're not rich.'
'So you see? Do you?'
'We won't give it to you.'
'You won't have one tomorrow.'
My boy is befuddled and gapes at us searchingly, still straining to smile and endeavoring to make some sense of the situation, twisting in confusion (and plucking rapidly, distractedly, at his penis) as he waits for a hint, seeks hopefully to detect some beam of light that will illuminate it as some kind of well-intentioned practical joke.
('Don't pull at your penis,' I am tempted to reprimand him, but I don't.)
'Do you have to go to the bathroom?' my wife does inquire peremptorily. He shakes his head with surprise, wondering why she has asked.
He cannot figure out what has just happened to him. A tremor of uncertainty shivers through him as he turns, looking frozen, from one to the other of us and finds himself deserted by both.
'How come?' he asks plaintively, and now a note of misery and total resignation perforates his voice. (He is ready to capitulate if he has to.)
'To,' I summarize with lofty and deliberate relish, 'teach you a lesson.'
What a prick I was.
What a selfish, small, obtuse, and insensitive prick. I am glum with shame and repentance now when I remember those smug and tyrannical persecutions of my little boy (and will be sickened with shame and repentance afterward when I inflict them on him again. How can I stop myself?). For my own part (I plead guilty, your honor, but with an explanation, sir), I honestly believe I was motivated mainly by a protective and furious desire to safeguard him against being taken advantage of by other children (even by my daughter. I never could stand to see him taken advantage of. It was as though I myself were undergoing the helpless humiliation of being tricked, turned into a sucker. My own pride and ego would drip with wounded recognition. That's when I have been most enraged by him, when I wanted to smash and annihilate him, at those times when I felt, in a flaring outbreak of nearly unbridled bitterness, that he was allowing himself to be victimized and bullied by other children. So
'He's really something, isn't he?'
'And how. So lovable.').
We were enchanted by his novel unselfishness; we talked about him with gusto to other people, feeling fortunate and superior because he was ours and we were able to do so. We fished for envious praise from other parents, soliciting, collecting, devouring, and waxing fat and glib on good comments about him in corpulent self- esteem. (What a vain and vainglorious, hypocritical, and egotistical prick.) And even then (indisputably now), if we had been asked to pick between a child who liberally gave away his pennies, nickels, and dimes that he did not want or need for himself and one who would always hoard them only for his own use, we would have chosen exactly what we had. We
(So why did I try to change him?)