
“He’s AWOL at the worst possible time, isn’t he?”

“That’s right, I didn’t tell you. I found him. He says he had to get away from things, so he spent the day hiking on the parkway.” The Blue Ridge Parkway was a couple of hours away, and I knew Grady liked to hike, especially the loop trail around Price Lake. It was secluded up there, and Zach and I had joined him a few times in the past.

“Is he being any nicer to you than he was before?”

“He’s settled down some. He told me he’s had some time to cool off, so we’re getting together for breakfast. Sorry, but I’m going to have to bail out on you tomorrow.”

“That’s fine. I’m eating with Lorna, remember? Should we make it a double date?”

“I don’t think so. Their breakup wasn’t all that friendly, was it?”

“Lorna seems to be completely over it,” I said. “But maybe you should tackle his honor by yourself.”

“I was just thinking the same thing. Could we at least have lunch together? I miss you, Savannah.”

“It’s a date,” I said.

I heard a commotion on the other end of the line. “Is everything okay?”

“It’s nothing. Joe just got back with our sandwiches.”

“That was fast.”

“He went across the street, and I doubt they’re very busy this time of night. It’s not pancakes fresh off the griddle, but it will have to do.”

“You don’t mind, do you? Really.”

“No, but you can’t blame me for wishing it was me making pancakes for you instead of a man I haven’t met.”

“We’ll have to fix that then, won’t we? Do you have any idea when you’ll be back here?”

“Not a clue. I might have to stay all night.”

“Do whatever you have to,” I said. “Your work is important.”

“Thanks, Savannah.”

I thought of something. “Zach, did you run across a woman named Samantha in your reading?”

He paused, and then said, “The name’s familiar, but I can’t remember where I read it.”

“Could it have been in Cindy’s address book?”

“How did you know that? That’s exactly where it was.” I could hear him leafing through something.

I read her address to him off the information I’d been given in Barton’s apartment.

“That’s it. Do you want to tell me how you know about her?”

“Barton said she was Cindy’s closest friend. He believes that if Cindy was seeing anyone, Samantha would know about it.”

“I’ll talk to her tomorrow.”

“Is there any chance I could go with you?”


“Maybe she’ll be more likely to disclose facts about Cindy’s love life if there’s another woman there.”


“Maybe I’m right, or maybe I can go?”

“Maybe both,” he said with a hint of laughter in his voice.

After we hung up, I got out a pad and pencil and moved to the couch. I thought it might not be a bad idea to get a jump on tomorrow’s puzzle. Besides, I was too wired up from everything that had happened to get to sleep, and late night television usually bored me to tears.

After half an hour, I gave up. I believed that I woke up brilliant, and got duller with each passing moment. My puzzle would have to wait until morning.

There was something I’d put off, but I couldn’t postpone it anymore.

It was time to open the box Uncle Thomas had given me from my mother. It would have been nice to have Zach there with me, but that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon, and I had to face it tonight, or I wouldn’t be able to sleep a wink.

I retrieved the box, moved to a seat by the windows, and, after I took one last deep breath, I opened it.

Chapter 14

MY HANDS WERE SHAKING AS I PULLED OUT THE FIRST item from the box my mother had left for me. It was a photograph, and I recognized my mother and father immediately, though they’d been teenagers when it had been taken. My mother was wearing blue jeans and an old flannel shirt. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail of ash blonde hair, while my father was wearing gym shorts and an old T-shirt. His hair was long, nearly touching his shoulders. It wasn’t the man I’d known growing up. Whenever his hair touched the tops of

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