Pratte, Mary, 88

Pearl, Daniel, 221

Pravda, 227

Pearson, Lester, 289

“President of Europe,” 120–21

Peck, Gregory, 175

price, control of, 48–49

Pelosi, Nancy, 10, 65, 80

production, 224–25

Pence, Mike, 234

“progressives,” 14–16, 34, 63, 86, 105,

Pentagon’s New Map: War and Peace

141, 305. See also elites

in the Twenty-First Century and property market, 16, 47–49, 92–93, Blueprint for Action, 318

165, 212, 218–19, 253. See also

People magazine, 177

mortgage crisis

Peretz, Martin, 252, 254

props, 61–62

permits, 83–84, 88–92

protests, 22–23, 64

Peter and the Wolf, 259–60

Protocols of the Elders of Zion, The, 136

Picket, Kerry, 77

“public service” incentive, 156

Pink Floyd, 198–99

Putin, Vladimir, 289

Pinsky, Mark, 33

Pirates of the Caribbean, 202, 290


Planet of the Apes, 37

Quann, Derek, 261

Plato, 176, 184

pleasure, culture of, 136–37


Podhoretz, John, 273

racism, 61–67, 151, 160, 162

Poems Against the War, 140

racists, 64–67, 133, 202, 239–40, 245,

Politburo, 2, 64, 71

252–53, 292, 297

political correctness, 166–69, 171, 240

Radford, Alexandria, 152

Political Economy, 87

Rahe, Paul, 230, 341

Polonius, 95, 96

Raines, Franklin, 85

Polytechnique, 185

Rangel, Charlie, 77, 79–80

population statistics, 105, 116, 237, Ratzenberger, John, 342–44


Reagan administration, 3, 96

Reagan, Ronald, 58, 62, 74, 333

Roksa, Josipa, 340

real-estate market, 16, 47–49, 92–93, Roman Empire, 12–13, 25, 34, 191

165, 212, 218–19, 253. See also Rome, decay of, 25–43

mortgage crisis

Romney, Mitt, 339

recession, 33, 52, 117, 174, 179–80, Roosevelt, Franklin D., 33–34, 53, 192, 212–16


“red tape,” 83–85

Rosling, Hans, 294

redistribution, 20, 22, 87, 332–33

Rounsaville, Amanda, 174

Reed, Josie, 88

Rowling, J. K., 110

Reeve, Christopher, 161

Rubin, Barry, 167

Reflections on the Revolution in Europe, Rumsfeld, Donald, 162


“Run Upon the Bankers, The,” 2

Reid, Harry, 10

Rush, Geoffrey, 290

relativism, 146, 165, 254, 293

Rushdie, Salman, 311

Rembrandt, 125

Russian “businessmen,” 2, 280–81

“Retail Sales Plummet,” 97

Ryan, Christopher, 232

Reuters, 50–51

Ryan, Paul, 72–73

Reynolds, Glenn, 147

Rice, Condi, 151


Rich, Frank, 64, 303

“safety net,” 229–30

Richards, Jon, 254

Safire, William, 29

Right Ho, Jeeves, 6

Sala-i-Martin, Xavier, 283

riots, 22–23, 103–4

Salutin, Rick, 143

Rizzo, Robert, 107

Sanchez, Gustavo, 251

Road to Serfdom, The, 200

Sarkozy, Nicolas, 115, 124, 238, 275

Road to Utopia, The, 53

Saudi Arabia, 5, 249–50, 272–79, 306,

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