“Well, I’m certainly not an amazon.”

His smile was a warmth I felt rather than saw. “On the outside, no. But inside, there’s a warrior desperate to get out.”

“No warrior, just a woman ready and willing to defend herself and her pack.”

Quinn’s fingers worked their magic on my neck and shoulders, and by the time he’d finished, I was all but boneless. And as horny as hell. When he climbed off, I sighed in disappointment. I’d more than half hoped he would have finished what he’d started and take me from behind

“Roll over,” he commanded again

I did. He drew my arms over my head and tied the free end of the dress to the headboard. Then he moved down to my feet and began the whole massage process again, this time holding my gaze every inch of the way and taking extra care, and extra time, once he’d got to my breasts. It was an erotic and sensual experience, and by the time he’d finished, every inch of me was quivering with the need to have him deep inside

But the carnal glint in his eyes, and his sexy, knowing smile, suggested he had no intentions of hurrying

“Now it’s challenge time.” His low, rich tones vibrated across my skin, as intimate as any kiss. “I intend to make you scream for me, Riley.”

“Not a hope in hell.” Yet even as I said it, I had a vague suspicion that if any man could, it would be this vampire

He reached across me, placing the capped oil on the bedside table, then leaned down and brushed a kiss across my mouth. “Then let the games begin,” he said, his breath as hot as the glint in his dark eyes

I grinned. “Go for it.”

And he did. Using mouth and tongue alone, he left no part of my upper body untouched or unexplored. He discovered erogenous zones I had no idea existed, and exploited them to the full, bringing me to the crest of orgasm time and again, only to back away each time, until sweat sheened my body and every inch of me vibrated with the need for release

Then he moved down

When his tongue flicked over my clitoris, I jumped in sweet bliss, a whimper escaping my lips. He chuckled softly, his breath fiery against my moist skin. Then he suckled on me, and that was the end of any form of restraint on my part. I leapt over that edge with abandon, twisting and moaning and shaking as he continued to stroke and suckle me

The trembling had barely subsided when he said softly, “Are you ready to scream for me, Riley?”

His breath caressed my thighs, a kiss of air that had me quivering. I closed my eyes, enjoying the sensation, wanting him inside and yet wanting to prolong this lovemaking session as long as I could

“I told you, I don’t scream for anyone.”

It came out breathy, and he chuckled softly. “Then I shall continue as I am.”

He did. And every bit as thoroughly as the first time, only this time he used his hands rather than his tongue and mouth. He brought me to the edge so very quickly, but this time offered no release, backing away, claiming my mouth, kissing me fiercely and thoroughly, until the threatening tremors had subsided. Then he started all over again

I’d wanted foreplay, and now I was getting it—in spades. Only I wasn’t sure if I was going to survive it much longer

“Please,” I panted. “Oh, God, please… I need you… inside.”

He knelt over the top of me, his body as hot and as sweaty as mine, his grin wicked. “You know the price.”

“Yes, yes, anything. Just do it.”

He reached above me, undoing my hands, then shifted slightly so that the long hard length of his erection nuzzled me, seeking but not entering. “Shall we take it long and slow?”

I made a strangled sound and he chuckled. “Didn’t think so.”

With one swift, hard stroke, he was inside, and it was such a sweet, glorious relief I almost wept. Then he began to move, thrusting deep and strong, and there was no calm, no control, in any of his actions now. It was madness and passion and heat and intensity, and though I could barely even breathe let alone think, I knew this is what I had been seeking, what had been missing in my life. Because it was more than just sex, more than just a connection of bodies and desire. It was almost as if in this one, glorious moment in time, we’d become one, physically and spiritually

Then his teeth entered my neck, and everything exploded into ecstasy. Together, we fell screaming over that edge, plunging into a sea of bliss more powerful than anything I’d ever experienced

When I remembered how to breathe again, I took his face between my palms and kissed him long and slow. “That was amazing.”

He rolled to one side and gathered me in his arms. “And I made you scream.”

His warm, sexy tones held a hint of contented male arrogance and I smiled. “Only because I needed you inside.”

He chuckled softly and brushed a sweaty strand of hair from my forehead. “Sounds to me like I have to prove it was no fluke.”

And I thought Talon had stamina. I smiled and dropped a kiss on his chin. “Sounds like.”

Over the course of the day, he did indeed prove it was no fluke

But late in the afternoon, as we lay hot and sweaty and entangled in each other’s arms, I knew I was in deep, deep trouble. Because the intensity that burned between us suggested this vampire could be more than just a sex partner

It didn’t matter that I barely knew him. Didn’t matter that he didn’t want me in any way other than physically. I had no more control over my emotions than I did the moon urges

I wanted him. Wanted to explore the full boundaries of what we had

Only that was the last damn thing he wanted

But as I’d warned him not so long ago, I was a wolf ready to fight for what she believed in

And I was more than willing to fight for the possibilities that lay unexplored between me and this vampire

Well, well,” Rhoan said, his gaze jumping from me to Quinn and back again as we walked up the path toward him. “Looks to me like a good time has been had by all.”

I grinned. “We didn’t have a pack of cards handy, and had to do something to while away the time.”

His gaze centered on the bite scar on my neck. Quinn had been careful to keep using the same entry point, so that I didn’t have bite marks littering my neck. But we’d made love more than a few times, and the wounds were taking a little longer than normal to heal

“Hope you didn’t exhaust her too much. We have a lot planned for tonight.”

What he was really saying was that he hoped Quinn hadn’t taken too much blood, and we all knew it

Quinn placed a hand on Rhoan’s shoulder and squeezed lightly. “I took no more than necessary.” He looked at me, a smile touching his lips. “And if you’re worried about anyone getting exhausted, try worrying about me.”

“I didn’t hear any complaints at the time,” I said dryly

His smile grew, making my hormones do their mad dance. “Nor are you ever likely to. You can exhaust me anytime you like.” His gaze switched to Rhoan. “Where’s Liander? I need to return his modulators.”

“Inside cooking dinner. Apparently he likes my attempts about as much as my sister does.”

Quinn’s gaze took in mine for a moment, then he headed inside. I followed, enjoying the view before heading upstairs to get some decent clothes on. Then I went back outside and plopped down on the bench beside my brother. “So, how did last night go?”

“A cinch, once the power was knocked out. The guards were out in force, but there weren’t any vampires amongst them, and both Jack and I were careful to neutralize our scent beforehand.”

“Did you find anything?”

He snorted softly. “Sperm and eggs, and lots of them.”

“Did you find and destroy your lot?”

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