`What is that sign, Arioch (что это за знак, Ариох)?

`He says you hate him because he is almost as powerful as yourself.

`We hate no one.

`I mistrust you, Arioch.

`What mortal does not mistrust a God?

Now they were walking up a spiral ramp that seemed comprised entirely of light. Arioch paused.

`I think we will explore some other part of the palace. This leads only to a tower.

Ahead Corum saw a doorway on which pulsed a sign — eight arrows arranged around a circle.

`What is that sign, Arioch?

`Nothing at all (совсем ничего = ничего особенно). The arms of Chaos (герб = символ Хаоса).

`Then what lies beyond the door (а что находится за дверью)?

`Just a tower (просто башня). Arioch became impatient (Ариох стал нетерпеливым). `Come. There are more interesting sights elsewhere (есть более интересные места; sight — вид, зрелище; достопримечательность).

Reluctantly, Corum followed him back down the ramp (неохотно, Корум последовал за ним обратно вниз по пандусу). He thought he had seen the place where Arioch kept his heart (он подумал/решил, что видел место, где Ариох хранит свое сердце).

For several more hours they wandered through the palace, observing its wonders (еще несколько часов они бродили по замку, рассматривая его чудеса). Here all was light and beauty and there were no sinister sights (везде были свет и красота, и никаких зловещих видов = ничего зловещего). This fact disturbed Corum (это беспокоило Корума). He was sure that Arioch was deceiving him (он был уверен, что Ариох обманывает его).

impatient [Im`peIS (q) nt] heart [hRt] deceiving [dI`sJvIN]

`Nothing at all. The arms of Chaos.

`Then what lies beyond the door?

`Just a tower. Arioch became impatient. `Come. There are more interesting sights elsewhere.

Reluctantly, Corum followed him back down the ramp. He thought he had seen the place where Arioch kept his heart.

For several more hours they wandered through the palace, observing its wonders. Here all was light and beauty and there were no sinister sights. This fact disturbed Corum. He was sure that Arioch was deceiving him.

They returned to the hall (они вернулись в зал).

The Mabden lice had vanished (мабдены-вши исчезли). The filth had disappeared (отбросы пропали). In its place was a table laden with food and wine (на их месте был стол, нагруженный пищей и вином). Arioch gestured towards it (Ариох указал на него).

`Will you dine with me, Prince Corum (не отобедаешь ли со мной, принц Корум)?

Corum's grin was sardonic (усмешка Корума была сардонической).

`Before you destroy me (перед тем, как ты уничтожишь меня)?

Arioch laughed (Ариох рассмеялся).

They returned to the hall.

The Mabden lice had vanished. The filth had disappeared. In its place was a table laden with food and wine. Arioch gestured towards it.

`Will you dine with me, Prince Corum?

Corum's grin was sardonic.

`Before you destroy me?

Arioch laughed.

`If you wish to continue your existence a while longer, I have no objection (если желаешь продолжить свое существование немного дольше, я не возражаю). You cannot leave my palace, you see (ты не можешь покинуть мой дворец, видишь ли). And while your naivete continues to entertain me, why should I destroy you (пока твоя наивность продолжает развлекать меня, зачем мне уничтожать тебя)?

`Do you not fear me at all (ты меня совсем не боишься)?

`I fear you not at all (я тебя не боюсь вовсе).

`Do you not fear what I represent (и ты не боишься того, что я представляю)?

`What do you represent (что ты представляешь)?

`Justice (справедливость).

Again Arioch laughed (и вновь Ариох рассмеялся).

naivete [nR`JvteI] represent [, reprI`zent]

`If you wish to continue your existence a while longer, I have no objection. You cannot leave my palace, you see. And while your naivete continues to entertain me, why should I destroy you?

`Do you not fear me at all?

`I fear you not at all.

`Do you not fear what I represent?

`What do you represent?


Again Arioch laughed.

`Oh, you think so narrowly (ты мыслишь так узко). There is no such thing (нет такой вещи /как справедливость/)!

`It existed when the Lords of Law ruled here (она существовала, когда Владыки Закона правили здесь).

`Everything may exist for a short while — even justice (все может существовать недолго — даже справедливость). But the true state of the universe is anarchy (но истинное состояние вселенной — анархия). It is the mortal's tragedy that he can never accept this (трагедия смертного в том, что он никогда не сможет принять это).

Corum could not reply (Корум не смог ответить). He seated himself at the table and began to eat (он сел за стол и начал есть). Arioch did not eat with him, but sat on the other side of the table and poured himself some wine (Ариох не ел с ним, но сел на другом конце стола и налил себе вина). Corum stopped eating (Корум перестал есть). Arioch smiled (улыбнулся).

anarchy [`xnqkI] tragedy [`trxGIdI]

`Oh, you think so narrowly. There is no such thing!

`It existed when the Lords of Law ruled here.

`Everything may exist for a short while — even justice. But the true state of the universe is anarchy. It is the mortal's tragedy that he can never accept this.

Corum could not reply. He seated himself at the table and began to eat. Arioch did not eat with him, but sat on the other side of the table and poured himself some wine. Corum stopped eating. Arioch smiled.

`Do not fear, Corum (не бойся, Корум). It is not poisoned (не отравлено). Why should I resort to such things as poison (зачем мне прибегать к такой вещи, как яд)?

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