Morrison, Herbert, 58
Netanyahu, Benjamin, 269–71, 278
mortgage crisis, 47, 85, 107, 165, 168, “New Action Heroes, The,” 59–60
212, 253
New Athens, 103–25
motivational speech, 330–32
New Britannia, 189–209
movies, 36, 39, 272.
“New Deal,” 53
new elites, 59, 63, 208, 318–19.
MSNBC, 61, 128
Mubarak, Hosni, 275
“New Foundation,” 53
multiculturalism, 139, 191–92, 298–
“new freedoms,” 38
99, 302, 322
New Jerusalem, 269–78
Murdoch, William, 185
after america
New Rome, 25–43
health-care system and, 33, 65–66
indifference of, 145–46
84, 92, 102, 109, 113, 118–19, 124,
Oval Office and, 56–59, 197
219, 252–54, 260, 270, 283, 287,
props and, 61–62
300, 303, 313, 317
on space exploration, 31–32
speeches by, 144, 325–26, 329–30
newspaper industry, 33
tax credits and, 86–87
unemployment and, 213
“Next Morning, The,” 37
voting for, 141–43, 158–59
Nichols, Mary Anne, 220–21
weirdness of, 147–48
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 321–22
Obama, Michelle, 13, 61, 131, 151–55,
Nineties (1890s), 25, 35, 214–15, 217,
ObamaCare, 3, 55, 65–66, 77–79, 337,
Nineties (1990s), 27–28, 73, 212, 219,
261, 273–74, 335
“Obamafication of economy,” 97–98
Nixon, Richard, 29, 54
Occupational Safety and Health
“no man’s land,” 182–87
Administration (OSHA), 82, 336
“no two sides,” 132–33
Olbermann, Keith, 61
North Korea, 18–19, 22–23, 195, 285, Omar, Mullah, 264
319–20, 323, 338
One-Child Policy, 19, 305
nuclear weapons, 18–19, 22–23
Onyango-Obbo, Charles, 316, 317
Nussbaum, Martha, 300
open season, 21–22
Orback, Jens, 297
orders, following, 182–87
Obama, Barack.
“apology tour” of, 275
Oughts (2000s), 261, 288
Berlin speech and, 159
on children, 172
college and, 56–59, 154
Palin, Sarah, 57, 58, 59, 147, 161, 177,
debt and, 10
on exceptionalism, 16
Palmerston, Lord, 199
friends of, 41–42
Palovak, Jewel, 262
index 421
post-American world, 279–324
patdowns, 32, 68, 223, 263
post-traumatic stress disorder
Paterson, David A., 84
(PTSD), 168–69
Patrick, Deval, 163
Postrel, Virginia, 283
“Patriot Act,” 101
Prager, Dennis, 141
Pearce, Fred, 286