coursing through me

When I stirred, his fingers brushed from my hip to my stomach and flowed upward. My breath caught in anticipation. Tension quivered through every muscle, so that when his thumb rubbed one aching nipple, it felt like I was going to explode. For several seconds, I couldn’t even breathe, the need was so bad

“Do you know how frustrating it is to wake beside a beautiful woman,” he said, the seductive lilt back in his soft voice, “and find yourself fully clothed?”

Oh, I understood frustration, all right. I’d been experiencing it, in one form or another, since he’d walked naked into my life

“Clothes have never stopped anyone with determination.” I turned around to face him. His dark hair was damp and his face free of the muck that had made his handsome features ghastly. I ran a finger down his still-wet cheek and outlined his lips. “How are you feeling?”

“As horny as hell.” His lips parted, drawing my fingertip into his mouth, sucking on it gently. Anticipation crashed through me. I couldn’t wait for him to sample other parts in the same manner

“How are you feeling?” he continued, after a few moments

“Much better now that you’re awake and aware.”

His hand was resting on my hip again and the heat of his touch flared through me, spreading like a wave that had my whole body tingling. He might want our first “real” lovemaking session to be a long slow seduction of the senses, but I didn’t think he had much hope. Not given the need that surged between us

“Do you remember what happened last night?”

He frowned, but there was a distracted look to his eyes as his fingers began another agonizingly slow journey up my body. “Not much after that cop reached my door.”

“He used a taser on you. Gautier did suspect us.”

“Lucky, then, that the woman with me was capable enough to take over when things got tough.”

I grinned. “Very lucky. Had to give the Porsche back though. You’ll have to settle for a Ford.”

“Right now, the car is the last thing on my mind.”

I raised an eyebrow, a smile playing on my lips. “So what is on your mind?”

“This.” His hand slipped behind my neck, his fingers tangling in my hair as he brought my lips to his. Suddenly we were kissing as if our lives depended on it. And maybe they did, because I’d sure as hell bust if he didn’t fully consummate the tension that had been simmering between us since the beginning

After what seemed like hours we came up for air. The rapid pounding of my heart was a cadence that filled the silence, accompanied by the heated rush of blood through my system

I opened my eyes, stared into his. Saw the desire burning bright—desire that was both sexual and blood need. He was controlling both urges, but the first only just

He kissed me again, and whatever slivers of control I’d had were totally and irreparably smashed by the force of it. By the passion behind it

No one had ever kissed me like that before

But right then it wasn’t his kiss I wanted. I was ready for everything he could give

I pushed him onto his back and climbed on top, claiming him in the most basic way possible. He groaned, his hands sliding to my hips, pressing me down harder. I arched upright, echoing his groan at the way he filled me, completed me, in a way not even Talon had. It was almost as if I’d found that one perfect piece of the puzzle, the one and only fragment designed to perfectly fit the space that was me

He began to move, and thought became impossible. All I could do was move with him, savoring and enjoying the sensations flowing through me

Then he reared up and pulled my legs around his hips so that I was sitting in his lap, impaled by his body, my breasts crushed against his chest. His dark eyes burned into mine, stirring me in ways I’d never thought possible

“I want to be kissing you when I come inside you,” he all but growled

The words were barely out of his mouth, and I was there, kissing him, tasting him, my arms wrapped around his neck, holding him close as he moved inside me. My body quivered with the sensations tumbling through me, my thighs clenched against his sides as the pressure built and built, until I felt so tightly strung that everything would surely break. Then everything did break, and I was unraveling, groaning, with the intensity of the orgasm flowing through me. His kiss became as fierce as his body, and as he poured himself into me, his mouth left mine, his teeth grazing my neck. I jerked reflexively when they pierced my skin, but the brief flare of pain quickly became something undeniably exquisite, and I came a second time

When the tremors subsided, he took my face between his hands and gently kissed me. “Now that the edge has been taken off need, we can get a bit more serious.”

“Can’t get much more serious than what we just did.” My lips were close to his, and as he breathed out, I breathed in. It felt as if the very essence of him was invading every pore

The heat in his gaze lit fires deep in my soul, yet I had the strangest feeling that I hadn’t even begun to plumb the depths of what this vampire could do to me

He brushed another kiss across my lips, then said, “How much time do we have left to us?”

“All day. Jack doesn’t want us back until dusk.”

“Then I have time enough to seduce you as I’d originally intended.” He paused, and his devilish grin made an appearance, causing my heart to stutter. “And time enough to make you scream.”

I smiled. What a very male thing to say. “I don’t scream for anyone.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Then you haven’t been loved right.” He lightly slapped my hip. “Off, woman. I have a seduction to attend to.”

I slipped to one side and stretched out on the bed. He twisted around, retrieving the gossamer dress from the chair. “Let me tie your hands together.”


“Because this is about me pleasuring you. I don’t want you touching me just yet.”

Excitement surged, and I held out my hands. I’d tried restraints in the past and couldn’t really say that I’d tripped on the experience, but the dress was flimsy and I could tear free if I needed to. He tied my hands together, then sat back and spent a minute simply looking at me. The hunger in his eyes made me grin

“See something you like?” I teased, shifting my hips provocatively

“I see lots of things I intend to taste. But for now, turn over.”

I did as ordered, then watched him walk over to the spa. The man looked great from all angles, but he certainly had a fantastic butt. He leaned over the tub, giving me not only a view of great butt, but well-hung balls and lovely muscular thighs as he grabbed one of the essentials oils. “Cinnamon should do, I think.”

He’d picked my favorite scent. I smiled, watching him walk back, amazed to see that he was more than ready to go again. A vamp’s stamina was indeed every bit as good as a werewolf’s. He knelt at the end of the bed, poured a large dollop of oil into his hands, and rubbed them together

“Close your eyes,” he ordered

I did as he bid, and sighed in pleasure when his thumbs pressed into the arch of my foot. As he deftly began working the oil into my skin, the rich scent of warmed cinnamon curled through the air, arousing my senses almost as much as the gentle, erotic caress of his fingers. Gradually, he worked his way up my leg, his fingers weaving a spell that left me both aroused and relaxed

When he finished one leg, he started the other. I was all but thrumming with pleasure, totally enjoying every nuance of this sensual pampering

“What happened here?” he said, his finger lightly tracing the bullet burn

“One of the cops tried to rearrange my rump.”

“Obviously he doesn’t know perfection when he sees it.”

“I think he was more worried about the fact his partner had just been knocked out by a scrap of woman.”

He was straddling me now, his fingers working their way up my back. If I’d been a cat, I would have been purring

“I don’t think anyone would call you a scrap of woman.”

As if to emphasize his point, his fingers brushed the sides of my breasts, sending tingles of electricity through every nerve ending

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