It made sense. Given the amount of vamp murders that had happened over the past few weeks, no one would have raised an eyebrow. And while the Directorate would have investigated, if it had looked like a singular event rather than gang-related, it probably would have been given lower priority

“They’re getting out of the van,” he said softly

Tension wound through my limbs, and my stomach began doing tight circles. “Clones?”

“Mix of clones and werewolves.”

I took a deep breath, then raised on my toes and gave him a kiss. “Good luck.”

His lips lingered on mine, his breath warm against my skin. “You too.”

The doorbell rang. I took another breath, then broke away from his grasp and shook nerveless fingers. “Yes?”

“Special delivery,” a gruff voice answered. “Needs to be signed for.”

I glanced at Quinn a final time, saw his tension in the set of his shoulders, then walked to the door. My fingers shook as I clasped the handle and undid the deadlock, but I never got the chance to open the door. Instead, it was thrust open by those on the other side, striking me in the nose and flinging me backward

I hit the ground with a grunt, but rolled immediately to my feet. There was blood gushing from my nose and people flowing through the doorway. They smelled of rubbish left too long in the sun. Whatever method Talon was using to create the things was also killing them

Then there was no more time to think as two of them rushed at me. I ducked the blow of the first creature, but missed the second. His fist smashed into my chin and the force of it had me sprawling backward. I hit the floor a second time, my breath leaving in a whoosh of air. For a moment, stars danced, the world went dark, and the bitter taste of blood filled my throat

Someone who smelled of sex and death fell on top of me. Though gasping for breath and fighting the blackness threatening to invade my mind, I still heard the creature snarl. He smelled and looked like a wolf, but his teeth were extending, saliva dripping from the ends in expectation of a feed

The bastard wasn’t going to feed off me, not if I could help it

With as much force as I could muster, I slammed the heel of my hand into his face. Bone and cartilage shattered under the blow, and he screamed. I thrust him off, scrambled to my feet, and swiped a hand at the blood running from my nose

Air rushed from the left. I pivoted on one foot, kicking hard. The blow landed in the gut of the clone rushing at me, but didn’t seem to have the slightest effect. He grabbed my foot, twisting it hard, making me yelp. His smile was greasy and overconfident and I saw why a second later when he raised the gun. I jerked my foot from his grasp, heard the slight “pop,” felt a brief sting of pain in my arm. Looked down, and saw the dart

Being drugged was better than being battered unconscious

Even so, I went down fighting

Talon would expect nothing less

Chapter 15

Awareness snuck in slowly, and with it came a sense of déjà vu. Voices surrounded me, some that were tinny and some guttural. Lights as bright as the sun burned into my closed eyes. The air was a cool caress and yet my skin burned

As awareness sharpened, it formed a picture of rising pleasure and lingering pain. My arms were raised above my head, the pins and needles in my fingers suggesting they’d been that way for some time

Sweat stung the air, mingling with the heady aroma of sex and lust. The moon fever seared through my system, the sheer strength of it a warning that the time of changing was near

My back was pressed against something cold and hard, my stomach against flesh as hot as the sun. My skin was on fire and every muscle quivered

Hands were on me, bruising and familiar. Heat filled me, thrusting deep, pushing me toward the crescendo I both wanted and hated

As before, it wasn’t a dream. Talon was in me, and I was responding as strongly as I ever had

Pleasure spiraled, until it became a force that would not be denied. I came at the same time he did, but bit my lip against the strangled gasp rising up my throat. My body might be conditioned to respond to his touch and his smell, but I wasn’t a willing participant in this mating, and I’d be damned if I’d give him the satisfaction of knowing he could still make me come

He gave one last thrust, then withdrew and stepped back. The room behind him was narrow and long, the wall opposite all glass. Comfy chairs followed the curve of the glass, and behind these, several sofas. It reminded me of the private boxes often seen in sporting venues. The only thing that differed was the long control panel and desk to my left

My gaze finally met Talon’s. Amusement shone in his golden eyes and his expression was all arrogance. My fingers clenched, but with my hands chained above my head there was little leeway to swing a punch

“I guess this means you’ve decided it’s still okay to fuck a half-breed, huh?” I said dryly

He sauntered over to the sofa and sat on the back of it, one leg swinging idly. “Fuck, yes. Have a child with, no. I am the pinnacle of the werewolf race. I can breed with nothing less than similar perfection.”

I raised an eyebrow at that. He was perfection, but only in body. The heart and soul left a lot to be desired. “Then you’re going to die childless.”

A smile played about his lips. “Perhaps.”

I didn’t trust that smile or the glint in his eyes. They bode me no good. I shifted slightly, testing the chains around my legs. They were as tight as those on my hands, but the brush of leather against my thigh said I still had my boots on. Though the knives were a fat lot of good if I couldn’t get to them. Still, there was one good thing. The chains weren’t silver

“So why bring me here at all?”

“Because you are a dhampire, and one with few problems, which is extremely rare. Examining your genes will greatly enhance my research.”

“I thought you were breeding clones?”

“I am. But I’m also exploring the DNA of different races in the hope it’ll explain why my clones are dying.”

“Here’s a news flash. You want to create dhampires, all you have to do is wait by the grave of an undead. Grab him when he rises and milk away. His seed is viable for up to twenty-four hours.”

“The newly risen are extremely violent, and I have not the resources to waste just yet.”

“Yet you can keep throwing them at Quinn.” And me

He shrugged. “He was getting dangerous.”

“Because he was getting close?”


“And where is he now?”

His eyes glinted at me. “Do you care?”

I rolled my eyes. “He’s a vampire, for God’s sake.”

Talon snorted. “At least you have some taste left. He’s downstairs, in a cell. He’ll prove a good test for my latest batch.”

“He’s not a guardian.” It was a guess, but a fairly certain one

His smile flashed. “No. He is something better—an extremely old vampire.”

Part of me ached to ask about Kelly, but I didn’t. Mostly because I needed to be strong at that moment, and if I knew for sure she was dead, strong was the one thing I wouldn’t be. “And is that what you plan for me as well?”

“Oh no, little wolf. You will spend your days in my labs here in Genoveve and your nights in my bed.”

His voice was a low and familiar caress I felt deep inside. Given the fast-approaching full moon, desire was almost automatic, but it was accompanied by a churning in my gut. I really didn’t want him to touch me, but if push came to shove, there might be little choice

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