“Tell me, did you send those sickos in the van after me?”

Anger flickered in his eyes. “No.”

“Then who did?”

“Someone who is of no consequence to you now.”

Meaning he expected me to stay here like some good little puppy? The man was an idiot. An insane idiot. “Then why were they bringing me here first?”

“Because those guards were mine, and obey my orders first.”

I raised an eyebrow. Dissension in the ranks had to be good for us. “And your orders were?”

“To bring you here so I could claim what I wanted first.” He paused. “It was before I realized you had tainted blood, remember.”

Tainted blood? That was almost as bad as Quinn asking me if I needed “relief.”

“So was the man giving orders Misha?”

Talon snorted. “Misha is a fool who plays a dangerous game.”

“Then who is in charge?”

His golden eyes twinkled with amusement. “Someone you know, little wolf. Someone you’ve had dealings with for some time now.”

Well, gee, that narrowed down the field. It could be a past lover, or a friend, or the guy I bought coffee off most lunchtimes. “I don’t suppose you can be a little more specific?”

“I don’t suppose I can.”

My fists clenched, but it was pretty much a useless gesture of irritation. “Do you really think the Directorate is going to let you grab one of their people and not do anything about it?”

“You’re a secretary, not a guardian. I hardly think they’ll miss you.”

“Rhoan will.”

His smile reminded me of a shark. A conceited one at that. “Neither Rhoan nor the Directorate knows anything about Genoveve or this facility. They concentrate their efforts on Moneisha and I’m quite happy for them to continue to do so.”

His arrogance would be his downfall—and I hoped like hell I would be there at the end to witness it

He rose and sauntered over to the window, staring out. I closed my eyes, imagining that dark plain and the door I’d created

Talon’s voice made me start

“My father started this research a long time ago, and I have every intention of finishing it.”

“So your father was as mad as you?” My comment was absent, my concentration on opening that door. Sweat trickled down my forehead

“My father was a genius. He saw the potential in the werewolf race, a potential that was not being realized simply because breeding was not being selective enough.”

The dark plain rolled before me, the red wall shimmering brightly. I grasped the door handle and thrust my weight against the door. It still felt like I was trying to move a mountain, and I wondered if it would get better with time—and usage—or whether this sort of mental stiffness was natural

Talon droned on. “He spent his life studying the DNA sequences of the genes within an adult werewolf, how the proteins are made, and how they are used to construct the adult body. I am the result of his research.”

My eyes flew open. “You’re a clone?”

He glanced over his shoulder. “I prefer to call myself a natural creation of the lab. I am everything my father and the werewolf race is not.”

I stared at him, dumbfounded. And yet it explained his size. And the overwhelming power of his aura. It wasn’t natural. “But… why then do all your clones reek of death if your father perfected the research?”

“Because much of the research was lost in a fire that took my father’s life. And because I use an accelerant so I have fully functioning adults to test. Vampire genes are more elusive than werewolf.”

“So why are you working on vampire clones if your father saw the potential of werewolves?”

“Because the vampire is faster than the wolf and has the gift of shadowing. Pinpoint the sequences that give birth to this difference, add them to the werewolf, and you have a creature of unstoppable power.”

“And yet you’re rejecting me because I’m not full were. That really doesn’t make sense, even for a madman.”

His smile was condescending. “My creations will be all wolf—they will just have a few extra sequences that will give them greater skills.”

“Then they are not wolf.”

He snorted. “Like I am not a wolf, just because my DNA has been enhanced? No, my creations will be weres, and they will be all-powerful.”

And he planned to be the force behind that power. God only knew what he intended to do with it. “Is Misha working with you in this? His company is certainly working to pinpoint the vampire genes.”

Mirth played about his mouth. “Misha refuses to see the benefits in cloning.”

So Misha had been telling the truth in that respect, but could I trust the truth of everything else he’d said? Somehow, I suspected not. “So he’s your partner?”

“Not in Genoveve.”

So, again, Misha had been telling the truth. Question was, why, when he was obviously involved not only with Talon in other ventures, but also with the man who controlled them both?

A light flashed on the panel to my left. Talon sauntered over and picked up the phone. The voice on the other end of the phone was guttural and edged with some sort of accent, making it difficult to pick up any words from where I stood

Talon hung up, then walked over to me and grabbed my face with one hand, his fingers digging into my cheeks. This close his aura was smothering, all heat and longing and need. “Business to attend to,” he said, then kissed me hard

God help me, the fever rose, and it was all I could do not to arch into his body. But when he stepped back, I spat in his face. He laughed and wiped the spittle away with an arm. “We shall see how feisty you are once that fever has had time to burn.”

He walked out. I closed my eyes and conjured the psi door again, pushing with all my might. This time it opened, and I didn’t fall on my face

Are you all right?

Quinn’s mind voice was flat and soft, yet his anger and concern seemed to resound through every fiber, providing both warmth and strength

Yes. You?

Nothing worse than bruised ribs. I’m currently locked in a cell, but I have all the hidden weapons.

As have I. I’m chained in what looks like a control room over what I’m presuming is an arena.

Is Talon with you?

Just left.

And the fever?

Burns. Right then the force of fear made me able to ignore it, but I had a suspicion Talon only needed to walk into the room and that would be the end of any pretense of control

Can you escape?

I tugged experimentally on the chains. Concrete dust sprinkled downward, making me sneeze. Probably take me a while, but yes

Then start trying. This cell has laser bars, and I can’t get out until they’re down.

So you’re not holding out hope that Rhoan and Jack are going to come rushing to the rescue any minute now?

It’s five in the afternoon. If they’re rushing, they’ve got a strange way of showing it.

Вы читаете Full Moon Rising
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