what was going on and she was afraid to ask, fearing that he wouldn’t want to talk as often if she did. What did it matter anyway? He assured her he would be back soon and there was nothing she could do to make that day come faster.
The old woman that had been with her on the ship was in charge of her care. It seemed like ages ago now. Her name was Ramira and she actually spoke English, so Leah had someone to keep her company. Adam must have instructed her to be more amiable because her attitude changed abruptly one day, becoming warm and friendly. It was such a comfort to have someone to talk to.
Leah came down the stairs, hungry for the delicious breakfast Ramira was making. Leah’s heart leapt into her throat as she quickened her pace as she heard voices coming from down stairs.
“Miss Leah isn’t up yet, should I wake her?”
“No, she needs her sleep,” Adam’s voice answered over the speaker. “Has she been eating enough?”
“Oh, yes, her appetite came back a few days after you left.”
“Good. Tell her that I’ll call back this afternoon.”
“Adam!” Leah shouted as she ran down the stairs. “Wait!”
“Wait Mr. Adam, she’s awake now.” Ramira shot her a grin and walked into the kitchen.
“Adam!” Lean flopped down in the chair at the computer desk.
“Hi, baby.” He smiled at her through the screen and she started to tear up. “Leah, don’t cry, baby.”
“I’m sorry,” she said, wiping her tears away. She normally retained her composure while they talked, but she was too sleepy to summon her resolve. If he knew she cried for at least an hour after seeing him, she thought that he’d start calling less often.
“Oh, I miss you so much.” He was sitting in front of a white wall as he always was, making it impossible for her to figure out what he was doing.
“I miss you so bad, but I’m doing alright.” Leah put on her brave face even though she was dying inside.
“Good. I hope you’re taking good care of yourself.” His smile dropped for a moment and she clearly saw that familiar sadness in his eyes. “And my baby.”
“I am. Ramira is taking great care of us both.” She smiled bigger at him in an effort to make him feel better.
“That is so good to hear.” He looked so sad. It was always hard not to ask him if he was okay.
“Do you want to see my belly?” That always lifted his spirits.
“God, yes,” he breathed, the sadness in his eyes mingling with lust.
“Here,” Leah giggled, angling the camera a bit so her back would be toward the kitchen as she opened her robe. She made sure that her full breasts would be in the frame as she stroked her belly.
“Oh, Leah.” His eyes widened as he squirmed in his chair, making her giggle.
“We miss you!”
“Sweetie, I’ve got great news.”
“You do?” She pulled her robe together and sat back down.
“I’m coming home in a few days.”
“Really?” Leah couldn’t stop herself from crying, but they were happy tears so hopefully he wouldn’t mind.
“Yes, just a few more days.” He looked happy and upset at the same time. “Oh, baby, don’t cry. I’ll be back soon. I promise.”
“Okay.” Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to stop, knowing that she’d only be able to hold out for a minute.
“I have to go. I’ll call you again tonight.”
“Take care of yourself.” She choked on the words, determined to stay strong until they disconnected.
“See you soon, baby.” They smiled at each other and she quickly turned off the camera.
Ramira approached her as she lay with her head against the desk, sobbing uncontrollably. Leah regained her composure as well as her appetite and headed into the kitchen to eat. She knew that she should be happy; he was coming home soon. For some reason, she had a feeling that it would still be a while before she saw him again and told herself not to get her hopes up. Despite having slept well the night before, Leah felt exhausted immediately after breakfast. She dragged herself up the stairs and fell into a deep sleep.
When she woke up, it was well after sunset. Something was wrong. Adam insisted that she eat 3 times a day so Ramira always woke her up for lunch. Leah went out to the balcony to look out over the property. None of the cabana’s lights were on, as if the doctor and all of the bodyguards were already asleep. She heard the sound of the bedroom door closing while she was still on the deck. Maybe Ramira had come to get her after all. Her jaw dropped as she turned around and looked at an unfamiliar face.
He was of medium height and build, with dark blond hair and blue eyes that blazed with rage. Leah had never seen him before. He stood silently with his hands at his sides, clenched into fists. For a moment Leah considered running down the stairs off of the balcony, but she was too scared. It was dark, she was barefoot and it seemed like the security would not be available to help her. The intruder stepped further into the room, a crooked grin on his menacing face. Her heart started to pound as she tried to scream, but nothing came out.
“Hello, Leah,” he hissed at her as he stepped onto the balcony. “Adam will be calling soon, won’t he? We don’t want to be late.”
Leah said nothing, her mind swirling in confusion and fear. The intruder stepped forward and grabbed a handful of her hair, dragging her back into the bedroom. She struggled against his grip as he led her down the hallway but he was very strong. When they reached the top of the stairs, he thrust her forward like he was going to push her down and laughed cruelly.
“No, I can’t let you fall now can I?” He began to drag her down the stairs roughly as she struggled to stay on her feet. “We don’t want to damage that precious cargo.”
She shrieked when they got into the great room and saw that Ramira was laying face down on the floor. Was she dead? Leah began to panic and kicked the intruder in the shin, but he merely growled at her, not letting go of her hair. He pushed her into the chair at the in front of the computer.
“Let me guess, you can’t call him. You have to wait until he calls you.” Leah said nothing back to him, but he seemed to take her silence as confirmation.
The intruder placed a closed manila file folder in front of her and then took a seat on the desk beside her. Leah wasn’t sure what time it was or how long they would wait until Adam called. The silence was unbearable as the minutes slowly ticked by. Obviously irritated, the intruder let out a sigh, rising from the desk and glancing towards Ramira. She knew how to get in touch with Adam. If he was looking at her, he was probably thinking about trying to wake her up, which would mean that she wasn’t dead.
Just then, Leah heard the telltale beeping that she was receiving a video message. The intruder gestured to her to take the call while he stood outside of the viewing range of the camera.
“Hi, baby, sorry I’m late.” Leah stared at him blankly and swallowed air. “Leah? What’s wrong?” She looked to her side where the intruder stood over her.
“Hello, Adam,” he said in a cold voice as he stepped behind her chair and leaned down so that his face was next to hers.
“What the…” Adam’s eyes widened in horror as a look of recognition crossed his face. “Thomas!”
“It’s a very nice place you have here, Adam.” Thomas smugly looked around the room. “And you know, it wasn’t that hard to find.”
“I am going to fucking kill you.” Adam’s jaw was clenched, his eyes raging in fear and hate.
“And look what we have here.” Thomas traced his fingers along Leah’s neck, making her stiffen. “She is really beautiful, isn’t she?”
“Don’t you fucking touch her.” His eyes locked with Leah’s as she whimpered. “Leah, it’s-”
“I want you to see this, Adam.” Thomas flipped open the file and gripped Leah’s hair. “I want you to see her face.”
He held her head so that it was slightly forward, but still upright enough that her expression could be seen in the camera and she had to use her eyes to look down at the desk. Her brow furrowed as she spotted a picture of a younger Adam standing next to a blonde woman in a wedding dress. Thomas spread more pictures out on the desk. There was one of Adam with his arm draped across the shoulder of a teenage boy that looked remarkably like him, and another picture with both of them and the blonde woman along with a teenage girl.