

THE FIRST THING THAT STRUCK JASON AS THEY GOT close to the base was the odor. The stench penetrated past the perpetual odor of oily soot. Jason pinched his nose and concentrated on breathing through his mouth but still felt like he was going to gag.

Linda patted him on the back but wore a sour expression too. 'Khalid,' she called. 'We're close enough to the base, and Jason's timer is down to seven minutes.'

'Then increase your pace. I won't reset it until we reach the camp.'

'It's not safe to rush like this. There could still be more of those monsters around. We should go slowly.'

'By now the smoky air has probably driven them out of the cavern, but it won't last forever. We need to strike now before the smoke clears.'

Linda took quicker steps. 'Jason, we'd better hurry.'

Jason glanced down at the belt of explosives. He watched the number blink from six down to five. No kidding.

As they approached the edge of the base, the source of the odor became apparent, and they all slowed down. 'Don't look, Jason,' Linda said, trying to shelter him.

Ignoring her warning, Jason watched while Khalid gave the carcass of the dead beast a wide berth as he crept around it. Linda followed, pulling Jason along. As they rounded its bulk, the cause of death became apparent. Its stomach had been blown open by some explosive. Bits of metal and clotted intestines were strewn several yards across the floor. Jason swallowed hard, fighting back the urge to retch. He didn't know which was worse, the sight or the smell.

As they hurried around the reeking beast, Linda suddenly gasped and turned Jason's head to her chest. But not before he glimpsed the headless torso of one of the base personnel still caught in its dead jaws. This time he didn't fight to be free of her embrace.

Once past the remains, Linda released him, patting him on the back. He saw Khalid had stopped ahead, visibly shaken, his face blanched.

Linda crossed to him. 'I don't want Jason to see any more of this.'

Khalid actually nodded. 'We're almost where I need to go. It's down this way.' He turned and led the way. 'Move quietly.'

Leading the way, Khalid traced a path between two collapsed wooden buildings. As they followed, Jason noticed the booted legs of a soldier sticking out from under a jumbled pile of wooden beams and glass. He looked away.

The base was silent around them, their footsteps the only noise.

Khalid paused for a moment, glancing around him as if to get his bearings, then proceeded north across the edge of the base. In less than a minute, they had reached one of the yard-thick natural pillars that connected the distant ceiling to the floor.

Khalid pulled off his pack and opened it. He removed a length of climbing rope and tossed it to Linda. 'Tie the boy here.'

'What?' She dropped the rope, refusing.

'He has three minutes left on the timer. I'll reset it once he's secure.'

'But why-'

'You're running out of time. Do it now!'

Linda glanced at Jason's timer, then bent down and picked up the rope. 'I'm sorry,' she said as she positioned his back against the stone column.

'Tie his hands behind his back first.'

Jason saw the worried look in her eyes as she knotted the rope around his wrists. He could tell she was on the verge of tears. This bothered Jason more than being tied up. 'It's okay,' he whispered to her.

She secured his waist to the column with the rope.

'Make it tight. You'll use up precious seconds if I have to redo it.'

Linda pulled the rope snug and tied a rapid knot. 'I'm done.' She sat back, her head hanging down. 'There,' she said, anger sharpening her voice. 'Now reset the timer!'

Khalid checked the knots and the tautness of the ropes. He then bent down and tapped at the credit-card-sized keyboard below the LED readout. The number now flashed 120. Jason had another two hours.

'Why are you doing this?' Linda asked.

'Two reasons. First, the boy is slowing us down. And I have fifteen charges still to set. With your help, I can be done in less than two hours. The second reason is motivation. I won't return to reset his timer again until all fifteen charges are placed. This way you'll be encouraged to cooperate with the utmost speed.'

'I'll help you. I told you I would. There's no need for this.'

His next words were acid: 'Your word is shit.'

She remained silent.

Jason saw Khalid grab two handkerchiefs and come toward him. He tried to shy away, but the ropes held him tight. Khalid shoved the heel of his hand into Jason's forehead, pinning the back of his skull to the rock column. He then balled up one of the handkerchiefs and forced it into Jason's mouth. Before Jason could try to spit it out, he secured the gag with the second handkerchief.

By now, Linda was grabbing at Khalid's arm. 'Leave him alone!'

Khalid elbowed her away, finishing his knot. 'I don't want this brat screaming as soon as we leave. It could draw those creatures back.' He pointed at Jason's belt. It now read 116. 'We're wasting time.'

Linda knelt by Jason. He tried to remain calm. She touched his cheek. 'I'll be back. I promise.'

He nodded, forcing back the tears that threatened.

She hugged him tight until Khalid pulled at her shoulder. 'Now!'

Linda stood, and with a final squeeze on Jason's shoulder, she turned and followed Khalid. Jason watched them disappear out of sight behind him, then listened as their footsteps faded into the darkness. He was alone.

With his helmet lamp slicing a path forward into the blackness, Ben led the way across the empty cavern floor, heading for the lights of Alpha Base. He was careful to stop frequently and listen. Even though he could not see them, he knew the three mimi'swee hunters, armed with knives and spears, had fanned out to either side, watching for any signs of the crak'an. They moved without lights and were as silent as phantoms. The only thing Ben could hear was the scrape of Harry's boots on the rock behind him.

Ben switched his pistol to his other hand and wiped his palm on his trousers leg. The fires had heated up the cavern and the pall of smoke made it difficult to breathe. He licked at his cracked lips and removed his canteen, flipping the top with his thumb. Careful to no more than wet his mouth, he took a quick swig, then whispered to Harry, 'I expected lots of those monsters to be still around.'

'Maybe the heat and the smoke are keeping them away.'

'I don't like it. This is just too damned easy. One thing I've learned when things look fine-shit happens!'

Harry shrugged. 'Be careful what you wish for, buddy.'

A noise to the right drew their attention. 'It's Nob'cobi,' Harry said. 'C'mon. He's found something.'

Ben followed Harry's bouncing lantern across the uneven floor. Nob'cobi was crouched by a steaming pile of dung. He had a fistful of it in front of his nose. He turned to Harry and spoke in hushed tones.

Harry translated. 'He says it's fresh.'

'Well, that's good.' Ben crinkled his nose at the odor. 'I'd hate to think it had spoiled.'

'He estimates it's less than an hour old. There's other spoor too. He's guessing that it's a group of at least five of them. Two of them male.'

'He can tell all that from sniffing shit?'

'It's their job.'

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