violence against Israel
Palestine, fourth era (2009 — 2012)
commitment to Jewish removal
economics of dependency
foreign aid economy
land, desire for
peace, availability and prevention of
per capita income, outside vs.
inside Israel
pre-1967 borders, acceptance of,
success, opportunities for
Palestine Electric Company
Palestine in antiquity
Palestinian Authority
Palestinian expatriots, economic success
Palestinian nationalism
Palestinian state
creation of, requirements for
Obama administration support for
proposals, expulsion of the Jews in
without Jews, results predicted
Palin, Sarah
Pappe, Ilan
Pauli, Wolfgang
obstacles to
in Palestine, availability and prevention of
path to
purchasing, land as price of
wanting now vs. obtaining
peace initiatives followed by war
Peace Now movement
peace process
Begin-Sadat talks
Carter administration
Clinton administration
illusion of
Olmert-Abbas talks
pre-1967 borders, acceptance of
successful, long-term strategy for
Pekeris, Chaim
Peres, Shimon
Petah Tivka
Philo of Alexandria
Pipes, Daniel
Planck, Max
Pliskin, Zelig
Polanyi, Michael
politics, zero-sum outcomes in
popular sovereignty, limits of
Porter, Michael
positive-sum games
poverty, causes underlying
Power, Samantha
Prager, Dennis
Prebisch, Raul
property rights
Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph
quantum theory
Rabin, Yitzhak
racialist self-determination
Rambam medical center
rational choice theory
religion and
of science
Ratz, Laszlo
Rauff, Walther
Reagan, Ronald
Religious Right
Reuveny, Rafael
Rice, Condoleezza
Rice, Susan
Ridley, Matt
Roberts, Edward B.
Rockefeller, David
Rommel, Erwin
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Rosen, Walter
Ross, Dennis
Rothschild family
Russian Revolution
Rust, Bernhard
Rutenberg, Pinchas
Rutherford, Ernest