был размером с высокий тополь).

Corum saw that there were openings beneath the galleries and stairways twisting upwards (Корум увидел, что под галереями есть проходы и лестницы, поднимавшиеся наверх; to twist — виться, изгибать/ся/), but he had no notion where the highest tower of the palace might be (но он понятия не имел, где может находиться самая высокая башня дворца). He began to move, soft-footed, around the hall (он начал двигаться, крадучись: «с мягкими ногами», по залу; to move around — передвигаться, перемещаться).

Arioch's ears caught the sound and the God became alert (уши Ариоха уловили звук /его шагов/, и бог насторожился). He bent his head and peered about the floor (он наклонил голову и всмотрелся в пол). The huge eyes fixed on Corum and a monstrously large hand reached out to grasp him (огромные глаза остановились на Коруме, и невероятно большая рука потянулась, чтобы схватить его).

alert [q`lq: t] monstrously [`mOnstrqslI] grasp [grRsp]

Then a huge sigh issued from the God's mouth and he began to pick his nose with a dirty finger that was the size of a tall poplar.

Corum saw that there were openings beneath the galleries and stairways twisting upwards, but he had no notion where the highest tower of the palace might be. He began to move, soft-footed, around the hall.

Arioch's ears caught the sound and the God became alert. He bent his head and peered about the floor. The huge eyes fixed on Corum and a monstrously large hand reached out to grasp him.

Corum raised his sword and hacked at the hand (Корум поднял меч и рубанул руку), but Arioch laughed and drew the Vadhagh prince towards him (но Ариох рассмеялся и подтянул вадагского принца к себе).

`What's this (что это)? the voice boomed (прогремел голос). `Not one of mine (не один из моих). Not one of mine.

Corum continued to strike at the hand and Arioch continued to seem unaware of the blows (Корум продолжал наносить удары по руке, а Ариох продолжал выглядеть незнающим = казалось, не замечал ударов), though the sword raised deep cuts in the flesh (хотя меч оставлял глубокие порезы в его плоти; to raise — поднимать; вызывать, порождать). From over his shoulders, behind his ears and from within his filthy hair (из-за его плеч, из-за его ушей, из его грязных волос), Mabden eyes regarded Corum with terrified curiosity (глаза мабденов смотрели на Корума с ужасом и любопытством: «напуганным любопытством»; to regard — расценивать; рассматривать).

`Not one of mine, Arioch boomed again (снова прогремел Ариох). `One of his (один из его). Aye. One of his.

`Whose (чей)? Corum shouted, still struggling (крикнул Корум, по-прежнему сражаясь /с рукой/).

regarded [rI`gRdId] curiosity [, kju (q) rI`OsItI]

Corum raised his sword and hacked at the hand, but Arioch laughed and drew the Vadhagh prince towards him.

`What's this? the voice boomed. `Not one of mine. Not one of mine.

Corum continued to strike at the hand and Arioch continued to seem unaware of the blows, though the sword raised deep cuts in the flesh. From over his shoulders, behind his ears and from within his filthy hair, Mabden eyes regarded Corum with terrified curiosity.

`Not one of mine, Arioch boomed again. `One of his. Aye. One of his.

`Whose? Corum shouted, still struggling.

`The one whose castle I recently inherited (того, чей замок я недавно унаследовал). The dour fellow (/того/ непреклонного парня; dour — строгий, непреклонный, угрюмый). Arkyn. Arkyn of Law (Аркина, /бога/ Закона). One of his. I thought they were all gone by now (я думал, они все уже погибли; by now — к этому времени, уже). I cannot keep an eye on little beings not of my own manufacture (я не могу уследить за /всеми/ малявками: «маленькими существами» не моего собственного производства = не за своими творениями). I do not understand their ways (я не понимаю их; way — путь, дорога; манера, привычка, особенность).

`Arioch! You have destroyed all my kin (ты убил всех моих родных)!

`Ah, good (а, хорошо). All of them, you say (всех, говоришь)? Good. Is that the message you bring to me (это сообщение ты принес мне = ты пришел, чтобы сказать мне это)? Why did I not hear before, from one of my own little creatures (почему я раньше /этого/ не слышал, от кого-нибудь из моих маленьких созданий)?

`Let me go (отпусти меня)! Corum screamed (крикнул Корум).

recently [`rJs (q) ntlI] manufacture [, mxnju`fxkCq]

`The one whose castle I recently inherited. The dour fellow. Arkyn. Arkyn of Law. One of his. I thought they were all gone by now. I cannot keep an eye on little beings not of my own manufacture. I do not understand their ways.

`Arioch! You have destroyed all my kin!

`Ah, good. All of them, you say? Good. Is that the message you bring to me? Why did I not hear before, from one of my own little creatures?

`Let me go! Corum screamed.

Arioch opened his hand and Corum staggered free, gasping (Ариох разжал руку, и Корум зашатался, тяжело дыша; free — свободный). He had not expected Arioch to comply (он не ожидал, что Ариох выполнит /его просьбу/).

And then the full injustice of his fate struck him (и тут полная несправедливость его судьбы поразила Корума; to strike). Arioch bore no malice towards the Vadhagh (Ариох не питал никакой злобы к вадагам). He cared for them no more or less than he cared for the Mabden parasites feeding off his body (он проявлял к ним не больше интереса, чем к мабденам-паразитам, питавшимся = обитавшим на его теле). He was merely wiping his palette clean of old colours (он всего лишь стирал со своей палитры старые краски; to wipe clean — вытирать дочиста, протирать начисто) as a painter will before he begins a fresh canvas (как художник делает прежде, чем начать новую картину; canvas — холст, парусина; полотно, картина). All the agony and the misery he and his had suffered was on behalf of the whim of a careless God (все страдания и невзгода, которые он и его /народ/ перенес, были вызваны капризом беззаботного бога; on behalf of — от имени, в интересах) who only occasionally turned his attention to the world that he had been given to rule (который лишь изредка обращал внимание на мир, что был отдан ему в управление; occasionally — иногда, изредка, время от времени).

Then Arioch vanished (потом Ариох исчез).

malice [`mxlIs] palette [`pxlIt] behalf [bI`hRf]

Arioch opened his hand and Corum staggered free, gasping. He had not expected Arioch to comply.

And then the full injustice of his fate struck him. Arioch bore no malice towards the Vadhagh. He cared for them no more or less than he cared for the Mabden parasites feeding off his body. He was merely wiping his palette clean of old colours as a painter will before he begins a fresh canvas. All the agony and the misery he and his had suffered was on behalf of the whim of a careless God who only occasionally turned his attention to the world that he had been given to rule.

Then Arioch vanished.

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