approach it from the railway side and leave it to descend the river. But I would not advise any foreigner to tackle it at all, unless he be as well prepared as we were to appreciate its remarkable merits in certain directions.

A night's journey landed us in Moscow. But even the glories of Moscow cannot make us forget the city of Yaroslaff the Great and Nizhni Novgorod.


[1] Since the above was written, this able officer and very efficient prefect has died.

[2] From Scribner's Magazine, by permission.

[3] From The Nation

[4] Reprinted, in part, from Lippincott's Magazine.

[5] Mistress.

[6] About one cent.

[7] Sudarynya is the genuine Russian word for 'madam,' but, like spasibo, 'thank you,' it is used only by the lower classes. Many merchants who know no French except madame use it as a delicate compliment to the patron's social position.

[8] The present Emperor, Nicholas II.

[9] A respectfully affectionate diminutive, equivalent to dear little father, dear little mother.

[10] From The Independent.

[11] At this time, in Moscow, the sidewalk bookstalls, such as this man would have been likely to patronize, could not furnish a full set of the Tales in the cheap form. The venders said that they were 'forbidden;' but since they openly displayed and sold such as they had, and since any number of complete sets could be obtained at the publishers' hard by, the prohibition evidently extended only to the issue of a fresh edition. Meanwhile, the Tales complete in one volume were not forbidden. This volume, one of the set of the author's works published by his wife, cost fifty kopeks (about twenty- five cents), not materially more than the other sort. As there was a profit to the family on this edition, and none on the cheap edition, the withdrawal of the latter may have been merely a private business arrangement, to be expected under the circumstances, and the cry of 'prohibition' may have been employed as a satisfactory and unanswerable tradesman's excuse for not being supplied with the goods desired.

[12] Madam.

[13] For Christ's sake.

[14] Image screens.

[15] Little father.

[16] Ancient Moscow, lying in a walled semicircle just outside the walls of the Kremlin. All the trading was done on the ' Red Square,' where the Gostinny Dvor now stands, and all Oriental merchants were known by the common designation of 'Chinese.' At the present day 'Chinese' has been replaced by 'German,' to designate foreigners in general.

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