
'You really don't have to worry about that direction,' Hideyoshi reassured Nobunaga.

But Nobunaga was anxious. 'A siege is not the right strategy, but getting impatient will only injure my own troops. I don't see how we can take the fortress, no matter what we do.'

Camp councils were held over and over again, but no one seemed to have a good idea. Finally a plan of Hideyoshi's was approved, and one night soon after that he disap­peared from the advance guard.

Starting from the crossroads of the Unuma and Hida roads, which was four or five leagues from the end of the mountain range on which Inabayama stood, Hideyoshi set off with only nine trusted men. Drenched in sweat, the party scrambled up Mount Zuiryuji, which was far enough from Inabayama that no one would be on watch there. Among the men accompanying Hideyoshi were Hikoemon and his younger brother, Matajuro. Acting as their guide was a man who had recently become devoted to Hideyoshi and who felt a deep sense of obligation toward him, Osawa Jirozaemon, the Tiger of Unuma.

'Go from the base of that huge crag toward the valley. Cross that little stream yonder and head for the marsh.'

Just when they thought they had reached the end of the valley and of the path as well, they saw wisteria vines clinging to a cliff. Rounding a peak, they found a hidden path to the valley that passed through a low growth of striped bamboo.

'It's about two leagues along this path to the rear of the castle. If you go that distance following this map of the mountain, you should run into a water sluice that leads inside the castle. Now with your permission, I'll take my leave.'

Osawa left the group and turned back alone. He was a man who had a strong sense of loyalty. Although he was devoted to Hideyoshi and completely sincere, he had once sworn allegiance to the Saito clan. It must have pained him to lead these men up the se­cret path that led to the back of the castle of his former lords. Hideyoshi had guessed as much and had intentionally told him to turn back before they reached their destination.

Two leagues was no great distance, but there was virtually no path. As they climbed, Hideyoshi continually referred to the map, looking for the hidden pathway. The map and the actual terrain of the mountain did not match, however, no matter how long he com­pared the two.

He could not find the mountain stream that was supposed to be their landmark. They were lost. Meanwhile, the sun started to set, and it turned much cooler. Hideyoshi had not given much thought to the possibility of getting lost. His mind was on the troops laying siege to Inabayama Castle. If something went wrong at sunrise the following morn­ing, he would be doing his comrades a great disservice.

'Wait!' one of the men said, so suddenly that they all froze. 'I can see a light.'

There was no reason for a light to be in the middle of the mountains, especially near a secret path leading to Inabayama Castle. They had probably got quite close to the castle, and this was certain to be an enemy guardhouse.

The men quickly hid. Compared with the ronin, who were extremely agile whether they were scrambling up the mountains or merely walking, Hideyoshi felt at a disadvantage.

'Hold onto this,' Hikoemon said, extending the shaft of his spear. Hideyoshi held on tight, and Hikoemon clambered up the precipice, pulling Hideyoshi up behind him. They came out onto a plateau. As the night grew darker, the light they had seen before flickered brightly from a cleft in the mountain to the west of them.

Assuming that the light was from a guardhouse, the path certainly would only go in one direction.

'We have no choice,' they said, determined to break through.

'Wait.' Hideyoshi quickly calmed them down. 'There are probably only a few men in the guardhouse, not enough to worry us, but we mustn't let them signal Inabayama. If there's a fire beacon, it must be close to the hut, so let's find it and leave two men there first. Then, to stop any guard from getting away to the castle, half of you should go be­hind the house.'

Nodding in assent, they crawled away like forest animals, crossing a hollow and entering the valley proper. The fragrance of the hemp in the fields was unexpected. And here were plots of millet, leeks, and yams.

Hideyoshi cocked his head to one side. The hut, surrounded as it was by fields, and of rough construction, did not appear to be a guardhouse. 'Don't be hasty. I'm going to take a look.'

Hideyoshi crawled through the hemp, trying to keep it from rustling. From what he could see inside the hut, it was clearly nothing more than a peasant's house, and terribly run-down at that. He could see two people in the dim light of a lamp. One seemed to be an old woman, sleeping stretched out on a straw mat. The other one looked to be her son, and he was massaging the old woman's back.

Hideyoshi forgot where he was for a moment, and gazed fondly at the scene. The old lady's hair was already white. Her son was quite muscular, although he didn't seem to be more than sixteen or seventeen. Hideyoshi was unable to think of this mother and child as strangers. He suddenly felt as though he were seeing his own mother in Nakamura and himself as a boy.

The young man suddenly looked up and said, 'Mother, wait just a moment. Something's strange.'

'What is it, Mosuke?' The old lady raised herself up a little.

'The crickets have suddenly stopped chirping.'

'It's probably some animal trying to get into the storehouse again.'

'No.' He shook his head strongly. 'If it were an animal, it wouldn't come close while the light was still shining.' The young man slid out toward the porch, ready to go outside, and picked up a sword. 'Who's out there, sneaking around!' he called.

Hideyoshi suddenly stood up in the hemp patch.

Starded, the young man stared at Hideyoshi. At length he murmured, 'What's goin on? I thought someone was out there. Are you a samurai from Kashihara?'

Hideyoshi did not answer, but turned around and signaled the men hiding behind him with a wave of his hand. 'Surround the hut! If anyone runs out of it, cut them down!' The warriors jumped up from the hemp patch and surrounded the hut in an instant.

'Surrounding my house with all this show,' Mosuke said, almost as a challenge to Hideyoshi, who had now walked up to the house. 'My mother and I are the only two people here. There's nothing here worth surrounding with so many people. What's your business here anyway, samurai?'

His attitude, as he stood on the porch, was anything but confused. On the contrary, it was almost too calm. He was obviously looking down on them with contempt.

Hideyoshi sat down on the edge of the porch and said, 'No, young man, we're just being careful. We didn't mean to frighten you.'

'I'm not frightened at all, but my mother was startled. If you're going to apologize you should apologize to my mother.' He spoke fearlessly. This boy did not appear to be a simple peasant. Hideyoshi looked around inside the hut.

'Come, come now, Mosuke. Why are you being so rude to a samurai?' the old woman said. Then she turned and spoke to Hideyoshi. 'Well, I don't know who you are but my son never mixes with worldly society and is just a willful country boy who doesn't know his manners. Please forgive him, sir.'

'Are you this young man's mother?'

'Yes, sir.'

'You say he's just a country boy who doesn't know his manners, but judging from your speech and his countenance, I find it hard to believe that you're ordinary farmers.'

'We scrape out a living by hunting in the winter and making charcoal and selling it in the village in the summer.'

'That may be so now, but not formerly. At the very least, you certainly belong to a family of pedigree. I'm not a retainer of the Saito, but due to certain circumstances, I'm lost in these mountains. We have no intention of harming you. If you don't mind, would you please tell me who you are?'

Mosuke, who had sat down next to his mother, suddenly asked, 'Master samurai, you speak with an Owari accent too. Are you from Owari?'

'Yes, I was born in Nakamura.'

'Nakamura? Not far from us. I was born in Gokiso.'

“Then we're from the same province.'

“If you’re a retainer from Owari, I'll tell you everything. My father's name was Horio Tanomo.  He served

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