cartwheeled drunkenly among the rest, weightless and awkward instead of swift, and realized it was a single bat, just visible against the faltering light.

My father sighed, leaning against the wall, and put one foot up on a block of stone-a hitching post, something to climb onto a donkey from? He wondered this aloud, for my benefit. Whatever it was, it had seen centuries of this view, the countless similar sunsets, the relatively recent change from candle glow to electric lights in the high-walled streets and cafes. My father looked relaxed again, propped there after a fine meal and a stroll in the absolutely clear air, but it seemed to me that he was relaxed on purpose. I hadn’t dared to ask him about his strange reaction to the story the restaurant maitre d‘ had told us, but it had opened up to me a sense that there might be stories more horrifying to my father even than the one he’d begun telling me. This time, I didn’t have to ask him to go on with our story; it was as if he preferred it, for now, to something worse.

Chapter 8

December 13, 1930

Trinity College, Oxford

My dear and unfortunate successor:

I take some comfort today in the fact that this date is dedicated in the church calendar to Lucia, saint of light, a holy presence carted home by Viking traders from southern Italy. What could offer better protection against the forces of darkness-internal, external, eternal-than light and warmth, as one approaches the shortest, coldest day of the year? And I am still here, after another sleepless night. Would you be less puzzled if I told you that I now slumber with a wreath of garlic under my pillow, or that I keep a little gold crucifix on a chain around my atheist neck? I don’t, of course, but I will leave you to imagine those forms of protection, if you like; they have their intellectual, their psychological, equivalents. To these latter, at least, I cling night and day.

To resume my account of my research: yes, I changed my travel plans last summer to include Istanbul, and I changed them under the influence of one small piece of parchment. I had examined every source I could find at Oxford and in London that might pertain to theDrakulyaof my mysterious blank book. I had taken a sheaf of notes on the subject, which you, unquiet reader of the future, will find with these letters. I have expanded them a little since then, as you shall hear later, and I hope they will protect as well as guide you.

I had every intention of dropping this pointless research, this chase after a random sign in a randomly discovered book, on the eve of my departure for Greece. I knew perfectly well that I had taken it up as a challenge dealt me by fate, in whom, after all, I didn’t even believe, and that I was probably pursuing the elusive and evil wordDrakulyaback into history out of a sort of scholarly bravado, to prove I could find the historical traces of anything, anything at all. In fact, I had so nearly lapsed into a chastened frame of mind, packing my clean shirts and my weather-beaten sun hat, that I almost forsook the whole thing, that last afternoon.

But, as usual, I had prepared too diligently for my travels, I was ahead of myself, I had a little time before my last sleep and the morning train. Either I could go down to the Golden Wolf to order a pint of stout and see if my good friend Hedges was there or-here I made an unfortunate detour, in spite of myself-I could stop one last time in the Rare Book Room, which would be open until nine. There was a file I had intended to try there (although I doubted it would bring anything to light), an entry underOttomanthat had struck me as pertaining to precisely the period of Vlad Dracula’s life, since the documents listed in it were, I’d noticed, mainly from the mid- to late fifteenth century.

Of course, I reasoned with myself, I couldn’t go hunting through every source from that period for all of Europe and Asia; it would take years-lifetimes-and I didn’t foresee getting even an article out of this bloody goose chase. But I turned my feet away from the cheering pub-a mistake that has been the downfall of many a poor scholar-and towards Rare Books.

The boxed file, which I found without difficulty, contained four or five flattened short scrolls of Ottoman workmanship, all part of an eighteenth-century gift to the University. Each scroll was covered with Arabic calligraphy. An English description at the front of the file assured me that this was no treasure trove, as far as I was concerned. (I referred immediately to the English because my Arabic is depressingly rudimentary, as I’m afraid it will probably remain. One has time for only a handful of the great languages unless one gives up everything else in favor of linguistics.) Three of the scrolls were inventories of taxes levied on the peoples of Anatolia by Sultan Mehmed II. The last of them listed taxes collected from the cities of Sarajevo and Skopje, a little closer to home, if home for me just now was Dracula’s abode in Wallachia, but still a distant part of empire from his, in that day and time. I reassembled them with a sigh and considered the short but satisfying visit I might still pay to the Golden Wolf. As I gathered the parchments to return them to their cardboard file, however, a bit of writing on the back of that last one caught my eye.

It was a short list, a casual graffito, an ancient doodle on the reverse of Sarajevo and Skopje ’s official paperwork for the sultan. I read it curiously. It appeared to be a record of expenses-the objects purchased had been noted down on the left and the cost, in an unspecified currency, noted neatly down on the right. “Five young mountain lions for his Gloriousness the Sultan, 45,” I read with interest. “Two golden belts with precious stones for the Sultan, 290. Two hundred sheepskins for the Sultan, 89.” And then the final entry, which made the hair rise along my arm as I held that aging parchment up: “Maps and military records from the Order of the Dragon, 12.”

How, you ask, could I take all this in at a glance, when my knowledge of Arabic is as crude as I’ve already confessed? My quick-minded reader, you are staying awake for me, following my lucubrations with care, and I bless you for it. This scrawl, this mediaeval memorandum, was written out in Latin. Below it, a faintly scratched date seared the thing into my brain: 1490.

In 1490, I recalled, the Order of the Dragon lay in ruins, crushed by Ottoman might; Vlad Dracula was fourteen years’ dead and buried, according to legend, in the monastery at Lake Snagov. The Order’s maps, records, secrets-whatever this elusive phrase referred to-had been bought cheap, very cheap, compared to the bejewelled belts and the loads of stinking sheep wool. Perhaps they’d been thrown into this merchant’s purchase at the last minute, as a curiosity, a sample of the bureaucracy of conquest to flatter and amuse an erudite sultan whose father or grandfather had expressed grudging admiration for the barbaric Order of the Dragon that harassed him at the edge of the Empire. Was my merchant a Balkan traveller, Latin writing, speaking some Slav or Latinate dialect? Certainly he was highly educated, since he could write at all, perhaps a Jewish merchant with three or four languages at his command. Whoever he was, I blessed his dust for jotting down those expenses. If he had sent off the caravan of spoils without incident, and if it had reached the sultan safely, and if-least likely of all-it had survived in the sultan’s treasure-house of jewels, beaten copper, Byzantine glass, barbarous church relics, works of Persian poetry, books of cabala, atlases, astronomical charts -

I went to the desk, where the librarian was checking through a drawer. “Excuse me,” I said. “Do you have a listing of historical archives by country? Archives in-in Turkey, for example?”

“I know what you’re looking for, sir. There is such a listing, for universities and museums, although it’s by no means complete. We don’t have it here-the central library desk can show it to you. They open tomorrow at nine o’clock in the morning.”

My train to London, I remembered, didn’t leave until 10:14. It would take only ten minutes or so to glance through the possibilities. And if Sultan Mehmed II’s name, or the names of his immediate successors, appeared among any of the possibilities-well, I hadn’t wanted to see Rhodes so very badly after all.

Yours in profoundest grief, Bartholomew Rossi

Time seemed to have stopped in the high-vaulted library hall, despite the activity all around me. I had read one whole letter, but there were at least four more in the pile beneath it. I noticed, looking up, that a blue depth had opened behind the upper windows: twilight. I would have to walk home

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