'I sigh. Because we're good soldiers. And nobody will remember that.'

The weather softened. The Patriarchal troops left their shelters to resume work on raising a palisade just outside the reach of Praman artillery. Else wanted the circumvallation extended in both directions. King Peter appeared disinclined to come within sight of al-Khazen on his end.

Grade Drocker preferred to ignore the Direcian-Connecten army. Those people had done their part. And then they had snapped up way more than their share of the spoils. 'If I had my way, we'd make the Connectens storm al-Khazen so they get used up.'

Else did not venture an opinion. Later he enjoyed a tense discussion with Titus Consent. Consent had begun to understand his own value. And that had begun to go to his head.

'This isn't a threat,' Else told him. 'I don't do that. But the man in charge here does. And he has no love for anything Devedian. And isn't just hard and smart, but deep. He's watching you.'

Not humbled, Consent said, 'Your leaders have been complaining about us wasting food on the people who got driven out of the city.'

'Ignore the whining. Those Deves helped us. A lot'

'As you command, Colonel.'

'You don't like me way things are, take it up with the Brotherhood.'

Titus Consent went away because Sublime's devoted Principatйs had found me commander of me city regiment.

Divino Bruglioni isolated Else. 'There's something I've wanted to ask for some time, Hecht.'


'It's about the reward purse Paludan was supposed to give you before you came to the Collegium.'

'Yes?' This would be about the ring.

'You know I gave him that to give to you?'

'Thank you, then. A man needs affirmation of his work — even if the only measure is coin.'

“True. But… How do I phrase this? Straightforward is the only way. Did you find a ring in that purse? It would be plain gold, well worn, rather old. Nothing special. But of sentimental value to me. It came to me from my grandfather, who got it from his. I've been trying to find it for months. I know I had it when I made up that purse. I can't remember seeing it since.'

'Ah.' Else said, 'There was a ring. A gold band. And some foreign coins. I sold it all to a money changer who said he'd resell everything to his nephew the goldsmith. He was making something for the Patriarch's mother.'

Divino Bruglioni spat a curse. 'That damned tiara!.. I know who… How could you? Sainted Founders! The Fates are heartless.'

'What did I do, Your Grace?' A Prince of the Church whining about the cruelty of pagan forces?

'Hell, nothing. You couldn't know the ring wasn't part of your reward.'

'You've lost me completely, Your Grace.'

'No doubt. I fibbed. The ring was special. It was magic, in lay terms.'

'Wow! Like in stories?'

'No. Not like in stories. I don't suppose the man you sold it to might be one of our Devedians here?'

'No. He was more exotic. I think he was Dainshau. And at least eighty years old. I needed a translator. He was from the old country.'

'Dainshaukin all try to make you think that, Hecht. Their purported inability to speak the language gives them an edge. You'd be stunned at how fast they learn when there's money to be made.'

'A magic ring? Really?'


'I never believed in them.' Else wondered how many times Polo had searched his things.

'Most people don't. Most urbanites have no idea what goes on in the wider world. They'd void their bowels if they were aware of a tenth of what they can't see.'

'You're scaring me, Your Grace. What did the ring do?'

'Its main power is that it makes itself and whoever is wearing it hard to notice. By creatures of the Night. If I put it on I could stand amid a pack of Night wolves and they wouldn't notice me. But the ring also affects whoever uses it. You forget about it. Then you lose it.'

'That's what happened to you?'


'I'm sorry, Your Grace. I can see where that would be a handy trinket. I'll take you to see that Dainshau when we get back to Brothe. Just in case the ring didn't get melted down.'

'There wouldn't be much point. He'll have forgotten the whole incident, probably.'

Excellent. The perfect excuse registered for him, up front. 'I'm sorry.'

'Stop saying that. Never mind. Tell me. Is there any plan to do anything but sit here and freeze our butts off?'

'The weather should start growing warmer before too much longer.'

'I mean, will we do anything about al-Khazen? Besides sit here?'

'Not if I can help it. Time is the best weapon we have. They get weaker every day. A few of them defect every day. Defections will increase once they hear we're letting the common soldiers go home to their farms and families.'

'I'm not sure I like that.'

'It's something my great uncle taught me. Always show your enemy a Golden Path. A way out that gives him a chance to get away. Because if he's sure you're going to kill him, he's going to make you work real hard to get it done. He's going to hurt you bad.'

A runner came, whispered in the Principatй's ear. “I see,' Bruglioni said. 'Yes. I'll be there right away.' Once the messenger was out of earshot, Divino said, 'There's an Imperial delegation headed our way. They've been getting hurt by the Praman sorcerers. They want to know how to ease the pain. And get some sleep at night.'

Uncle Divino hurried away. Else retreated to his quarters. Why was the Emperor not better prepared? The man had Ferris Renfrow covering his back.

Else decided to nap while the opportunity was there.

Polo wakened him, it seemed only moments later. 'They're coming, Colonel.'


'The Imperials. They'll pass right by us.'

Fine. Drocker would have them led through the camp to impress them. 'Let's sneak a look, then.'

Polo bounced outside, stood gawking in the bitter wind. Else held back because it was cold out there. And he needed Polo's help to get into his heavy winter blouse.

The clatter and rattle of tack and armor, and the rumble of hooves impacting cold mud, moved nearer. Else decided to stay right where he was. Ferris Renfrow would be with this bunch for sure. Else did not want to attract Renfrow's notice.

He opened shutters a crack. And spotted Renfrow immediately, along with several Braunsknechts from last year. The nameless captain rode at Crown Prince Lothar's right hand.

Lothar! Rumor said Johannes had his children with him. Else had not believed it. Why take the risk? But here was the weakest of the three, leading a delegation, getting a chance to show what he could do.

Else was deeply disappointed. Helspeth Ege had not accompanied her little brother. Then he was embarrassed by his disappointment.

'Polo! Get in here!'


'Inside. Now. I need you.' Else sealed the shutters and hoped the Imperials would not investigate.

'Colonel?' Polo sounded concerned. There were moments when Else suspected him of caring.

'Polo… that rabbit… I've got stomach cramps. This is bad. Get Captain… Ghort back. He'll have to… stand in for the regiment. This is going to start… coming out the other end soon.'

'Sir? Are you sure?'

Else groaned. 'Polo, if you don't get Ghort in here in the next… three minutes I'm going to find you a … Oh! A special assignment with the people who manage the drainage teams.' Polo had met Just Plain Joe. 'Do… Uhn! Do

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