‘Crying,’ said Gary.

‘No,’ said Ren. ‘Oh, I do … it’s coming from reception.’

‘Meet you there.’

Erica Whaley was standing in reception with Leo in her arms, her hand pressing his head to her shoulder. They were both crying. Bob Gage was standing beside her, a bewildered look on his face.

‘What’s wrong?’ said Ren, rushing to Erica. ‘What happened?’

‘Mark’s gone,’ said Erica. ‘He’s … he went for a walk after lunch, he didn’t come back, I figured he just lost track of time. So I came here for Leo’s interview with Agent Ross, and I just … I really thought Mark would be here by the time it was over, but he’s not. He’s not, and I don’t know where he is. His car keys and his cell phone were at the hotel. I … I … I don’t know where he is.’

‘OK, there’s no need to panic,’ said Ren. ‘Why don’t we take you somewhere quiet, you can sit down, we can put on some cartoons for Leo, get you a glass of water …’

Paul Louderback appeared as Erica was heaving for breath, struggling to calm herself down.

Now, what the hell is going on?

Ren turned around to the grim faces of Bob Gage, Gary Dettling and Paul Louderback.

Ren followed Erica down the hallway. Leo was staring at her from over his mother’s shoulder.

I have a bad feeling about your daddy.

Ren turned on the television in the break room for Leo. She tried to talk to Erica, but she had descended into a disturbing silence. Ren asked her if Leo had seemed OK after his interview with Sylvie Ross, but Erica didn’t seem to hear. After ten minutes, a Sheriff’s Office detective came in to relieve Ren.

Ren walked into Bob Gage’s full-to-capacity office.

‘We got a match on the blood on the headboard,’ said Gary. ‘Blood is Laurie Whaley’s, prints are Shelby Royce’s …’

‘What the …?’ said Ren.

Sylvie Ross appeared in the doorway.

‘I think I know why Mark Whaley disappeared,’ she said.

Everyone turned to her. ‘Leo said he saw Shelby Royce’s privates.’

‘What — he walked in on her in the bathroom?’ said Ren.

‘No,’ said Sylvie, ‘he saw her in his parents’ room.’

‘Was she alone?’ said Ren.

‘No,’ said Sylvie. ‘He said that his daddy was there.’


Mark Whaley’s three-year-old son had walked in on him with a naked sixteen-year-old girl. Mark Whaley, poignant victim of a family tragedy, had just lost his victim status.

‘No wonder he ran,’ said Bob.

‘What — the hell — exactly happened in that room?’ said Ren.

Colin spoke in a flat tone: ‘Mark Whaley made a move on the sitter, the sitter went nuts, his kids woke up in the commotion, they walked in, Whaley warned everyone to shut their mouths. The little girl — the daughter — ran for the phone by the bed, Whaley pushed her away, she cracked her head on the headboard, maybe she was knocked out. Sitter went to help her, or whatever. Whaley hooked the little guy up with the DVD player and put him to bed. He took both girls away, threatened that he’d kill them if they didn’t keep quiet. Maybe now he’s gone to wherever they are to finish them off.’

‘A tidy theory,’ said Cliff.

And one in which — not once — did he mention the girls’ names.

‘I don’t think that’s a forty-minute-window theory,’ said Ren. ‘But …’

Cliff nodded. ‘All that would take a lot of time. And where would he have taken them? He didn’t use his car. Maybe when Laurie Whaley struck her head, he was able to carry her out easily, then he threatened Shelby Royce and forced her to go with them? But, where?’

Well,’ said Ren, ‘there was enough time for him to make a move on Shelby Royce, assault her, I don’t know, and go back down to his wife, giving Shelby Royce enough time to take Laurie. Like, her message to Mark Whaley is, “How would you feel if someone did something to your little girl?”’

‘If he had assaulted her,’ said Gary, ‘wouldn’t she have screamed the walls down? There was obviously a struggle. Would he have risked leaving her there in the room with his kids if he had just done something to her? And would you even do something to a sitter right there in the room?’

‘Look, none of it really makes sense.’ Ren let out a breath.

‘OK everyone,’ said Gary, ‘we’ll keep a lid on this for now. We’ll get officers all over town looking for him. He can’t have made it too far without his car. If anyone asks, we’re obviously still looking for the girls. The high school kids are holding a vigil tonight. It would make sense that we’re out there to ask questions. Ren, could you go speak with Whaley’s wife now? Then take her back to their hotel — that’s where he’ll show if he shows at all.’

Erica Whaley was sitting in the break room with Leo on her knee.

‘Hey, there,’ said Ren. ‘How are you holding up?’

Erica shook her head. ‘I’m … I’m not.’

‘A team of officers are setting out now to look for your husband,’ said Ren.

‘He could have just gone to get some air, he probably needed some time to think,’ said Erica. ‘He’s worried sick.’

Ren spoke gently. ‘Erica, I know Mark didn’t want Leo to be interviewed again. Did he talk any more to you about that since you left here?’

‘Just what he had said to you already,’ said Erica. ‘That he was worried it would upset Leo.’

Ren nodded. ‘Did he mention any other concerns?’ said Ren.

‘No — it was all about Laurie, and getting her home safe, and, just everything you would expect under the circumstances. Nothing else. Nothing any different to how we’ve been feeling since all this happened.’

‘Do you know did he speak with anyone before he left?’ said Ren.

‘Yes,’ said Erica. ‘Jonathan.’

‘Do you know what they spoke about?’ said Ren.

‘Jonathan called him just to check in … I called Jonathan just before the interview to see did he know anything or had Mark said anything. But he said no.’

‘You’re very close to Jonathan,’ said Ren.

Erica nodded. ‘He’s like family. He supported Mark through all his problems, through rehab, everything. Jonathan founded MeesterBrandt, but basically, he and Mark were partners, he consulted with him on pretty much everything.’

‘Where is the Brandt?’ said Ren.

‘That was Jonathan’s wife. She passed five years ago. But she never took an active part in the company.’

‘Is there any tension between Mark and Jonathan?’ said Ren.

‘My goodness, no,’ said Erica. ‘They’re best friends.’

‘Did you get the sense there is any work-related stress for Mark?’ said Ren.

‘He loves his job,’ said Erica. ‘He’s been very busy. Maybe that was stressing him out. He was talking about taking early retirement next year, but he said that was so he could spend more time with me and the kids.’

‘Was Jonathan or anyone in the company aware that he was planning to do that?’ said Ren.

‘No,’ said Erica. ‘I don’t think so. He told me not to say anything to anyone.’

‘Do you think work would have had a problem with it?’ said Ren.

‘No,’ said Erica. ‘Of course, it would create the problem of having to find his replacement, but they’ve always been supportive of Mark and any personal decisions he makes.’

‘OK,’ said Ren. ‘Why don’t we think about where Mark could have gone? Is there anywhere you can think of? Do you think he might drink again under this kind of pressure?’

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