
'I'll do what has to be done.' He explained what he had done already.

Drocker nodded. 'Good. But hold off. I've already sent my men to do exactly that. We don't want yours tripping over mine. Plus, yours aren't equipped. Mine are used to operating in environments where the Instrumentalities of the Night are active.'

'A good point. I hadn't thought of that.'

'I'm not making a grab for the glory.'

'I understand. You're right.'

'Fear not. Lothar may be in less danger than you think. His party included two Brothers from the Special Office. They'll be an unpleasant surprise for the Unbeliever.'

'That's good to hear.'

There would be interesting confrontations out there. Given remote help by the Principatйs, those Brotherhood operatives might fend off Starkden and Masant el-Seyhan. But the Brothers might be surprised themselves.

The men sent to capture Lothar would be Sha-lug.

Else asked, 'Do you have time to tell me about the Imperial delegation?'

'See Bechter. He'll fill you in. And lend you a messenger so you can call off your hounds.'

'I brought my man Polo. He can run the message. Where do I find Sergeant Bechter?'

Else told Polo, 'Find Captain Ghort. Tell him we've been overruled on the rescue attempt but that I want the commando company ready to go anyway. Can you do that?'

Polo bobbed his head eagerly.

'Get going.'

'Where have you been?' Drocker asked.

'Latrine.' And he had been.

'That long? Here. Take this. In ten ounces of warm water. I need you working, not riding the Holey Pine.'

Unnerved by Drocker's jest, Else accepted the packet. 'I'll be right back.' He went away, made a show of following instructions, rejoined the Brotherhood sorcerer. 'Does that stuff cause cramps? Because I had a good case before I took it.'

'You may have a wind problem for a while. Unless you're so sick that nothing will save you. Sit. Get comfortable. The old ladies from the Collegium are supposed to let us know what's happening out there.'

Else nodded, then said, 'Sir… I've noticed that you're getting better at speaking. Seemingly at cost to your physical well-being.'

'I'm touched by your concern, Hecht. But you're wasting emotion. I know what I'm doing — though that may not serve the survival of this flesh.'

'Sir, I…'

'This worldly cask doesn't matter, Hecht. I would've shed it ere now had I been able to bring you into the Brotherhood. You don't recognize it but you're exactly me sort of man to see our faith through the worst tribulations, then boldly carry God's standard to the Wells of Ihrian.'

'Sir? You… I…'

'The problem is that your commitment to the faith isn't of a depth equaling your abilities to inspire men to accomplish a common goal.'

'Sir… Sir, you're straining yourself needlessly. You're fooling yourself, too, I think. I'm just a displaced foreigner who's been lucky. Captain Ghort would've done just as well.'

'Perhaps.' Drocker began to show the strain. 'Think about what I've said. Talk to God. Consult your conscience.'

Wishing he could go inside Drocker's head, Else said, 'God's Will be done.'

'Go. Do what you're thinking of doing. Without straying too far from a latrine.'

There were no witnesses to this meeting. Else left it thoroughly puzzled. Clearly, Drocker was trying to manipulate him in several directions.

Worthy of reflection.

'Pinkus. Where are we?' First colors of false dawn were creeping over the eastern hills. Shortly, the advantage would no longer rest with those whose loyalties hinged on the things of the Night. 'Ready to go?'

'What did Drocker say?'

'You wouldn't believe me if I told you. He did hint that he'd be looking some other way if we decided to go into the Imperial rescue business.'

'Oh? Meaning?'

'Meaning the guy has a private agenda. And he thinks we can help him get where he wants to go.'

'What do you think?'

'I intend to take advantage. Now, what have you got?'

Ghort laid out a detailed plan for a raid into al-Khazen itself, through the storm water drain found by the Principatйs.

'You put this together in three hours?'

'Hell, no. I been working on this since they found that drain. Just in case.'

'Interesting. I see a lot of Deves on your manpower table. Especially in your reserve.'

'Yeah. Who do you think will fight the hardest when we get there?'


Ghort grinned. 'You ain't gonna stay behind, are you?'

“Too many people are getting to know me too well.' Else reviewed Ghort's plan. It was sound. It included two strong reserve companies meant to extricate the main force if it got into trouble. 'Only thing missing is the name of the Principatй who'll be going with us.'

'Bronte Doneto. But you knew that.'

'I guessed. Besides him being your main guy, he's one of only about three of them spry enough to make the trip. Will he go?'

'Even if Grade Drocker vetoes it.'

'He's got an angle of his own, then.'

'They all have, all the time.'

'Only one question left, then. Who do we leave in charge here?'

'I'm thinking the Deve kid. Titus Consent'

'Nobody will stand for that. Not for long. Not even his own people.'

'Exactly. And he won't be underfoot out there with us.'

'How soon can we start?'

'Less than an hour.'

'I'll go see if Polo wants to go on an adventure.”

Polo's hunger for adventure had been slaked. He was willing to stay in camp and keep an eye on Titus Consent. Else chuckled as he eased down an icy rock face into a gully that would let the raiders approach al-Khazen unseen by watchers on the wall. Ghort had scouted well. Snow in the gully made for slow going, though.

Ghort walked point. Twenty-six men followed, including Else and Bronte Doneto. Doneto was uncomfortable surrounded by so many Devedian fighters. The reserve force fell behind, slowed by elderly but feisty members of the Collegium. Divino Bruglioni was among them, riding in a sedan chair.

Ghort led the band up out of the gully and ordered a halt. 'We need the sun to move a littie so we'll have better shadows.'

'Why?' Doneto asked.

'We need to cross this ridge and slide down the other side. We'll be visible from the wall. Until we have the cover of those shadows. Or we could wait till dark. When the enemy would have his nighttime eyes.'

'I see. Good work, Captain.'

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