some beast of the sea? The Mabden seemed to fear many such monsters. Corum clung desperately to the sides, trying to keep the boat on course away from the rocks, but the waves increased their agitation.

And the sound came closer.

Corum picked up his long, strong sword and readied himself (Корум поднял свой длинный, крепкий меч и приготовился).

He saw something in the mist then (тут он увидел что-то в тумане). It was a tall, bulky shape — the outline of a man (высокая, грузная фигура — очертания человека). And the man was dragging something behind him (и тот человек тащил что-то за собой). A fishing net (рыболовную сеть)! Were the waters so shallow, then (значит, воды были настолько мелки)? Corum leaned over the side and lowered his sword, point downward, into the sea (Корум перегнулся через борт и опустил меч, острием вниз, в море). It did not touch bottom (он не коснулся дна). He could make out the ocean floor a long way below him (он мог разглядеть дно океана далеко под собой = на большой глубине). He looked back at the figure (он снова посмотрел на фигуру). Now he realised that his eyes and the mist had played tricks on him (теперь Корум осознал, что его глаза и туман обманули его; to play a trick — подшучивать, забавляться; сыграть /с кем-либо/ шутку). The figure was still some distance from him and it was gigantic — far huger than the Giant of Laahr (фигура находилась все еще на некотором расстоянии от него, и она была громадной — намного больше, чем Великан из Лаара; huge — огромный, гигантский). This was what made the waves so large (вот что делало волны такими большими). This was why the boat rocked so (вот почему лодка так раскачивалась).

Corum made to call out, to ask the gigantic creature to move away lest he sink the boat, then he thought better of it (Корум хотел крикнуть, попросить гигантское создание отойти в сторону, чтобы оно не потопило лодку, но потом передумал). Beings like this were considered to think less kindly of mortals than did the Giant of Laahr (считалось, что существа вроде этого думают менее доброжелательно о смертных, чем = не жалуют смертных, в отличие Великана из Лаара; think kindly of me — не поминайте лихом).

downward [`daunwqd] ocean [`quS (q) n] distance [`dIst (q) ns]

Corum picked up his long, strong sword and readied himself.

He saw something in the mist then. It was a tall, bulky shape — the outline of a man. And the man was dragging something behind him. A fishing net! Were the waters so shallow, then? Corum leaned over the side and lowered his sword, point downward, into the sea. It did not touch bottom. He could make out the ocean floor a long way below him. He looked back at the figure. Now he realised that his eyes and the mist had played tricks on him. The figure was still some distance from him and it was gigantic — far huger than the Giant of Laahr. This was what made the waves so large. This was why the boat rocked so.

Corum made to call out, to ask the gigantic creature to move away lest he sink the boat, then he thought better of it. Beings like this were considered to think less kindly of mortals than did the Giant of Laahr.

Now the giant, still cloaked in mist, changed his course, still fishing (теперь великан, по-прежнему скрытый туманом, изменил направление, продолжая ловить рыбу; to cloak — покрывать плащом; маскировать, прикрывать). He was behind Corum's boat and he trudged on through the water, dragging his nets behind him (он был позади лодки Корума и устало шел по воде, таща свои сети за собой; to trudge — идти с трудом, устало тащиться; с трудом преодолевать что-либо).

The wash sent the boat flying away from the Thousand League Reef, heading almost due east (прибой отнес лодку в сторону от Тысячемильного Рифа, направляя почти прямо на восток; wash — мытье; прибой, волна; to send — посылать, отправлять; направлять /что-либо куда-либо/ с силой; to send flying — сообщать предмету стремительное движение; отбрасывать), and there was nothing Corum could do to stop it (и Корум ничего не мог сделать, чтобы остановить ее). He fought with the sail and the tiller, but they would not respond (он боролся с парусом и румпелем, но они не поддавались; to respond — отвечать, реагировать; срабатывать). It was as if he was borne on a river rushing towards a chasm (словно его несла река, бегущая к глубокому ущелью; to bear; chasm — глубокая трещина, пропасть, ущелье). The giant had set up a current which he could not fight (великан вызвал течение, с которым он не мог бороться; to set up — устанавливать, устраивать; вызывать).

There was nothing for it but to allow the boat to bear him where it would (ничего не оставалось, кроме как позволить лодке нести его, куда она понесет = отдаться на волю волнам). The giant had long since disappeared in the mist (великан давно уже исчез в тумане), heading towards the Thousand League Reef where perhaps he lived (направляясь к Тысячемильному Рифу, где, возможно, он жил).

Like a shark pouncing on its prey, the little boat moved (как акула, набрасывающаяся на свою добычу, /стремительно/ двигалась маленькая лодка; to pounce — бросаться, внезапно атаковать), until suddenly it broke through the mist into hot sunshine (пока вдруг не пробилась сквозь туман = вырвалась на жаркий солнечный свет).

And Corum saw a coast (и Корум увидел берег). Cliffs rushed at him (утесы устремились = быстро приближались к нему).

due [djH] chasm [kxzm] pouncing [`paunsIN] prey [preI]

Now the giant, still cloaked in mist, changed his course, still fishing. He was behind Corum's boat and he trudged on through the water, dragging his nets behind him.

The wash sent the boat flying away from the Thousand League Reef, heading almost due east, and there was nothing Corum could do to stop it. He fought with the sail and the tiller, but they would not respond. It was as if he was borne on a river rushing towards a chasm. The giant had set up a current which he could not fight.

There was nothing for it but to allow the boat to bear him where it would. The giant had long since disappeared in the mist, heading towards the Thousand League Reef where perhaps he lived.

Like a shark pouncing on its prey, the little boat moved, until suddenly it broke through the mist into hot sunshine.

And Corum saw a coast. Cliffs rushed at him.

CHAPTER TWO (глава вторая)

Temgol-Lep (Темгол-Леп)

Desperately Corum tried to turn the boat away from the cliffs (отчаянно пытался Корум повернуть лодку от утесов). His six-fingered left hand gripped the tiller and his right hand tugged at the sail (его шестипалая левая рука схватилась за румпель, а правая рука тянула за парус). Then there was a grinding sound (потом раздался скрежещущий звук; to grind — перемалывать/ся/; тереть/ся/ со скрипом). A shudder ran through the metal boat and it began to keel over (дрожание пробежало по металлической лодке = лодка содрогнулась и начала заваливаться на борт; to keel over — опрокидываться). Corum grabbed at his weapons and managed to seize them before he was flung overboard and carried on by the wash (Корум попытался схватить оружие и сумел схватить его прежде, чем его швырнуло за борт и понесло течением; to grab at — пытаться схватить/ся/). He gasped as water filled his mouth (он /чуть/ не задохнулся, когда вода наполнила его рот). He felt his body scrape on shingle and he tried to stagger upright as the current began to retreat (он почувствовал, как его тело тащит по гальке, и попробовал /встать/ и идти прямо, когда течение начало отступать; to scrape — скрести/сь/, задевать, шаркать /ногой/). He saw a rock and grasped it, dropping his bow and his quiver of arrows which were instantly swept away (он увидел скалу = выступ и уцепился за него, бросая лук и колчан стрел, которые были тут же смыты /волнами/).

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