Blood flooded over him (кровь лилась вокруг него; to flood — затоплять; хлынуть потоком). He tried to regain his feet (он попытался снова встать на ноги). The heads of foul reptilian creatures rose from the stuff and snapped at his face with their jaws (головы отвратительных похожих на рептилий существ поднимались из этой массы и щелкали своими челюстями возле его лица).

innocent [`Inqs (q) nt] foul [faul] reptilian [rep`tIlIqn]

He stood knee-deep in slithering flesh that was without shape but which lived. It began to suck him down. He struck about him with his sword. Now he was waist-deep. He gasped and forced his body through the stuff.

He stood beneath a dome of ice and with him stood a million Corums. There he was, innocent and gay before the coming of the Mabden, there he was moody and grim, with his jewelled eye and his murderous hand, there he was dying…

Another step…

Blood flooded over him. He tried to regain his feet. The heads of foul reptilian creatures rose from the stuff and snapped at his face with their jaws.

His instinct was to draw back (его инстинкт был = требовал отступить; to draw back — отдергивать; отходить назад, отступать). But he swam towards them (но он поплыл к ним; to swim) …

He stood in a tunnel of silver and gold (он стоял в туннеле из серебра и золота). There was a door at the end and he could hear movement behind it (в конце была дверь, и он слышал /какое-то/ движение позади нее).

Sword in hand, he stepped through (/держа/ меч в руке, он вошел в нее).

Strange, desperate laughter filled the immense gallery in which he found himself (странный, отчаянный смех наполнил необъятную галерею, в которой он оказался; immense — безмерный, беспредельный, очень большой).

He knew that he had reached the Court of the Knight of the Swords (он понял, что добрался до двора Рыцаря Мечей).

instinct [`InstINkt] immense [I`mens] Court [kLt]

His instinct was to draw back. But he swam towards them…

He stood in a tunnel of silver and gold. There was a door at the end and he could hear movement behind it.

Sword in hand, he stepped through.

Strange, desperate laughter filled the immense gallery in which he found himself.

He knew that he had reached the Court of the Knight of the Swords.

CHAPTER SIX (глава шестая)

The God Feasters (пир бога)

feaster — организатор или участник пира; feast — пир; торжество

Corum was dwarfed by the hugeness of the hall (Корум казался маленьким из-за громадности зала; to dwarf — останавливать рост; подчеркивать малые размеры или незначительность по контрасту). Suddenly he saw his past adventures, his emotions, his desires, his guilts as utterly inconsequential and feeble (внезапно он увидел = ему показались его былые приключения, его чувства, желания, чувство вины чрезвычайно незначительными и ничтожными). This mood was increased by the fact that he had expected to confront Arioch the moment he reached his court (это настроение = такие мысли усилились из-за того, что он ожидал встречи с Ариохом в тот момент, когда достиг его двора).

But Corum had entered the palace completely unnoticed (но Корум проник во дворец совершенно незамеченным). The laughter came from a gallery high above where two scaled demons with long horns and longer tails were fighting (смех исходил из галереи высоко наверху, где дрались два покрытых чешуей демона с длинными рогами и еще более длинными хвостами). As they fought, they laughed, though both seemed plainly near death (когда они дрались = во время драки они смеялись, хотя оба, казалось, вот-вот умрут; to be near death — быть при смерти). It was on this fight that Arioch's attention seemed fixed (видимо, их драка поглотила внимание Ариоха: «это именно на их драке было сосредоточено внимание Ариоха»).

dwarfed [dwLft] inconsequential [In, kOnsI`kwenS (q) l]

Corum was dwarfed by the hugeness of the hall. Suddenly he saw his past adventures, his emotions, his desires, his guilts as utterly inconsequential and feeble. This mood was increased by the fact that he had expected to confront Arioch the moment he reached his court.

But Corum had entered the palace completely unnoticed. The laughter came from a gallery high above where two scaled demons with long horns and longer tails were fighting. As they fought, they laughed, though both seemed plainly near death. It was on this fight that Arioch's attention seemed fixed.

The Knight of the Swords — the Duke of Chaos — lay in a heap of filth and quaffed some ill-smelling stuff from a dirty goblet (лежал на куче отбросов и пил большими глотками какую-то отвратительно пахнувшую жидкость из грязного кубка; filth — отбросы, грязь; to quaff — пить большими глотками, осушать залпом; goblet — бокал; кубок). He was enormously fat and the flesh trembled on him as he laughed (он был чрезвычайно толст, и его плоть тряслась: «и плоть на нем тряслась», когда он смеялся). He was completely naked and formed in all details like a Mabden (он был совершенно наг, и во всех деталях был сложен = выглядел в точности, как мабден). There seemed to be scabs and sores on his body, particularly near his pelvis (парша и язвы виднелись на его теле, особенно возле пупка; sore — болячка, рана, язва; pelvis — таз). His face was flushed and it was ugly and his teeth, when he opened his mouth, seemed decayed (его лицо было покрасневшим, уродливым, а его зубы, когда он открывал рот, были гнилыми; to flush — хлынуть; приливать к какой-либо части тела /особенно о крови к лицу/; decayed — испорченный, гнилой, разрушенный).

Corum would not have known he was the God at all if it had not been for his size (Корум не понял бы, что это вообще бог, если бы не его величина), for Arioch was as large as a castle and his sword, the symbol of his power (потому что Ариох был большим, словно замок, а его меч, символ власти/могущества), would have stood as high as the tallest tower of Castle Erorn, if it had been placed upright (стоял бы так высоко, как = был бы таким же высоким, как самая высокая башня замка Эрорн, если бы его поставили вертикально).

naked [`neIkId] particularly [pq`tIkjulqlI] symbol [`sImb (q) l]

The Knight of the Swords — the Duke of Chaos — lay in a heap of filth and quaffed some ill-smelling stuff from a dirty goblet. He was enormously fat and the flesh trembled on him as he laughed. He was completely naked and formed in all details like a Mabden. There seemed to be scabs and sores on his body, particularly near his pelvis. His face was flushed and it was ugly and his teeth, when he opened his mouth, seemed decayed.

Corum would not have known he was the God at all if it had not been for his size, for Arioch was as large as a castle and his sword, the symbol of his power, would have stood as high as the tallest tower of Castle Erorn, if it had been placed upright.

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