Batutta sat behind the wheel of the open Mercedes four-wheel-drive and shrugged innocently. 'A caravan from the salt mines at Taoudenni reported sickness in Asselar. What else can I tell you?'
'Won't hurt to have a look,' said Grimes.
Eva nodded in agreement. 'We should analyze the water from the well to be on the safe side.'
'If you please walk in from here,' said Batutta, 'I'll return to the aircraft and transport the rest of your people.'
'That's good of you, Captain,' acknowledged Hopper. 'You can ferry our equipment as well.'
Without a reply or a wave, Batutta spun away in a cloud of dust and headed across a scrubby plain toward the parked aircraft that had landed on a long stretch of flat ground.
'Damned odd of him to suddenly become helpful,' muttered Grimes.
Eva nodded. 'Too helpful, if you ask me.'
'I don't much care for it,' said Grimes, gazing at the silent village. 'If this was an American western movie, I'd say we were walking into an ambush.'
'Ambush or not,' said Hopper, unconcerned, 'let's give a go at finding any inhabitants.' He set off down the slope in long strides, seemingly oblivious to the noonday sun and the heat radiating from the rock-strewn ground. Eva and Grimes hesitated a moment, and then set off after him.
Ten minutes later they entered the narrow, alley-like streets of Asselar. The narrow thoroughfares showed anything but a concern for neatness. They had to step over and around small mounds of trash and scattered rubbish that seemed to litter every square meter of ground. A light, hot breeze suddenly shifted, and the smell of decay and rotting meat struck their nostrils. The ugly odor grew more powerful with every step they took. It seemed to be drifting from inside the houses.
Hopper refrained from entering any buildings until they reached the marketplace. Here, an incredibly disgusting sight met their eyes. None of them in their wildest flights of nightmarish imagination could have envisioned the horror scattered remains of human skeletons, skulls lined up as if' displayed for sale, blackened and dried skin hanging from the tree in the market square that seemed alive under the attack of swarms of flies.
Eva's first thought was that she was gazing at the human debris of some massacre by an armed force. But that theory was quickly discarded in her mind as it didn't explain the positioning of the skulls or the flayed skin. Something happened here that went far beyond atrocities committed by bloodthirsty soldiers or desert bandits. That much became apparent when she knelt down and picked up a bone, recognizing it as a humerus, the long bone of the upper arm. A chill coursed through her blood as she discovered that it was indented and chipped by what she correctly identified as human teeth marks.
'Cannibalism,' she whispered in shock.
For some reason, the buzzing of the flies and the revelation uttered by Eva only served to heighten the deathly stillness of the village. Grimes gently took the bone from her hand and studied it.
'She's right,' he said to Hopper. 'Some bestial maniacs have eaten all these poor devils.'
'Judging from the stink,' said Hopper, wrinkling his nose, 'there's still some who haven't turned to skeletons yet. You and Eva wait here. I'll check the houses and see if I can find a live one.'
'Doesn't look to me like they take to strangers,' Grimes resisted. 'I suggest we beat a hasty retreat back to the plane before we wind up on the local menu.'
'Nonsense,' Hopper scoffed. 'We're looking at an extreme case of abnormal behavior. It might very well be caused by the toxic contaminant we're searching for, and I'm not about to run away until I get to the bottom of it.'
'I'll go with you,' Eva said resolutely.
Grimes shrugged. He was from the old school and not about to be out-braved by a woman. 'All right, we'll search together.'
Hopper slapped him on the back. 'Good show, Grimes. I'd be honored to be an ingredient with you in the same soup du jour.'
The first house they entered, the walls little more than stacked rocks held together with dried mud, contained two bodies, a man and a woman, dead at least a week, the heat already having dried out their tissue and shriveled and tightened their skin. Death had not been swift but agonizingly slow, Hopper determined after a cursory examination of the shocking remains. Theirs had not been the death of a fast-acting poison. It had been the death of people who suffered excruciating torment until they were released.
'Can't tell much without a pathological examination,' said Hopper.
Grimes looked down, his face calm and unperturbed. 'These people have been dead for some time. I'd stand a better chance of finding solid answers from a fresh victim.'
It sounded so cold and clinical to Eva. She shuddered, not from the cadavers but from recognizing a pile of small bones and skulls heaped in one corner of the darkened house. She could not help wondering if the couple had killed and eaten the flesh of their own children. The thought was too abhorrent to dwell on and she pushed it aside and struck out on her own, entering a house directly across the street.
She moved through a doorway that was more elaborate than the others. Beyond, there was an L-shaped courtyard that was clean and swept. Almost blasphemous as compared to the others that were filled with debris. The stench was particularly strong in this house. Eva dampened a small handkerchief with water from a canteen on her belt, then stepped cautiously from room to room. The walls were a chalky white and the ceilings high with exposed, rounded poles laid over a matting. There was plenty of light from numerous windows, all opening onto the courtyard.
It was one of the grander houses of the town, probably belonging to a merchant, Eva judged from the crafted chairs and tables that had somehow managed to remain upright in normal positions, unlike the furnishings in other houses that were tossed about and broken. She slowly edged around a doorway into a large rectangular room. She gasped and stood there, rooted in disgust at finding a grisly pile of rotting human limbs, neatly stacked in what was the kitchen.
Eva fought back the rising sickness, suddenly feeling drained and empty and frightened. She fled from the hideous sight and stumbled into a bedroom. Shock piled on top of shock. She froze and stared at a man lying on a bed as if relaxing, his eyes wide open. His head was propped up on a cushion and his hands were stretched at his side, palms up. He stared back at her through sightless eyes that might have been on loan from the devil. The whites of the eyes were a bright pinkish color while the irises were a deep red. For a frightful instant she thought he was still alive. But there was no rise in his chest from breathing, and his satanic-colored eyes never blinked.
Eva stood there, staring back for what seemed a long time. Finally, she mustered up her courage and walked over to the bed and touched the carotid artery in his neck with the tips of her fingers. There was no pulse. She leaned over and lifted his arm. Rigor mortis had barely stiffened his muscles. She straightened as she heard footsteps behind her. She whirled around and saw Hopper and Grimes.
They moved around her and looked down at the corpse. Then abruptly, Hopper laughed, the sound booming throughout the house. 'By God, Grimes. You wanted a fresh victim for an autopsy, and there it lies.'
After Batutta made the last trip into the village with the U N investigation team and their portable analysis equipment, he parked the Mercedes beside the aircraft. The inside of the cockpit and passenger cabin had quickly become an oven under the onslaught of the sun, and the crew was lounging in the shade under one wing. Though they had acted indifferent around the scientists when Batutta was present, they now came to attention and saluted him.
'Anyone left in the plane?' Batutta asked.
The chief pilot shook his head. 'You took the last of them to the village. The aircraft is empty.'
Batutta smiled at the pilot who wore an airline uniform with stripes on the sleeve. 'A fine piece of acting, Lieutenant Djemaa. Dr. Hopper took the bait. You fooled him completely into thinking you were a substitute crew.'
'Thank you, Captain. And thank my South African mother for teaching me English.'
'I must use the radio to contact Colonel Mansa.'
'If you will come to the cockpit, I will set the frequency for you.'
Stepping into the aircraft cockpit was like stepping into a bucket of molten lead. Though Lieutenant Djemaa left the side windows open for ventilation, the heat still sucked the breath from Batutta. He sat and suffered while the disguised Malian air force pilot hailed Colonel Mansa's headquarters. Once contact was made Djemaa turned over the microphone to Batutta and thankfully left the steamy cockpit.