return, I will send you and the other ringleaders to Rome to be sentenced before the emperor and the senate. Furthermore I will do all that is within my legal power to limit the punishment of the slaves who freely return to their masters.'

Ajax stared at the Roman with a cold expression. He had expected such disdain from Sempronius, and a refusal of his demands.

It was time to demonstrate to these Romans that their danger was very real.

'Senator, your demands are no more acceptable than mine. Yet the difference between us is that you are in no position to make demands.' Ajax turned in the saddle and called back towards his men.

'Chilo! Bring the wagon here!'

The line of horsemen parted and four oxen trudged forward, drawing a heavy covered wagon behind them. A driver sat on the bench, with another man who was covered in filth. His tunic was in tatters, exposing skin that was streaked with grime and blood, and marked with cuts and bruises. He was chained to the wagon by his hands and ankles and his head was bowed.

'What's this?' asked Sempronius.

Ajax turned back. 'I suspect you have been won de ring why we did not advance on Gortyna immediately after the ambush. The answer is in the wagon. You see, my army bypassed Gortyna during the night eight days ago. We made for Matala instead. The commander of the garrison there proved every bit as arrogant as you, Sempronius. He managed to herd most of his people on to the acropolis. Those that remained in the refugee camp we put to the sword. I sent a messenger to the gate to demand the surrender of the acropolis. I told your Centurion Portillus that I wanted the food on the acropolis, not him and his people. When he surrendered, they could all go free. If he did not submit within two days, then I would take the acropolis and slaughter every person inside its walls.

I am glad to say that Portillus saw reason, and surrendered the very next day.' Ajax paused as the wagon rumbled up, turned to one side and halted behind him. He caught a waft of death and decay and heard the buzzing drone of flies as he continued. 'Sadly, as far as the people of Matala are concerned, it was necessary for me to make an example of them in order that you would believe me when I came here to make my demands to you.'

'What have you done?' asked the centurion behind Sempronius.

'I did what was necessary. I had the garrison and townspeople marched out of the city and then I told my men to kill them.'

Sempronius shook his head. 'You're lying.'

'Yes, I thought that would be the reaction. So I brought proof.

Chilo, remove the cover.'

Wrinkling his nose in disgust, Chilo edged his horse towards the side of the wagon and grasped one corner of the cover. With a savage heave, he wrenched it away and let it fall to the ground.

A swirling mass of insects rose into the evening air. Sempronius covered his mouth with a hand and stepped back. The nearest of the auxiliaries squinted at the contents of the wagon and then turned to one side to vomit. Ajax watched their reactions with quiet satisfaction as they gazed upon the severed heads heaped on the bed of the wagon.

'That is what is left of the soldiers of the Twelfth Hispania. The rest we left out for the carrion and the dogs.' Ajax turned to the driver of the wagon and pointed at the man chained beside him.

'Release him! Then leave the wagon and get back to the camp.'

'Yes, General,' the driver replied and then ducked down to release the pins that fastened the shackles to the wagon. As soon as he had done that, he roughly pushed the man off the bench and he tumbled on to the ground beside the wagon with a thud and lay there groaning.

'Get up!' Ajax ordered. Chilo leaned down from his saddle and grasped the prisoner's hair and hauled him to his feet. With a thrust from Chilo's boot, the man stumbled towards Ajax and the two Romans.

'You may not recognise him now,' Ajax stared at the men in contempt, 'but I believe you know Centurion Portillus, lately the commander of the garrison of Matala. I thought I might spare him so that he could confirm what I have told you. Here, Senator, the prisoner is yours.'

Chilo goaded Portillus towards Sempronius, who could not help recoiling at the soiled, stinking creature that confronted him. The senator swallowed and forced himself to control his voice as he addressed Portillus.

'Is it true?'

'Yes, sir,' Portillus mumbled, barely able to meet his superior's eye.

'Are they all dead?'

'Yes, sir.' The centurion's voice quavered. 'I saw them die. All my men. All the civilians, every last one of them, even the infants.'

'I see.' Sempronius glared at him. 'And is it true that you surrendered without a fight?'

'We had no choice,' Portillus protested.' They threatened to put us to the sword. You heard.'

'It seems they did it anyway.' Sempronius's expression be came severe. 'You have disgraced yourself.'

'Don't be too hard on him,' Ajax intervened. 'I betrayed him in turn. He wasn't to know '

'Wasn't to know what?' Sempronius spat back. 'That you should never trust the word of a slave?'

'What does my word matter? Or yours?' Ajax paused a moment.

'All that matters is that you know what the consequences are if you refuse to meet my demands. For the last time, Senator. You will surrender Gortyna to me. If you do not, then you and everyone else will share the fate of the people of Matala. You have until noon tomorrow to decide.'

He turned his horse towards the camp, then paused and turned back, gesturing at Portillus. 'I return this man to you. I have no further need of him.'

Sempronius looked briefly at Centurion Portillus and then cleared his throat. 'I don't want him. Neither I nor my men will be contaminated by his cowardice.'

Ajax shrugged. 'So be it. Chilo!'

'Yes, General?'

'Finish him.'

Chilo nodded and dismounted. He pulled out a broad-bladed dagger from his belt and advanced on Portillus with a cruel smile.

The latter's eyes widened in terror and he lurched towards Sempronius, the chains causing him to tumble to his knees.

'Spare me! For pity's sake, don't let him!'

Sempronius stepped back nimbly. 'Don't you dare beg me, you cur!'

Chilo stood behind Portillus and grasped him under the chin with one hand, and before Portillus could make more than a strangled whimper, the blade slashed across his throat. A great rush of blood spurted out and splashed on the ground. Chilo released his grip and stepped back. For a moment Portillus frantically clasped his hands to his throat, then he slumped back and rolled on to his side, his body trembling as he bled out.

Chilo wiped the blade on his tunic.

'Bastard,' the centurion who had accompanied Sempronius growled. He drew his sword and stepped forward.

'Put that sword away!' Sempronius shouted.

The centurion ignored him and advanced towards Chilo. 'Let's see how good you are against a man who can fight back!'

'Leave him!' Sempronius grabbed the officer's shoulder. 'I gave you an order, Centurion Macro! Leave him.'

Ajax froze. He was still for an instant, then twisted round in his saddle and stared at the Roman officer. 'Macro? Centurion Macro?'

His heart was filled with a rush of emotions. Bitter hatred, rage and a strange joyful exultation. His limbs trembled with excitement and there was an almost inhuman desire to throw himself on Macro and tear the Roman to pieces. Blood pounded through his veins as he raised his hands, fingers clawed, as if he would wring the other man's neck. Then the moment passed, and self-control struggled to control his thoughts. Not now. Not while there were higher stakes.

'Ajax, the pirate's son.' Macro nodded slowly, sword raised and braced to defend himself against any sudden attack. 'You remember me, then?'

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