ultra-wideband technology
United Nations
Hamas policy
Israel policy
policy contradictions
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA)
United States.
Israel relations, importance of
Jewish achievement, benefits of
survival of
technological innovation
weapons policy
United States, Jews in the
ascendency of
entrepreneurial, welcome of
victimization claims of
wealth gap
United States foreign policy
Gaza, aid to
Middle East
Utopian free market
victimization, groups claiming
video games
capitalism vs.
economic development vs.
foreign aid and
against the wealthy, justifications for
virtue, test of
virtues, Israel’s
von Bulow, Claus
von Hapsburg, Otto
von Mises, Ludwig
von Neumann, John
“War and Peace” (Aumann)
war on terror
Arab-Israeli War of 1973,
causes of
disarmament and
peace initiatives followed by
Six-Day War (1967)
WASPs, displacement of American
water resources
attitudes toward
capitalist, as theft
creation, causes of
eliminating, victims of
Hitler’s focus on
hostility toward
origin of
poverty’s relation to
production, conditions for
wealth gap
the wealthy
Webster, William
WEIZAC (Weizmann Automatic Computer)
Weizmann, Chaim
Weizmann Institute
West Bank
Israeli responsibility for
population, Arab and Jewish
surrender of, results
Whitman, Walt
Wiener, Norbert
Wigner, Eugene
Will, George
Winnick, Gary
Wisse, Ruth
Wolf Foundation Prize winners
World War II Allied victory
Yehoshua, A. B. “Bulli,”
Yom Kippur War
Yon, Michael
Yozma program
Zamenhof, Ludwik
zero-sum games
Zinn, Howard
Zionism, Hitler on